A collection of tests, data sets, and examples
for diagnostic checking in linear regression models. Furthermore,
some generic tools for inference in parametric models are provided.
Reverse depends: |
AER, cjoint, erer, fpp, frontier, ivregEX, mfx, micEconAids, orcutt, PeerPerformance, rdd, SAEval, systemfit, UnitStat, vars |
Reverse imports: |
AFR, AgroR, AgroTech, apc, ARDL, autostsm, betareg, BinaryEPPM, bucky, ceser, chantrics, chipPCR, clusterSEs, conleyreg, ConvergenceClubs, Countr, CountsEPPM, cregg, describedata, DHARMa, dLagM, DMLLZU, dynamac, dynlm, ecm, elementR, envalysis, ExPanDaR, fglsnet, FindIt, forecast, fRegression, FSA, funtimes, gcmr, GenericML, GLMpack, glmx, gravity, grf, GVARX, GWASTools, GWPR.light, iCheck, iClick, interflex, invacost, IPDFileCheck, ivreg, kernelPSI, lmviz, lpirfs, mixpoissonreg, mkin, mlogit, ModTools, monotonicity, My.stepwise, OneSampleMR, OOS, packDAMipd, pbANOVA, pdR, plm, prais, promotionImpact, PRSPGx, pubh, pwr2ppl, rcompanion, RCPA3, rddapp, rddtools, REndo, RESI, Seurat, smoothAPC, sovereign, tableeasy, timeOmics, trafo, treeclim, vcd |
Reverse suggests: |
BFpack, broom, bruceR, car, censReg, crch, ctqr, dce, ergmito, FactorsR, finalfit, FinTS, fwildclusterboot, fxregime, gmnl, goldfish, huxtable, insight, inters, ivx, LRTesteR, MatchIt, meboot, mhurdle, mice, modelsummary, momentfit, multcomp, multiwayvcov, NHSRdatasets, oglmx, parameters, pder, performance, pglm, POUMM, pscl, psychomix, QuantileGH, R2MLwiN, Rchoice, Rcmdr, sampleSelection, sandwich, skedastic, sketching, spatialreg, Statsomat, strucchange, strucchangeRcpp, subgxe, texreg, vcdExtra, wpa |
Reverse enhances: |
stargazer |