The Dataset

GDP data at current prices is from IBGE’s “Produto Interno Bruto dos Municípios” (aka PIB-Munic). The data is available between 2002 and 2018.

The definition of the Brazilian Legal Amazon at the municipality level is taken from IBGE’s “Mapas Regionais - Amazônia Legal” available here: https://www.ibge.gov.br/geociencias/cartas-e-mapas/mapas-regionais/15819-amazonia-legal.html?=&t=o-que-e.


Using the function is easy enough:


# Download raw data (raw_data = TRUE) on gross domestic product 
# (dataset = 'pibmunic') from the entire country (legal_amazon_only = FALSE) 
# by state (geo_level = 'state') from 2012 (time_period = 2012)
data <- load_pibmunic(dataset = 'pibmunic',
                      raw_data = TRUE,
                      geo_level = 'state',
                      time_period = 2012,
                      legal_amazon_only = FALSE)

# Download treated data (raw_data = FALSE) on gross domestic product 
# (dataset = 'pibmunic') from the Legal Amazon (legal_amazon_only = TRUE) 
# by municipality (geo_level = 'municipality') from 2012 (time_period = 2012).
data <- load_pibmunic(dataset = 'pibmunic',
                      raw_data = FALSE,
                      geo_level = 'municipality',
                      time_period = 2012,
                      legal_amazon_only = TRUE)