sigma2 = 1
phi = 0.2
beta.true = c(1,1)
n = 400
n.pred = 100
coords.all<- matrix(runif((n+n.pred)*2),ncol=2,nrow=n+n.pred) # simulate data locations
X.all <- matrix(runif((n+n.pred)*2),ncol=2,nrow=(n+n.pred))
dist.all <- fields::rdist(coords.all,coords.all) # compute distance matrix
matern <- function(phi,mat.dist){
K = (1+sqrt(5)/phi*mat.dist+ 5/(3*phi^2)*mat.dist^2)*exp(-sqrt(5)/phi*mat.dist)
} # matern 2.5
V.all <- sigma2*matern(phi,dist.all) # compute covariance matrix
r.e.all <- mgcv::rmvn(1,rep(0,nrow(coords.all)),V.all) # simulate random effects
pi.all <- X.all%*%beta.true + r.e.all # linear model
p.all <- exp(pi.all)/(1+exp(pi.all)) # compute the probability of z = 1 for binary process
Y.all <- sapply(p.all, function(x) sample(0:1, 1, prob = c(1-x, x))) # simulate binary observations
} else{
stop("Package \"mgcv\" needed to generate a simulated data set")
#> Loading required namespace: mgcv
Y <- as.matrix(Y.all[1:n],nrow = n)
X <- X.all[1:n,]
coords <- coords.all[1:n,]
data <- data.frame(cbind(Y,X))
colnames(data) = c("Y","X1","X2")
mod.glm <- glm(Y~-1+X1+X2,family="binomial",data=data)
mod.glm.esp <- predict(mod.glm,data, type="response")
mod.glm.s2 <- var(Y - mod.glm.esp)
mod.glm.phi <- 0.1*max(dist(coords))
startinit <- c(mod.glm$coef,log(mod.glm.s2),log(mod.glm.phi))
names(startinit) <- c("X1","X2","logsigma2","logphi")
result.bin <- fsglmm(Y~-1+X1+X2, kappa=2.5, inits = startinit, data = data,coords = coords, family = "binomial", ntrial = 1, offset = NA,method.optim = "CG", method.integrate = "NR", control = list(maxit=1000,ndeps=rep(1e-2,4),reltol=0.01),rank = 50)
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> bbmle::mle2(minuslogl = nlikSGLMM, start = inits, method = method.optim,
#> data = list(Y = Y, X = X, mat.dist = mat.dist, ntrial = ntrial,
#> family = family, method = method.integrate, kappa = kappa,
#> offset = offset, U1 = U1, rank = rank), vecpar = TRUE,
#> skip.hessian = TRUE, control = control)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(z)
#> X1 1.89994 0.44509 NA NA
#> X2 0.48805 0.41668 NA NA
#> logsigma2 -0.29190 0.53395 NA NA
#> logphi -1.63619 0.37567 NA NA
#> -2 log L: 401.2075
X.pred <- X.all[(n+1):(n+n.pred),]
coords.pred <- coords.all[(n+1):(n+n.pred),]
#> [1] 0.7173744 0.9011669 0.8174600 0.7143686 0.6964783 0.9054776 0.7366131
#> [8] 0.7031458 0.9269817 0.9051901 0.8931835 0.4344861 0.8930961 0.7268835
#> [15] 0.6794283 0.4742220 0.8197480 0.8347397 0.9134523 0.3202977 0.8738509
#> [22] 0.6427999 0.7457062 0.5924379 0.9058852 0.8466672 0.6078437 0.7995875
#> [29] 0.5693686 0.6750436 0.9437651 0.7544525 0.7625658 0.9218002 0.6513120
#> [36] 0.8064205 0.9295038 0.9182620 0.6105966 0.8203830 0.5307209 0.8577690
#> [43] 0.7125925 0.7156856 0.8385185 0.9215306 0.9043965 0.6113454 0.6571189
