hexbin: Hexagonal Binning Routines

Binning and plotting functions for hexagonal bins.

Version: 1.28.2
Depends: R (≥ 2.0.1), methods
Imports: lattice, grid, graphics, grDevices, stats, utils
Suggests: marray, affy, Biobase, limma, knitr
Published: 2021-01-08
Author: Dan Carr, ported by Nicholas Lewin-Koh and Martin Maechler, contains copies of lattice functions written by Deepayan Sarkar
Maintainer: Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de>
License: GPL-2
URL: https://github.com/edzer/hexbin
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: ChangeLog
CRAN checks: hexbin results


Reference manual: hexbin.pdf
Vignettes: Hexagon Binning


Package source: hexbin_1.28.2.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: hexbin_1.28.2.zip, r-release: hexbin_1.28.2.zip, r-oldrel: hexbin_1.28.2.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): hexbin_1.28.2.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): hexbin_1.28.2.tgz, r-release (x86_64): hexbin_1.28.2.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): hexbin_1.28.2.tgz
Old sources: hexbin archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: beadarray, BoutrosLab.plotting.general, ChimpHumanBrainData, ggsurvey, supraHex
Reverse imports: arrayQuality, autocogs, BASiCS, BasketballAnalyzeR, BayLum, bigPint, ChIPexoQual, DecomposeR, esetVis, fcfdr, flowCHIC, flowSpecs, flowViz, ggcyto, ggplot.multistats, ggtern, hexSticker, hextri, iNZightPlots, MethylAid, openair, pandaR, pitchRx, plotluck, pRoloc, Radviz, rasterVis, rbokeh, schex, scone, som.nn, twoddpcr, wbacon
Reverse suggests: animint2, antaresViz, BayesianFROC, bayesplot, beadplexr, bigstatsr, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, brinton, chopsticks, dynplot, gameofthrones, ggiraph, ggmap, ggplot2, harrypotter, ibawds, loon.ggplot, MatrixQCvis, mcp, NormalyzerDE, plotly, poliscidata, polymapR, RCPA3, RnBeads, robsurvey, singscore, snpStats, SOMbrero, sparrow, spinifex, survey, viridis, viridisLite, WVPlots


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