dtrackr - pre-release github version
- Initial package features complete
- Dplyr like for like functionality supporting - add_count, add_tally,
anti_join, arrange, bind_rows, comment, distinct, exclude_all, filter,
full_join, group_by, group_modify, inner_join, left_join, mutate,
pivot_longer, pivot_wider, relocate, rename, rename_with, right_join,
select, semi_join, summarise, transmute, ungroup
- add a comment into the history (stratified by grouping),
- add a status into the history (stratified by grouping),
- apply exclusion and inclusion filters including stratified
- merge histories of joining data frames
- export history as dot graphviz graph
- render history graph to SVG, PNG, PDF, DOT or PS formats
dtrackr 0.2.0
- track excluded items with debugging info
- allow across syntax in most situations (except group_by)
- support pausing and unpausing of the dataframe tracking
- preventing massive group_by groups if large numbers of very small
groups are selected (e.g. part of a group_by() %>% mutate())
- switch warnings to rlang::warn etc.
dtrackr 0.2.1
- minor bug fixes for grouping
- support for tagging pipeline with a piece of data for later
retrieval to support e.g. for counts within abstract
- support for tidyselect syntax in group by
dtrackr 0.2.2
- new feature of subgroup counts for determining size of subgroups in
grouped (or ungrouped) flowchart.
- fix for multiple names join columns bug.
- bug fixes and extended github workflows.
dtrackr 0.2.3
- documentation updates & JOSS paper
- fix for fix for multiple names join columns bug.
- ungroup() change to fit with dplyr::ungroup API.
- fixed url redirects, DESCRIPTION file issues and switched to LICENSE
file template, for CRAN submission.
dtrackr 0.2.4
- second round fixes for CRAN. Improved examples in
- Print and plot S3 methods for history graph.
- Vignette fixes.
- Non breaking changes to API so bumping to new minor version for CRAN
- (Version to stay unstable until CRAN submission complete)