KLIC - Kernel Learning Integrative Clustering
In order to install this package, you will need to have Rmosek installed.
Installing Rmosek [Unix]
- Download mosek from https://www.mosek.com/downloads/ to any folder (usually
). We will refer to it as <my-mosek-directory>
- Unzip it:
cd <my-mosek-directory>
tar -xvf mosektoolslinux64x86.tar.bz2
- Add the following to your
export PATH=$PATH:<my-mosek-directory>/mosek/8/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin
- If you are eligible apply for a free personal academic license at https://www.mosek.com/products/academic-licenses/ You will receive it (immediately) via email.
- Put the license file in
- Proceed with the installation of mosek
export PKG_MOSEKHOME=<my-mosek-directory>/mosek/8/tools/platform/linux64x86
export PKG_MOSEKLIB=mosek64
- Now that you have mosek installed, you can open R and install the Rmosek package with
install.packages("Rmosek", type="source", INSTALL_opts="--no-multiarch",
Installing klic
You can install the latest released version of klic
from CRAN with
or the development version from GitHub with