geonet version
0.7.3 (CRAN and GitHub release)
- selective exporting of functions
- checking for inputs
geonet version
0.6.0 (CRAN and GitHub release)
- revised plotting functions (caution: new arguments defining line
widths, etc.)
- scale of the dist2V variable is now supported
- added argument “other arguments” to intensity_pspline for
compatibility with older versions
- revised summary for gnppfit objects
geonet version 0.5.0
(Github release)
- new function network_ISE for the computation of integrated squared
- new function network_integral for the computation of an integral of
the intensity
- geonet supplies wrappers for density.lpp, i.e. the intensity on a
geometric network can be estimated by employing kernel based
- fixed bug which occurs if a smooth covariate is specified in formula
after a linear covariate
geonet version 0.4.0
(Github release)
- summaries and related print methods now also print information on
the linear network representation
- default penalty is now of order r = 2
- the global knot distance delta can now be supplied as a quantile of
the curve lengths of the network and the global bin width h as a
fraction of the global knot distance
- fixed bug in as_gnpp.lpp when linear point pattern is not
- fixed bug in runif_gn
- added function rgnpp which allows to simulate from a fitted
geonet version 0.3.0
(Github release)
- algorithm options can now be supplied to intensity_pspline via the
“control” argument
- as_gn now also takes the “units” attribute from a linnet
- added missing summary and print methods
- fixed bug in “internal” occurring when a linear covariates has
length 1
- internal covariates are recognized automatically and do not need to
be assigned in the formula
geonet version 0.2.0
(GitHub release)
- added internal covariate information to the montgomery network
- fixed bug in network_penalty occurring when r = 1
- model summary has been changed
- fit_poisson_model is only doing on Fisher scoring iteration within
the inner loop from the second iteration
- effective degrees of freedom is computed for smooth terms
- allow for general internal covariates added to the lins attribute of
the network
- internal covariate “dist2V” can be added to the linear
- stopping criterion now depends on relative difference of theta and
not of rho
- verbose argument added to intensity_pspline which allows to track
the progress of the fitting algorithm
geonet version
0.1.1 (CRAN and GitHub release)
- Added reference in the description file.
- Added missing return values in the documentation.
- Removed set.seed() call.
geonet version 0.1.0 (no