kim 0.5.55
- Highlights:
- The package title was changed from “Behavioral Scientists’ Analysis
Toolkit” to “A Toolkit for Behavioral Scientists”
- Added the following function(s): loglinear_analysis, identical_all,
akaike_weights, modes_of_objects, check_modes, overlapping_interval,
- Updated the following function(s) (and other functions that use
them): forest_plot, t_test_pairwise, compare_groups, regex_match,
install_all_dependencies, compare_datasets, read_csv,
floodlight_2_by_continuous, parallel_analysis, ggsave_quick,
akaike_weights, scatterplot, spotlight_2_by_continuous
- Fixed bugs or errors in the following functions (and other functions
that use them): repeated_measures_anova, mann_whitney, compare_datasets,
- Critical improvement in the following functions (and other functions
that use them):
- Undocumented functions added (see the function
compare_strings, list_functions, mad_rm
kim 0.5.3
- Highlights: addition of und, repeated_measures_anova
- Added the following function(s): vlookup, convert_cols_to_numeric,
convert_to_excel_formula, spotlight_2_by_continuous,
compare_independent_rs, spotlight_overlaid, forest_plot,
noncentrality_parameter, compare_effect_sizes, bracket, und, p0,
- Updated the following function(s) (and other functions that use
them): chi_squared_test_pairwise, compare_groups, desc_stats_by_group,
histogram_by_group, id_across_datasets, multiple_regression,
replace_values_in_dt, tv, weighted_mean_r, spotlight_2_by_continuous,
cohen_d, scatterplot, regex_match, t_test_pairwise
- Fixed bugs or errors in the following functions (and other functions
that use them): round_flexibly, outlier, multiple_regression,
pretty_round_p_value, logistic_regression, spotlight_2_by_continuous,
- Critical improvement in the following functions (and other functions
that use them): scatterplot
- Undocumented functions added (see the function
outlier_rm, round_t0
kim 0.4.22
- Added function(s) including simple_effects_analysis.
kim 0.4.21
- Fixed a critical error with the function merge_data_tables and
- Plotting examples are now set to be skipped in the package testing
phase (to avoid producing NOTEs that prevent the package from being
published on CRAN)
kim 0.3.99
- Added function(s) including pivot_table, outlier,
logistic_reg_w_interaction, pm, compare_dependent_rs,
logistic_regression_table, logistic_regression, replace_values_in_dt,
pretty_round_r, fisher_z_transform, z_to_r_transform, weighted_z,
weighted_mean_r, duplicated_values, tv, remove_from_vector, and
- Fixed the error in function name(s): chi_square_test_pairwise ->
- Updated function(s) including clean_data_from_qualtrics, su,
find_duplicates, scatterplot, chi_square_test_pairwise, two_way_anova,
pretty_round_p_value, combine_data_across_cols,
floodlight_2_by_continuous, remove_from_vector, and prep.
- Fixed minor bugs
kim 0.3.13
- In response to CRAN Team’s review, the package title was
- In response to a new error message from CRAN check
(r-devel-windows-x86_64-gcc10-UCRT), most dependencies were
kim 0.3.11
- Removed dependencies on most packages. In previous versions of
Package ‘kim’, all dependencies (packages) required to run all functions
in Package ‘kim’ were installed when Package ‘kim’ was installed for the
first time. In contrast, with Version 0.3.11, Package ‘kim’ will now ask
users to install dependencies themselves if the functions they are using
require such dependencies.
- Fixed bugs and added new function(s) including
kim 0.2.207
- Fixed bugs and added new function(s) including su and
kim 0.2.204
- Fixed bugs and added new function(s) including change_var_names,
check_req_pkg, skewness, and kurtosis.
- Continued to remove dependencies on other packages.
kim 0.2.172
- Fixed bugs, updated function documentations, and added new
function(s) including setwd_to_active_doc.
- Deleted “LazyData: true” from DESCRIPTION.
- Started removing dependencies on other packages.
kim 0.2.133
- Fixed bugs, and added new function(s) including
kim 0.2.96
- Fixed bugs, and added function(s) including
floodlight_2_by_continuous, merge_data_tables, and
kim 0.2.71
- Fixed bugs, removed dependency for dplyr, and added function(s),
including write_csv, print_loop_progress, histogram_w_outlier_bin,
find_duplicates, and start_kim.
kim 0.2.38
- Added functions including read_sole_csv, read_csv,
kim 0.2.35
- Added functions including clean_data_from_qualtrics and
kim 0.2.25
- Added the histogram function and updated code using CodeFactor.
kim 0.2.20
- Added crucial functions including prep and update_kim.
kim 0.1.11
- Following the suggestion by Ms. Julia Haider, I wrapped the
scatterplot function’s examples in “” as the execution time was greater
than 5 seconds on linux.
- I also removed a reference that was not essential.
kim 0.1.10
- Wrapped the scatterplot function’s examples in “dontrun” to avoid
going over 5 seconds when testing in a linux system.
kim 0.1.9
- added the histogram_by_group function.
kim 0.1.8
- added the scatterplot function.
- debugged the plot_group_means function and added desc_stats_by_group
kim 0.1.7
- Edited the code with lintr.
kim 0.1.6
kim 0.1.5
- Added more functions including tabulate_vector.
kim 0.1.4
- Added more functions including two_way_anova.
kim 0.1.3
- Added a
file to track changes to the