Building Specification Readers

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

The first thing to do when trying to build a specification reader is to try the default. By default metacore can read in specification that are in the Pinnacle 21 specification format. If your document isn’t in that format, it is still worth trying the default readers, as the error messages can be helpful.

#> Error: Unable to rename the following columns in Domains:
#>  label matches 2 columns
#> Please check your regular expression

As we can see, the mock spec we are using here doesn’t match the format. Therefore we will have to build bespoke reader. Before we start, it is important to understand the structure of the metacore object. Each object acts as its own database for all dataset related metadata. The object has 7 tables, 6 tables holding metadata and 1 change log. The 6 tables and their general purpose are as follows:

Here is a schema of how all this fits together

ds_spec is connected to ds_vars by the ‘dataset’ variable and ds_vars is connected to var_spec by the ‘variable’ variable, etc. For more information on the make-up of metacore objects please see the README.

Now that we understand what makes a metacore object, we can start to develop the reader.

First, we need to identify what type of specification format you have. At the moment we support a specification where each tab contains information relevant to a different table, such as a domain tab, a variable tab, etc. To test this you can use the spec_type function.

#> [1] "by_type"

Given we have the type style of specification, we can attempt to run with the lower level built-in specification to metacore build. There are 6 lower level specification builders to match each of the 6 datasets needed, spec_type_to_*. Even if these fail, the error messages should help identify the issues.

But, before we start any of that, we need to read in our document using the read_all_sheets function. This function reads in a multisheet excel file into a named list, where the name of each dataset is the name of the tab. The lower level specification builders do assume the provided doc is a named list. This mock specification has 5 tabs, domain, variables, value level metadata, controlled terms, and computational method. So it looks like we might need to split the information in these tabs to get the 6 tables needed for the metacore object.

doc <- read_all_sheets(metacore_example("mock_spec.xlsx"))
doc %>% map(head)
#> $Domains
#> # A tibble: 4 × 10
#>   `Domain Name` Label    Repeating `Is Reference?` Class Source `Data Structure`
#>   <chr>         <chr>    <chr>     <chr>           <chr> <chr>  <chr>           
#> 1 ADDS          Disposi… Y         N               BDS   DS     One record per …
#> 2 ADRACE        Race An… Y         N               OTHER DM, S… One record per …
#> 3 ADTRT         Treatme… Y         N               OTHER ADSL   One record per …
#> 4 ADSL          Subject… N         N               ADSL  <NA>   One record per …
#> # … with 3 more variables: `Key Variables` <chr>, Description <chr>,
#> #   Documentation <lgl>
#> $Variables
#> # A tibble: 6 × 18
#>   `Domain Name` `Therapeutic Area` Indication `Variable Name` Label        Type 
#>   <chr>         <chr>              <chr>      <chr>           <chr>        <chr>
#> 1 ADAE          CORE               CORE       STUDYID         Study Ident… Text 
#> 2 ADAE          CORE               CORE       USUBJID         Unique Subj… Text 
#> 3 ADAE          CORE               CORE       SUBJID          Subject Ide… Text 
#> 4 ADAE          CORE               CORE       SITEID          Study Site … Text 
#> 5 ADAE          CORE               CORE       AGE             Age          Inte…
#> 6 ADAE          CORE               CORE       SEX             Sex          Text 
#> # … with 12 more variables: `Max Length` <dbl>, `Variable Order` <dbl>,
#> #   Mandatory <chr>, `Signficant Digits` <dbl>, `Sort Order` <dbl>,
#> #   Required <chr>, Origin <chr>, `Value Level Metadata` <chr>,
#> #   `Controlled Term or Format` <chr>, `Computational Method` <chr>,
#> #   `Definition / Comments` <chr>, `Additional Information` <chr>
#> $Value_level_Metadata
#> # A tibble: 0 × 13
#> # … with 13 variables: VLM Name <lgl>, Therapeutic Area <lgl>,
#> #   Indication <lgl>, Parameter Code <lgl>, Parameter <lgl>, Type <lgl>,
#> #   Max Length <lgl>, Signficant Digits <lgl>, Origin <lgl>,
#> #   Controlled Term <lgl>, Computational Method <lgl>, Mandatory <lgl>,
#> #   Definition/Comments <lgl>
#> $Controlled_Terms
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   `Codelist Name` `Codelist Code` `Coded Value`     `Description /…` `Code Info`
#>   <chr>           <chr>           <chr>             <chr>            <lgl>      
#> 1 SEX             SEX             F                 Female           NA         
#> 2 SEX             SEX             M                 Male             NA         
#> 3 SEX             SEX             U                 Unknown          NA         
#> 4 RACE            RACE            BLACK OR AFRICAN… <NA>             NA         
#> 5 RACE            RACE            AMERICAN INDIAN … <NA>             NA         
#> 6 RACE            RACE            ASIAN             <NA>             NA         
#> # … with 3 more variables: `Extension?` <lgl>, Rank <lgl>, Source <chr>
#> $Computational_Method
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   `Computational Method Name` `Definition / Comments`           `Additional In…`
#>   <chr>                       <chr>                             <chr>           
#> 1 TRTP                        Compare ADT/ASTDT to the series … <NA>            
#> 2 TRTA                        Compare ADT/ASTDT to the series … <NA>            
#> 3 TPERIOD                     Latest value of APERIOD from ADT… <NA>            
#> 4 TPERADY                     Contains the number of days from… <NA>            
#> 5 TPERSTDY                    Contains the number of days from… <NA>            
#> 6 TPERENDY                    Contains the number of days from… <NA>