#> [50] 0.5723820 0.8917714 0.7052825 0.6184694 0.7408175 0.8327119 0.7398930
#> [57] 0.9234421 0.6905265 0.7738696 0.9242138 0.9136343 0.8689911 0.7954075
#> [64] 0.4641804 0.8459859 0.4840722 0.8223483 0.5877907 0.8536701 0.8729155
#> [71] 0.8922757 0.7047227 0.7456766 0.9367009 0.8174338 0.6571998 0.9012756
#> [78] 0.7099313 0.8327465 0.6874149 0.9082839 0.9439709 0.5455138 0.9463924
#> [85] 0.9189615 0.5550945 0.8069886 0.9413874 0.5549568 0.7051886 0.9503762
#> [92] 0.9232483 0.8562200 0.6091460 0.7334006 0.9171320 0.6331991 0.5884551
#> [99] 0.8798014 0.8443174
sigma2 = 1
phi = 0.2
prec = 2
beta.true = c(1,1)
n = 400
n.pred = 100
coords.all<- matrix(runif((n+n.pred)*2),ncol=2,nrow=n+n.pred) # simulate data locations
X.all <- matrix(runif((n+n.pred)*2),ncol=2,nrow=(n+n.pred))
dist.all <- fields::rdist(coords.all,coords.all) # compute distance matrix
matern <- function(phi,mat.dist){
K = (1+sqrt(5)/phi*mat.dist+ 5/(3*phi^2)*mat.dist^2)*exp(-sqrt(5)/phi*mat.dist)
} # matern 2.5
V.all <- sigma2*matern(phi,dist.all) # compute covariance matrix
r.e.all <- mgcv::rmvn(1,rep(0,nrow(coords.all)),V.all) # simulate random effects
mu.all <- exp(X.all%*%beta.true+r.e.all)
Y.all <- rnbinom(length(mu.all), mu=mu.all,size=prec)
} else {
stop("Package \"mgcv\" needed to generate a simulated data set")
Y <- as.matrix(Y.all[1:n],nrow = n)
X <- X.all[1:n,]
coords <- coords.all[1:n,]
data <- data.frame(cbind(Y,X))
colnames(data) = c("Y","X1","X2")
mod.glm <- MASS::glm.nb(Y~-1+X1+X2,data=data)
mod.glm.esp <- predict(mod.glm, data)
mod.glm.s2 <- var( log(Y+1) - mod.glm.esp)
mod.glm.phi <- 0.1*max(dist(coords))
mod.glm.prec <- mod.glm$theta
startinit <- c(mod.glm$coef,log(mod.glm.s2),log(mod.glm.phi),log(mod.glm.prec))
names(startinit) <- c("X1","X2","logsigma2","logphi","logprec")
} else {
stop("Package \"MASS\" needed to set the initial parameters")
result.nb <- fsglmm(Y~-1+X1+X2, kappa=2.5, inits = startinit, data = data,coords = coords, family = "negative.binomial", offset = NA,method.optim = "CG", method.integrate = "NR", control = list(maxit=1000,ndeps=rep(1e-2,5),reltol=0.01),rank = 50)
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> bbmle::mle2(minuslogl = nlikSGLMM, start = inits, method = method.optim,
#> data = list(Y = Y, X = X, mat.dist = mat.dist, ntrial = ntrial,
#> family = family, method = method.integrate, kappa = kappa,
#> offset = offset, U1 = U1, rank = rank), vecpar = TRUE,
#> skip.hessian = TRUE, control = control)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(z)
#> X1 0.71409 0.18226 NA NA
#> X2 0.79465 0.17990 NA NA
#> logsigma2 0.16537 0.41144 NA NA
#> logphi -1.48301 0.20974 NA NA
#> logprec 0.61702 0.11935 NA NA
#> -2 log L: 1973.482
X.pred <- X.all[(n+1):(n+n.pred),]
coords.pred <- coords.all[(n+1):(n+n.pred),]
#> [1] 1.0796784 2.5511352 6.2148177 6.4954555 1.6994834 1.1658579
