First, we generate the multiple spatial transcriptomics data with lattice neighborhood, i.e. ST platform by using the function gendata_seulist
## check the number of genes/features after filtering step
## Add adjacency matrix list for a PRECASTObj object to prepare for PRECAST model fitting.
PRECASTObj <- AddAdjList(PRECASTObj, platform = "ST")
## Add a model setting in advance for a PRECASTObj object. verbose =TRUE helps outputing the information in the algorithm.
PRECASTObj <- AddParSetting(PRECASTObj, Sigma_equal=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, seed=2022)
For function PRECAST
, users can specify the number of clusters \(K\) or set K
to be an integer vector by using modified BIC(MBIC) to determine \(K\). First, we try using user-specified number of clusters. For convenience, we give a single K here.
Select a best model and use ARI to check the performance of clustering
## backup the fitting results in resList
resList <- PRECASTObj@resList
# PRECASTObj@resList <- resList
PRECASTObj <- selectModel(PRECASTObj)
true_cluster <- lapply(seuList, function(x) x$true_cluster)
mclust::adjustedRandIndex(unlist(PRECASTObj@resList$cluster), unlist(true_cluster))
Integrate the two samples by the function IntegrateSpaData
seuInt <- IntegrateSpaData(PRECASTObj, species='unknown')
## The low-dimensional embeddings obtained by PRECAST are saved in PRECAST reduction slot.
Show the spatial scatter plot for clusters
p12 <- SpaPlot(seuInt, batch=NULL,point_size=2, combine=TRUE)
# users can plot each sample by setting combine=FALSE
Show the spatial UMAP/tNSE RGB plot
seuInt <- AddUMAP(seuInt)
SpaPlot(seuInt, batch=NULL,item='RGB_UMAP',point_size=2, combine=TRUE, text_size=15)
#seuInt <- AddTSNE(seuInt)
#SpaPlot(seuInt, batch=NULL,item='RGB_TSNE',point_size=2, combine=T, text_size=15)
Show the tSNE plot based on the extracted features from PRECAST to check the performance of integration.
seuInt <- AddTSNE(seuInt, n_comp = 2)
cols_cluster <- c("#E04D50", "#4374A5", "#F08A21","#2AB673", "#FCDDDE", "#70B5B0", "#DFE0EE" ,"#D0B14C")
p1 <- dimPlot(seuInt, font_family='serif', cols=cols_cluster) # Times New Roman
p2 <- dimPlot(seuInt, item='batch', point_size = 1, font_family='serif')
p1 + p2
# It is noted that only sample batch 1 has cluster 4, and only sample batch 2 has cluster 7.
Show the UMAP plot based on the extracted features from PRECAST.
Users can also use the visualization functions in Seurat package:
DimPlot(seuInt, reduction = 'position')
DimPlot(seuInt, reduction = 'tSNE')
DimPlot(seuInt, reduction = 'PRECAST')
Combined differential expression analysis
dat_deg <- FindAllMarkers(seuInt)
n <- 10
dat_deg %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
top_n(n = n, wt = avg_log2FC) -> top10
seuInt <- ScaleData(seuInt)
seus <- subset(seuInt, downsample = 400)
color_id <- as.numeric(levels(Idents(seus)))
## HeatMap
p1 <- doHeatmap(seus, features = top10$gene, cell_label= "Domain",
grp_label = F, grp_color = cols_cluster,
pt_size=6,slot = '') +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size=16),
legend.title = element_text(size=18, face='bold'),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=7, face= "italic", family='serif'))