This function is an extension of the Small Area Estimation (SAE) model. Geoadditive Small Area Model is a combination of the geoadditive model with the Small Area Estimation (SAE) model, by adding geospatial information to the SAE model.
Ketut Karang Pradnyadika, Ika Yuni Wulansari
Ketut Karang Pradnyadika
You can install the released version of geoSAE from CRAN or find my github repository Github
#Load the dataset for unit level
#Load the dataset for spline-2
#Load the dataset for area level
#Construct the data frame
y <- dataUnit$y
x1 <- dataUnit$x1
x2 <- dataUnit$x2
x3 <- dataUnit$x3
formula <- y~x1+x2+x3
zspline <- as.matrix(zspline[,1:6])
dom <- dataUnit$area
xmean <- cbind(1,dataArea[,3:5])
zmean <- dataArea[,7:12]
number <- dataUnit$number
area <- dataUnit$area
data <- data.frame(number, area, y, x1, x2, x3)
#Estimate EBLUP
eblup_geosae <- eblupgeo(formula, zspline, dom, xmean, zmean, data)
#> [,1]
#> [1,] 29.04625
#> [2,] 33.43651
#> [3,] 34.66706
#> [4,] 33.81857
#> [5,] 23.52744
#> [6,] 22.89752
#> [7,] 21.86852
#> [8,] 21.26004
#> [9,] 33.73404
#> [10,] 38.43505
#> [11,] 33.77393
#> [12,] 28.98660
#> [13,] 32.29918
#> [14,] 24.31817
#> [15,] 31.23797
#Estimate MSE
mse_geosae <- pbmsegeo(formula,zspline,dom,xmean,zmean,data,B=100)
#> Bootstrap procedure with B = 100 iterations starts.
#> [1] 2.052566 1.978709 2.231913 10.926587 1.480916 4.157471 3.172412
#> [8] 1.839984 2.466619 1.563998 3.051762 16.937056 16.238457 2.648152
#> [15] 5.538344
## eblup_geosae$eblup #to see the result of EBLUPs with Geoadditive Small Area Model each area
## mse_geosae$mse #to see the result of MSE with Geoadditive Small Area Model each area