Let’s start with making the ds_spec (dataset specification) table using spec_type_to_ds_spec. The ds_spec table is made of 3 columns: the dataset name, the dataset structure, and the dataset label. If we look at our specification document, it looks like all this information is in the Domains tab. Now we know what we need we can start building the table by trying the spec_type_to_ds_spec function.

This function takes in our named list of datasets (doc), a named vector of columns (cols) and a sheet name (sheet). But, only doc is needed, the other inputs have defaults. So we can try with just the default and see what we get.

#> Error: Unable to rename the following columns in Domains:
#>  label matches 2 columns
#> Please check your regular expression

The error tells us there is an issue with the label column in the Domains table. Meaning, we need to change the default vector for the cols input because the default regular expression isn’t specific enough. First, let’s check the column names in the Domain tab

doc$Domains %>% names()
#>  [1] "Domain Name"    "Label"          "Repeating"      "Is Reference?" 
#>  [5] "Class"          "Source"         "Data Structure" "Key Variables" 
#>  [9] "Description"    "Documentation"

If we look at the default input for cols, "label" = "[L|l]abel|[D|d]escription", we can see the label is matching to the Label and the Description columns .

We only need the Domain Name, Label, and Data Structure columns. So we can update the expressions to be more specific.

ds_spec <- spec_type_to_ds_spec(doc, 
                                cols = c("dataset" = "Name", 
                                         "structure" = "Data Structure",  
                                         "label" = "Label"))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   dataset structure                                                    label    
#>   <chr>   <chr>                                                        <chr>    
#> 1 ADDS    One record per subject per datetime per parameter per result Disposit…
#> 2 ADRACE  One record per subject per analysis sequence number          Race Ana…
#> 3 ADTRT   One record per subject per period                            Treatmen…
#> 4 ADSL    One record per subject                                       Subject-…

Regular expressions are used to match the columns, so if you needed a more flexible input, you could do that. Now, we have the ds_spec table we can move on to the ds_vars table.

The ds_vars table has 5 columns:

When we look back at our specification document we can see all this information is in the variable tab. The inputs for the spec_type_to_ds_vars function are the same as before, but with slightly different defaults. By default ds_vars only checks sheets labeled “Variable” (this is because all the settings are defaulted to read in P21 formatted specs). But, those default work for our specifications cause all the information is in the variable tab; so we can try with just the defaults again.

#> Error: Unable to rename the following columns in Variables:
#>  variable matches 2 columns
#>  order matches 2 columns
#> Please check your regular expression

This error means it is trying to match the sheet entitled Variable, the variable column matches to two different columns. This is the same error we had before. We just need to have a quick look at the columns and adjust the regular expression to be more specific. Additionally, for the key sequence variable isn’t in the variable tab. We saw this information above in the domain tab. So we will need to do two things to fix this. First, adjust the dataset name in the key_seq_cols argument. Second, change the sheets to include the variable and the domain sheet.

