
The TrajDataMining contains a set of methods for trajectory data preparation, such as filtering, compressing and clustering, and for trajectory pattern discovery. The meth- ods for data preparation are important to prepare trajectory data sets before the data mining phase. TrajDataMining contains the following methods:

Example data gives


Plot of A1 data example

A1 track its a trajectory of sea elephant

  df <- data.frame(x=A1@sp@coords[,1],y=A1@sp@coords[,2])

  ggplot(df,aes(x=df$x,y=df$y))+geom_path(aes(group = 1), arrow = arrow(),color='blue')+ggtitle("elephant sea Trajectory")+xlab("X")+ ylab("Y")+theme_classic()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Douglas Peucker Method

Method that reduces a trajectory spatially

# get the maximum distance
 max <- max(A1@connections$distance)

 douglasp <- douglasPeucker(A1,max)

 df <- data.frame(x=douglasp@sp@coords[,1],y=douglasp@sp@coords[,2])
 ggplot(df,aes(x=df$x,y=df$y))+geom_path(aes(group = 1), arrow = arrow(),color='blue')+ggtitle("Method Douglas Peucker")+xlab("X")+ ylab("Y")+theme_classic()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Speed Filter

Method removes regions where speed was higher than the defined parameter

# get the maximum distance
  sf <- speedFilter(A1,0.01)
## [1] "2008-01-23 21:32:44"
## [1] "2008-01-24 01:31:26"
## [1] "2008-01-24 03:12:00"
## [1] "2008-01-24 11:24:42"
## [1] "2008-07-21 04:30:30"
## [1] "2008-07-21 11:22:30"
## [1] "2008-07-22 01:09:49"
## [1] "2008-07-25 13:19:46"
## [1] "2008-07-28 11:40:23"
## [1] "2008-07-29 01:23:43"
## [1] "2008-07-31 09:15:41"
## [1] "2008-11-19 12:38:34"
  df <- data.frame(x=sf@sp@coords[,1],y=sf@sp@coords[,2])

 ggplot(df,aes(x=df$x,y=df$y))+geom_path(aes(group = 1), arrow = arrow(),color='blue')+ggtitle("Method Speed Filter")+xlab("X")+ ylab("Y")+theme_classic()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4


Method to identify if two trajectories are partners

For to send this data for the database use the class DataSourceInfo.

  data <- FALSE

##             begintime             endtime id1 id2
## 1 2008-02-04 21:26:54 2008-11-11 06:58:44   1   2