Load the libraries we need


Create the cyjShiny instance, with all default parameters (portRange, quiet, title). Javascript and HTML is loaded into your browser, cytoscape.js is initialized, a websocket connection between your R process and that web page is constructed, over which subsequent commands and data will travel.

> networks <- c("",
+               "tiny" = "simple/smallDemo.cyjs",
+               "galFiltered" = "galFiltered/galFiltered.cyjs")
> ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
+   tags$style("#cyjShiny{height:95vh !important;}"),
+   sidebarLayout(
+       sidebarPanel(
+           selectInput("loadNetworkFile", "Select Network: ", choices=networks)
+           ),
+      mainPanel(cyjShinyOutput('cyjShiny'), width=10),
+      fluid=FALSE
+   ) # sidebarLayout
+ ))
> server = function(input, output, session){
+     observeEvent(input$loadNetworkFile,  ignoreInit=TRUE, {
+        print(" select network file")
+        })
+   }
> app <- shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
> app