komaletter 0.4.2
komaletter 0.4.1
- documented YAML-parameter
for creating inline hyperlinks rather than footnotes
- the default layout signals the PDF viewer to print the document at its actual size, which is followed by some.
- notes on printing in README & vignette
komaletter 0.4
- the default layout now also handles two-line return addresses gracefully
- added YAML parameter
to define an additional shorter address just for the return address in window
- enhanced documentation. roxygen documentation now written in markdown
komaletter 0.3.2
- modified pandoc LaTeX template to consider that tex package ‘grffile’ might not be available. grffile is now a legacy package and was absent from TeX Live for a short time. (thanks @cderv)
komaletter 0.3.1
- added a section to the intro vignette about non-English letters
- slightly darker header and foldmarks in default style (maintainersDelight.lco)
komaletter 0.3
- added vignette describing parameterized letters for mass mailings
- reduced mandatory YAML metadata header items to ‘output’ (dispensed with ‘opening’, ‘address’, ‘author’)
- introduced continuous integration service Travis CI
komaletter 0.2
- protected path to default lco in LaTeX file against breaking at whitespace on windows
- renamed maintainers_delight.lco to avoid pandoc problems with underscores in paths
komaletter 0.1
- intial version based on linl version 0.0.2 but using KOMA-Script class ‘scrlttr2’ instead of LaTeX class ‘letter’