convergEU 0.5.1 (Release date: 2020-12-18)
* Just a resubmission after a dependency was back on CRAN.
convergEU 0.5.0 (Release date: 2020-08-01)
Minor issues have been fixed.
- An Eurofound Report is now cited where details about convergence are described.
- A link is now provided to a working paper available (file DESCRIPTION, tag URL).
- Plot of delta convergence in the indicator fiche now properly recognizes the type of indicator “highBest”" or “lowbest”.
- The Beta convergence is now calculated also when negative values of the indicator are present outside the pair of years selected for calculating this measure.
convergEU 0.4.8 (Release date: 2020-06-04)
The aim of this patch is to fix minor issues.
- Improvement of vignettes.
- Examples taking more than 5 sec were eliminated.
- non-ASCII characters removed.
- Packages specification corrected.
- The dependence on packages has been reduced by moving those required by vignettes under the heading “Suggests:”.
convergEU 0.4.6 (Release date: 2020-05-08)
- tibbles are now also passed to fiche compilers as objects.
convergEU 0.4.4 (Release date: 2020-05-08)
The aim of this patch is to improve fiches
- EUF.css was changed to improve print output, e.g. to PDF.
- Font size within fiches is now smaller to accomodate larger numbers within tables.
- Some tests were added.
convergEU 0.4.2 (Release date: 2020-04-15)
- Updated several functions to make the package compatible with tibble 3.0.0.