mlpack: 'Rcpp' Integration for the 'mlpack' Library

A fast, flexible machine learning library, written in C++, that aims to provide fast, extensible implementations of cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. See also Curtin et al. (2018) <doi:10.21105/joss.00726>.

Depends: R (≥ 4.0.0)
Imports: Rcpp (≥ 0.12.12)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo (≥ 0.8.400.0), BH (≥ 1.58), RcppEnsmallen (≥
Suggests: testthat (≥ 2.1.0)
Published: 2020-12-18
Author: Yashwant Singh Parihar [aut, ctb, cph], Ryan Curtin [aut, ctb, cph, cre], Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, ctb, cph], James Balamuta [aut, ctb, cph], Bill March [ctb, cph], Dongryeol Lee [ctb, cph], Nishant Mehta [ctb, cph], Parikshit Ram [ctb, cph], James Cline [ctb, cph], Sterling Peet [ctb, cph], Matthew Amidon [ctb, cph], Neil Slagle [ctb, cph], Ajinkya Kale [ctb, cph], Vlad Grantcharov [ctb, cph], Noah Kauffman [ctb, cph], Rajendran Mohan [ctb, cph], Trironk Kiatkungwanglai [ctb, cph], Patrick Mason [ctb, cph], Marcus Edel [ctb, cph], Mudit Raj Gupta [ctb, cph], Sumedh Ghaisas [ctb, cph], Michael Fox [ctb, cph], Ryan Birmingham [ctb, cph], Siddharth Agrawal [ctb, cph], Saheb Motiani [ctb, cph], Yash Vadalia [ctb, cph], Abhishek Laddha [ctb, cph], Vahab Akbarzadeh [ctb, cph], Andrew Wells [ctb, cph], Zhihao Lou [ctb, cph], Udit Saxena [ctb, cph], Stephen Tu [ctb, cph], Jaskaran Singh [ctb, cph], Hritik Jain [ctb, cph], Vladimir Glazachev [ctb, cph], QiaoAn Chen [ctb, cph], Janzen Brewer [ctb, cph], Trung Dinh [ctb, cph], Tham Ngap Wei [ctb, cph], Grzegorz Krajewski [ctb, cph], Joseph Mariadassou [ctb, cph], Pavel Zhigulin [ctb, cph], Andy Fang [ctb, cph], Barak Pearlmutter [ctb, cph], Ivari Horm [ctb, cph], Dhawal Arora [ctb, cph], Alexander Leinoff [ctb, cph], Palash Ahuja [ctb, cph], Yannis Mentekidis [ctb, cph], Ranjan Mondal [ctb, cph], Mikhail Lozhnikov [ctb, cph], Marcos Pividori [ctb, cph], Keon Kim [ctb, cph], Nilay Jain [ctb, cph], Peter Lehner [ctb, cph], Anuraj Kanodia [ctb, cph], Ivan Georgiev [ctb, cph], Shikhar Bhardwaj [ctb, cph], Yashu Seth [ctb, cph], Mike Izbicki [ctb, cph], Sudhanshu Ranjan [ctb, cph], Piyush Jaiswal [ctb, cph], Dinesh Raj [ctb, cph], Vivek Pal [ctb, cph], Prasanna Patil [ctb, cph], Lakshya Agrawal [ctb, cph], Praveen Ch [ctb, cph], Kirill Mishchenko [ctb, cph], Abhinav Moudgil [ctb, cph], Thyrix Yang [ctb, cph], Sagar B Hathwar [ctb, cph], Nishanth Hegde [ctb, cph], Parminder Singh [ctb, cph], CodeAi [ctb, cph], Franciszek Stokowacki [ctb, cph], Samikshya Chand [ctb, cph], N Rajiv Vaidyanathan [ctb, cph], Kartik Nighania [ctb, cph], Eugene Freyman [ctb, cph], Manish Kumar [ctb, cph], Haritha Sreedharan Nair [ctb, cph], Sourabh Varshney [ctb, cph], Projyal Dev [ctb, cph], Nikhil Goel [ctb, cph], Shikhar Jaiswal [ctb, cph], B Kartheek Reddy [ctb, cph], Atharva Khandait [ctb, cph], Wenhao Huang [ctb, cph], Roberto Hueso [ctb, cph], Prabhat Sharma [ctb, cph], Tan Jun An [ctb, cph], Moksh Jain [ctb, cph], Manthan-R-Sheth [ctb, cph], Namrata Mukhija [ctb, cph], Conrad Conrad Sanderson [ctb, cph], Thanasis Mattas [ctb, cph], Shashank Shekhar [ctb, cph], Yasmine Dumouchel [ctb, cph], German German Lancioni [ctb, cph], Arash Abghari [ctb, cph], Ayush Ayush Chamoli [ctb, cph], Tommi Laivamaa [ctb, cph], Kim SangYeon [ctb, cph], Niteya Shah [ctb, cph], Toshal Agrawal [ctb, cph], Dan Dan Timson [ctb, cph], Miguel Canteras [ctb, cph], Bishwa Karki [ctb, cph], Mehul Kumar Nirala [ctb, cph], Heet Sankesara [ctb, cph], Jeffin Sam [ctb, cph], Vikas S Shetty [ctb, cph], Khizir Siddiqui [ctb, cph], Tejasvi Tomar [ctb, cph], Jai Agarwal [ctb, cph], Ziyang Jiang [ctb, cph], Rohit Kartik [ctb, cph], Aditya Viki [ctb, cph], Kartik Dutt [ctb, cph], Sriram S K [ctb, cph], Manoranjan Kumar Bharti ( Nakul Bharti ) [ctb, cph], Saraansh Tandon [ctb, cph], Gaurav Singh [ctb, cph], Lakshya Ojha [ctb, cph], Bisakh Mondal [ctb, cph], Benson Muite [ctb, cph], Sarthak Bhardwaj [ctb, cph], Aakash Kaushik [ctb, cph], Anush Kini [ctb, cph], Nippun Sharma [ctb, cph], Rishabh Garg [ctb, cph], Sudhakar Brar [ctb, cph], Alex Nguyen [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Ryan Curtin <ryan at>
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: A C++11 compiler. Versions 4.8.*, 4.9.* or later of GCC will be fine.
In views: MachineLearning
CRAN checks: mlpack results


Reference manual: mlpack.pdf


Package source: mlpack_3.4.2.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): mlpack_3.4.2.1.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): mlpack_3.4.2.1.tgz, r-release (x86_64): mlpack_3.4.2.1.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): mlpack_3.4.2.1.tgz
Old sources: mlpack archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: TreeDimensionTest
Reverse imports: emstreeR, KPC
Reverse suggests: genieclust, ordr


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