miceFast 0.8.1
world, less dependencies.
- fixed imputations for character variables under linear models.
- speed up the
- more tests, higher
- rerun performance tests.
miceFast 0.7.1
- update URL inside README.
miceFast 0.7.0
- improve coverage.
- use drop = FALSE when subsetting the data.frame
- healthy DESCRIPTION file, fix spaces.
- more input validation.
miceFast 0.6.8
- update broken vignette links
miceFast 0.6.6
- solve broken UpSetR::upset reference links
miceFast 0.6.5
- upset_NA based on UpSetR::upset plot function
- compare_imp plot function
- new logo
- remove times argument
miceFast 0.6.2
- R CRAN r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 problems
miceFast 0.6.1
miceFast 0.6.0
- fill_NA_N has a new model which is pmm - predictive mean matching
- fast PMM - presorting and binary search
- naive_fill_NA - auto function for data.frames - bayes mean and lda
- ridge argument for lm models - adding small disturbance to diag of X’X
- lm_bayes provide more disturbance
- new tests
- codecov
miceFast 0.5.1
- remove old urls form vignettes
miceFast 0.5.0
- providing a more comfortable environment for data.table/dplyr users
- expand vignette and documentation
- updated performance benchmarks
- fix a glitch - e.g. lack of correct warning for a lda model with zero variance variables
miceFast 0.2.1-3
- data.table problem - jump to R 3.5.0
- valgrind - a lot of optimizations - problem with arma::exp and arma::randn
- optimize a lot of code
- methods/functions resistant to glitches
miceFast 0.2.0
- fix imputations with a grouping variable - error if there is precisly one NA at any group
- add data.table to benchmarks - model with a grouping variable
- add R functions (
) which could be used by a data.table user
miceFast 0.1.0
- add
method - optimized multiple imputations
- add
method - Variance inflation factors
miceFast 0.0.3
- vignette,readme,description,todo
miceFast 0.0.2
- adjust to solaris
- reference - set a grouping variable by a reference but as a numeric vector - integer vector do not work (randomly lost pointer)