base64enc: Tools for base64 encoding

This package provides tools for handling base64 encoding. It is more flexible than the orphaned base64 package.

Version: 0.1-3
Depends: R (≥ 2.9.0)
Enhances: png
Published: 2015-07-28
Author: Simon Urbanek
Maintainer: Simon Urbanek <Simon.Urbanek at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: NEWS
CRAN checks: base64enc results


Reference manual: base64enc.pdf


Package source: base64enc_0.1-3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): base64enc_0.1-3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): base64enc_0.1-3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): base64enc_0.1-3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): base64enc_0.1-3.tgz
Old sources: base64enc archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: cyjShiny, PKI, SARP.moodle
Reverse imports: algorithmia, avidaR, aws.kms, aws.lambda, aws.s3, aws.signature, beakr, blastula, ChemmineR, cognitoR, cubeview, CytoML, daiR, dataone, deckgl, DeMixT, dipsaus, distill, downloadthis, DSMolgenisArmadillo, dtrackr, emayili, emuR, FastRWeb, firebase, flextable, ghclass, gifti, gitlabr, gm, gmailr, googleLanguageR, grImport2, gt, Hmisc, htmltools, icesConnect, ideal, IDSL.IPA, IDSL.MXP, IDSL.UFA, IDSL.UFAx, imgrec, jmvcore, jsTreeR, kntnr, leafem, leaflegend, leaflet, leafpop, loon.shiny, MALDIquantForeign, manifestoR, manipulateWidget, mapscape, mapview, mathpix, mlflow, neo2R, neurohcp, openeo, paws.common, pcaExplorer, plotly, pointblank, qrencoder, R.devices,, rAmCharts4, RaMS, rapbase, rb3, RCy3, RCyjs, readMzXmlData, repr, rgl, rgl2gltf, RMixpanel, Rnmr1D, RSiteCatalyst, rsyntax, RTTWebClient, safer, salesforcer, sendgridr, sendmailR, shinyscreenshot, sketch, slickR, sparklyr, stickr, summarytools, swirlify, tangram, terrainr, texPreview, tfruns, threejs, TKCat, trelliscopejs, tutorial, UNF, vcr, webchem, webdriver, webmockr, wordcloud2, xmlrpc2
Reverse suggests: base64url, BED, crunch, dagitty, exams, future.tests, gganimate, googlePubsubR, gtExtras, matrixStats, officer, pagoda2, plumber, progressr, R.rsp, rAmCharts, RCX, ReDaMoR, saotd


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