
System Insights



This vignette first shows how to obtain simulated device data from G Code. Then, with the help of actual device data available, the simulated and actual data are compared.

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
file_path_dmtcd = "extdata/data_truncated.bz2"
file_path_xml   = "extdata/Devices.xml"

# Reading MTC Data
device_name = get_device_info_from_xml(system.file(file_path_xml,package = "mtconnectR"))$name[2]
mtc_device = create_mtc_device_from_dmtcd(system.file(file_path_dmtcd,package = "mtconnectR"),     system.file(file_path_xml,package = "mtconnectR"),device_name)
## Reading Delimted MTC data...
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## 100% data contextualized successfuly!

Calculating feed rate from the position data

This function calculates the feed rate based on the position data and returns the timestamps and the corresponding feed rates

calc_feed = calculated_feed_from_position(mtc_device) %>%
  mutate(value = replace(value, value < 0.1, 0)) %>% 
## Using Datatems path_pos_x,path_pos_y,path_pos_z for calculating PFR

Adding feed rate data item to MTC Device

This function is very useful to append data to the MTCDevice object A data frame in timestamp|value format along with data item type, name and source type can be added as a data item

mtc_device = add_data_item_to_mtc_device(mtc_device, calc_feed, category = "SAMPLE",
                                         data_item_name = "pfr_calculated<PATH_FEEDRATE>")

# Using merge with regex pattern to choose only the position variables
pos_data_mtc = merge(mtc_device, "path_pos") %>% filter(timestamp > as.POSIXct("2016-03-22"))
names(pos_data_mtc) = extract_param_from_xpath(names(pos_data_mtc), show_warnings = F)

Parse G Code

This is the first step in simulating device data from G Code This function parses the file which has the G code and splits it into blocks of G code and gives contextual information to each block with the help of the inbuilt G code dictionary

gcode_file_path = "extdata/raw_gcode.NC"
gcode_parsed = parse_gcode(system.file(gcode_file_path,package = "mtconnectR"))
##             410             170             159              35 
##              69            1404

Simulate G Code data

This function finds the simulated postion and velocity data from the parsed G code

simulated_gcode_data = simulate_data_from_gcode(gcode_parsed, start_time = 0, data_res = 0.1, data_type = "HH") %>%   na.omit()

# Creating MTCDevice object from the simulated data
mtc_device_sim = create_mtc_device_from_ts(simulated_gcode_data)
pos_data_sim = merge(mtc_device_sim, "pos")

# Plotting variation of Y position with time
ggplot(pos_data_mtc) + geom_path(aes(x = timestamp, y = path_pos_y)) 

Subsetting data for the operation for which we want to compare the simulated and actual data

time_split_start = as.POSIXct("2016-03-22 12:45:00", tz = "UTC") 
time_split_end = as.POSIXct("2016-03-22 13:00:00", tz = "UTC") 

pos_data_mtc = pos_data_mtc %>% filter(timestamp > time_split_start & timestamp < time_split_end)

A number of plots are made to compare the simulated and actual data

# Plotting Y position vs X position to get an idea of the part made
ggplot(pos_data_mtc) + geom_path(aes(x = path_pos_x, y = path_pos_y)) 

# Plotting simulated part as per proper scale
ggplot(pos_data_sim) + geom_path(aes(x = x_pos, y = y_pos)) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-2.5, 6), ylim = c(-4, 1))

# Plotting actual part as per proper scale
ggplot(pos_data_mtc) + geom_path(aes(x = path_pos_x, y = path_pos_y)) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-2.5, 6), ylim = c(-4, 1))

Map G Code simulated data to MTC data

This function maps the timestamps of the simulated data to the actual ones by constructing a distance matrix and then using a step pattern to map

time_start_op = as.POSIXct("2016-03-22 12:45:00", tz = "UTC")
time_end_op = as.POSIXct("2016-03-22 13:00:00", tz = "UTC")

mtc_device_op = mtc_device %>% filter_timestamps_mtc_device(time_start_op, time_end_op)
mtc_sim_mapped_op = map_gcode_mtc(mtc_device_sim, mtc_device_op, elasticity = 200)
## Using the following mapping:
##   sim_name                                                 mtc_name
## 1    x_pos nist_testbed_GF_Agie_1<Device>:path_pos_x<PATH_POSITION>
## 2    y_pos nist_testbed_GF_Agie_1<Device>:path_pos_y<PATH_POSITION>
## 3    z_pos nist_testbed_GF_Agie_1<Device>:path_pos_z<PATH_POSITION>
## Normalized Distance: 0.35677295992244


This function is used to visualise the mapping between the timestamps of the simulated and actual data

plot_twoway(mtc_sim_mapped_op, mtc_device_sim, mtc_device_op, 20, 100)

Comparing feed parameters

# Comparing feed rate data Simulated vs actual 
feed_compare_op = merge(mtc_sim_mapped_op, "pfr") %>% na.omit()
names(feed_compare_op) = extract_param_from_xpath(names(feed_compare_op), show_warnings = F)

ggplot(feed_compare_op, aes(x = timestamp)) +
  geom_step(aes(y = pfr_calculated, colour = 'Calculated'), size = 1) +
  geom_step(aes(y = pfr, colour = "Simulated"), size = 1) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-3, 300))

# Comparing feed ratio data Simulated vs actual
pos_feed_ratio_compare_op = merge(mtc_sim_mapped_op, "pfr|_pos_") %>% na.omit()
names(pos_feed_ratio_compare_op) = extract_param_from_xpath(names(pos_feed_ratio_compare_op), show_warnings = F)

pos_feed_ratio_compare_op = pos_feed_ratio_compare_op %>%
  mutate(feed_ratio = abs(round(((pfr_calculated)/(pfr + 1e-6)), 2))) %>%
  mutate(feed_ratio = replace(feed_ratio, feed_ratio > 1.1, NA_real_))

ggplot(pos_feed_ratio_compare_op) +
  geom_path(aes(x = path_pos_x, y = path_pos_y, col = feed_ratio), size = 1) +
  scale_colour_gradient(low="#91bfdb", high = "#fc8d59", na.value = "#ffffbf") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-2, 5), ylim = c(-4, 1.5))