#> [7] 3.4941327 2.7992210 1.9913884 13.2394374 11.4312459 9.5249584
#> [13] 5.6843326 3.2474477 1.3924241 11.1788155 6.3858692 15.6510471
#> [19] 30.5209369 32.5874261 33.8961389 2.3121162 1.0648111 1.4463879
#> [25] 1.6027887 15.2776189 1.6313418 4.2806683 7.8745649 0.4147299
#> [31] 3.3787403 26.5047551 2.2723055 3.3217126 2.9620488 3.7096393
#> [37] 2.1696730 1.0133735 11.9323421 6.8693548 2.8557717 1.1899519
#> [43] 3.1238762 6.8792812 5.6720593 7.1592524 2.3571801 1.1341541
#> [49] 23.1115252 0.7456393 19.5059490 1.2288857 9.0283915 4.2649047
#> [55] 1.4327406 1.2139899 1.9578175 6.5373381 0.8973056 8.8158868
#> [61] 2.1944846 4.5888146 2.2190761 0.7039620 2.2549576 1.4654028
#> [67] 3.0896944 0.8932928 3.5688911 0.9714466 3.9925341 3.0443346
#> [73] 12.2336647 4.8261169 0.9185217 4.7886871 0.4901198 3.0649941
#> [79] 14.9865994 2.4464208 9.9471592 1.5416763 1.2350628 1.6442479
#> [85] 0.5339071 2.8120669 9.0368075 1.5598224 3.3950542 4.6703657
#> [91] 1.1676898 3.2353459 2.0608186 1.5531116 11.2147363 18.4602356
#> [97] 0.8459434 3.4027514 3.8329304 12.2404823
n = 30
A = ngspatial::adjacency.matrix(n)
Q = diag(rowSums(A),n^2) - A
x = rep(0:(n - 1) / (n - 1), times = n)
y = rep(0:(n - 1) / (n - 1), each = n)
X = cbind(x, y) # Use the vertex locations as spatial covariates.
beta = c(1, 1) # These are the regression coefficients.
P.perp = diag(1,n^2) - X%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)
eig = eigen(P.perp %*% A %*% P.perp)
eigenvalues = eig$values
q = 400
M = eig$vectors[,c(1:q)]
Q.s = t(M) %*% Q %*% M
tau = 6
Sigma = solve(tau*Q.s)
delta.s = mgcv::rmvn(1, rep(0,q), Sigma)
lambda = exp( X%*%beta + M%*%delta.s )
Z = c()
for(j in 1:n^2){Z[j] = rpois(1,lambda[j])}
Y = as.matrix(Z,ncol=1)
data = data.frame("Y"=Y,"X"=X)
colnames(data) = c("Y","X1","X2")
} else {
stop("Packages \"ngspatial\" and \"mgcv\" are needed to generate a simulated data set")
#> Loading required namespace: ngspatial
linmod <- glm(Y~-1+X1+X2,data=data,family="poisson") # Find starting values
#> X1 X2
#> 1.044368 1.041890
starting <- c(linmod$coefficients,"logtau"=log(1/var(linmod$residuals)) )
result.pois.disc <- fsglmm.discrete(Y~-1+X1+X2, inits = starting, data=data,family="poisson",ntrial=1, method.optim="BFGS", method.integrate="NR", rank=50, A=A)
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> bbmle::mle2(minuslogl = nlikSGLMM.discrete, start = inits, method = method.optim,
#> data = list(Y = Y, X = X, family = family, method = method.integrate,
#> ntrial, offset = offset, M = M, MQM = MQM, rank = rank),
#> vecpar = TRUE, skip.hessian = FALSE, control = list(maxit = 1000))
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(z)
#> X1 0.991924 0.050628 NA NA
#> X2 1.031817 0.050312 NA NA
#> logtau 1.724322 0.346589 NA NA
#> -2 log L: 3480.376