doc$Variables %>% head()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 18
#>   `Domain Name` `Therapeutic Area` Indication `Variable Name` Label        Type 
#>   <chr>         <chr>              <chr>      <chr>           <chr>        <chr>
#> 1 ADAE          CORE               CORE       STUDYID         Study Ident… Text 
#> 2 ADAE          CORE               CORE       USUBJID         Unique Subj… Text 
#> 3 ADAE          CORE               CORE       SUBJID          Subject Ide… Text 
#> 4 ADAE          CORE               CORE       SITEID          Study Site … Text 
#> 5 ADAE          CORE               CORE       AGE             Age          Inte…
#> 6 ADAE          CORE               CORE       SEX             Sex          Text 
#> # … with 12 more variables: `Max Length` <dbl>, `Variable Order` <dbl>,
#> #   Mandatory <chr>, `Signficant Digits` <dbl>, `Sort Order` <dbl>,
#> #   Required <chr>, Origin <chr>, `Value Level Metadata` <chr>,
#> #   `Controlled Term or Format` <chr>, `Computational Method` <chr>,
#> #   `Definition / Comments` <chr>, `Additional Information` <chr>

ds_vars<- spec_type_to_ds_vars(doc, cols = c("dataset" = "Domain",
                                               "variable" = "[V|v]ariable [N|n]ame",
                                               "order" = "[V|v]ariable [O|o]rder",
                                               "keep" = "[M|m]andatory"),
                               key_seq_cols = c("dataset" = "Domain Name",
                                                "key_seq" = "Key"),
                               sheet = "[V|v]ar|Domains") 
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   dataset variable order keep  key_seq core  supp_flag
#>   <chr>   <chr>    <dbl> <lgl>   <int> <chr> <lgl>    
#> 1 ADAE    STUDYID     10 NA         NA <NA>  NA       
#> 2 ADAE    USUBJID     20 NA         NA <NA>  NA       
#> 3 ADAE    SUBJID      25 NA         NA <NA>  NA       
#> 4 ADAE    SITEID      30 NA         NA <NA>  NA       
#> 5 ADAE    AGE         40 NA         NA <NA>  NA       
#> 6 ADAE    SEX         50 NA         NA <NA>  NA

The next table we have is var_spec, the table of variable level metadata. var_spec is separate from ds_vars because, in accordance with CDISC standards, labels and lengths should be the same for a given variable across all datasets. So, we are able to normalize the data to only have one row per variable, which ensures this rule and helps reduce the size of the object. There are 6 columns in var_spec:

Looking back at our specification we see this will also be built using the Variable tab. So, we know we need to edit the regular expression for the variable to make it more specific. Additionally, if you look at the default for cols you see there is a dataset input. This is because some standards aren’t 100% consistent, some variables (e.g. visit) have different lengths depending on the dataset. So to accommodate this some of the variables in var_spec are in the ds.variable format. These builders will do this conversion for you , but the dataset is needed. The other thing the builders can automatically deal with is the common variable. If given a dataset column, the builder function will automatically figure out which variables are common to all dataset. This is good because we don’t have a common variable in our specs.

var_spec <- spec_type_to_var_spec(doc, cols = c("variable" = "Variable Name",
                                                "length" = "[L|l]ength",
                                                "label" = "[L|l]abel",
                                                "type" = "[T|t]ype",
                                                "dataset" = "[D|d]ataset|[D|d]omain",
                                                "format" = "Format"))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   variable length label                            type    format common
#>   <chr>     <int> <chr>                            <chr>   <chr>  <lgl> 
#> 1 STUDYID       9 Study Identifier                 Text    <NA>   TRUE  
#> 2 USUBJID      30 Unique Subject Identifier        Text    <NA>   TRUE  
#> 3 SUBJID       20 Subject Identifier for the Study Text    <NA>   FALSE 
#> 4 SITEID       10 Study Site Identifier            Text    <NA>   TRUE  
#> 5 AGE           8 Age                              Integer <NA>   TRUE  
#> 6 SEX           1 Sex                              Text    SEX    TRUE

There is one issue here: the format column is also the codelist names. This is because the information came from the “Controlled Term or Format” column of my spec document. So the final step of preparing var_spec table is to remove the controlled terms. It is easy here because all the formats end in a full stop (.), but the controlled terms don’t.

var_spec <- var_spec %>% 
   mutate(format = if_else(str_detect(format, "\\."), format, ""))

The next dataset is value_spec, which contains the value level metadata. It is made up of 7 columns:

By default, spec_type_to_value_spec is set up to have the where information on different sheet because that is the format of a P21 spec, but in our spec we don’t have that. In fact, we don’t have any value level metadata in our spec. But, that is fine - the default builders will just pull what information it can from the variable tab.

