epikit 0.1.2
- require version of {dplyr} to be >= 1.0.2
- require version of {tibble} to be >= 3.0.0
- update documentation
- fix issues stemming from {tibble} > 3.0.0
epikit 0.1.1
- Internal update for compatibility for tibble 1.0.0 (@krlmlr, #19)
- Update tests for compatibility with dplyr 1.0.0 (@zkamvar, #20)
epikit 0.1.0
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Update
to ignore missing values when tabulating the denominator (See https://github.com/R4EPI/epikit/issues/7 for details, Thanks to @thibautjombart for pointing this out).