value_spec <- spec_type_to_value_spec(doc, cols = c("dataset" = "VLM Name|Domain",
                                                  "variable" = "VLM Name|Variable Name",
                                                  "origin" = "[O|o]rigin",
                                                  "type" = "[T|t]ype",
                                                  "code_id" = "Controlled Term",
                                                  "where" = "Parameter Code",
                                                  "derivation_id" = "Method"),
                                    where_sep_sheet = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   dataset variable origin      type    code_id derivation_id where sig_dig
#>   <chr>   <chr>    <chr>       <chr>   <chr>   <chr>         <chr>   <int>
#> 1 ADAE    STUDYID  Predecessor Text    <NA>    <NA>          TRUE       NA
#> 2 ADAE    USUBJID  Predecessor Text    <NA>    <NA>          TRUE       NA
#> 3 ADAE    SUBJID   Predecessor Text    <NA>    <NA>          TRUE       NA
#> 4 ADAE    SITEID   Predecessor Text    <NA>    <NA>          TRUE       NA
#> 5 ADAE    AGE      Predecessor Integer <NA>    <NA>          TRUE       NA
#> 6 ADAE    SEX      Predecessor Text    SEX     <NA>          TRUE       NA

The derivation table is relatively simple by comparison. It just has two columns, the derivation id and the derivation. The derivation id should match the derivation id in the the value spec table.

derivation <- spec_type_to_derivations(doc, cols = c("derivation_id" = "Name",
                                                   "derivation" = "[D|d]efinition|[D|d]escription")) 
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   derivation_id derivation                                                      
#>   <chr>         <chr>                                                           
#> 1 TRTP          Compare ADT/ASTDT to the series of ADSL.APxxSDT and ADSL.APxxED…
#> 2 TRTA          Compare ADT/ASTDT to the series of ADSL.APxxSDT and ADSL.APxxED…
#> 3 TPERIOD       Latest value of APERIOD from ADTRT where ADTRT.TRSDT/ADTRT.TRSD…
#> 4 TPERADY       Contains the number of days from the first exposure date in the…
#> 5 TPERSTDY      Contains the number of days from the first exposure date in the…
#> 6 TPERENDY      Contains the number of days from the first exposure date in the…

The final table is codelist. This table contains all the code/decode pairs, all lists of permitted values and information about external libraries. What is somewhat special about the structure of this table is there isn’t just a code and a decode column, but rather a codes column that contains a list of code/decode tables, permitted value vectors and external dictionary vectors. So there is one row per code (i.e. a row for country and one for yes/no codes etc.). This structure makes it easier to see all the codes at once and allows some code to be numeric and others to be character.

By default the spec_type_to_codelist function expects codelists and external dictionaries. But, in the specification we only have codelist so dict_cols needs to be set to null.

codelist <- spec_type_to_codelist(doc, codelist_cols = c("code_id" = "Codelist Code",
                                                          "name" = "Codelist Name",
                                                          "code" = "Coded Value",
                                                          "decode" = "Decoded Value"),
                      dict_cols = NULL)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   code_id name    type        codes           
#>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>       <list>          
#> 1 SEX     SEX     code_decode <tibble [3 × 2]>
#> 2 RACE    RACE    code_decode <tibble [5 × 2]>
#> 3 COUNTRY COUNTRY code_decode <tibble [2 × 2]>
#> 4 NY      NY      code_decode <tibble [2 × 2]>
#> 5 DATEFL  DATEFL  code_decode <tibble [2 × 2]>
#> 6 AESEV   AESEV   code_decode <tibble [3 × 2]>

Now we have all the tables we need we can make the metacore object

metacore(ds_spec, ds_vars, var_spec, value_spec,
               derivation, codelist)
#> Warning: keep from the ds_vars table only contain missing values.
#> core from the ds_vars table only contain missing values.
#> supp_flag from the ds_vars table only contain missing values.
#> sig_dig from the value_spec table only contain missing values.
#> dataset from the supp table only contain missing values.
#> variable from the supp table only contain missing values.
#> idvar from the supp table only contain missing values.
#> qeval from the supp table only contain missing values.
#> Warning: The following variables have derivation ids not found in the derivations table:
#>  ATPT
#>  ADT
#>  ATM
#>  ADTM
#>  ADT
#>  ATM
#>  ADTM
#>  ADT
#>  ATM
#>  ADTM
#> Warning: The following variables hace code ids not found in the codelist(s):
#>  TR01SDT
#>  TR01EDT
#>  ADT
#>  ATM
#>  ADTM
#>  AP01SDT
#>  AP01SDTM
#>  AP01EDT
#>  AP01EDTM
#>  Metadata successfully imported
#> Metacore object contains metadata for 4 datasets

And we’re good to go!