mudfold v.1.1.1 (changes from version 1.1.0)
In this version of the package nonparametric ordinary bootstrap uncertairty estimates for the model fit and the diagnostic statistics have been added.
The R package “yesno” is not used anymore at the data checking step of the main mudfold() function.
Changes have been made at the generic functions prin.mdf() and summary.mdf() in order to incorporate bootstrap results.
an additional functionality has been added to the plot.mdf() function. Now by setting the argument plot.type= “persons” the distribution of the person parameters will be returned.
mudfold v.1.1.2 (changes from version 1.1.1)
New generic ‘coef’ function for ‘mdf’ class objects.
The argument ‘start’ in mudfold() function has been renamed into ‘start.scale’.
The main mudfold() function has been extended to handle datasets with missing values by using multiple imputation with chained equations implemented from the R package mice.
Bug in the data checking step of the mudfold() function that could potentially cause issues with simulated data from the mudfoldsim() function has been fixed.
In this version of the package an additional argument called “seed” has been added in the main mudfold() function in order to control reproducibility of bootstrap results.
The internal function CAM() that calculates the conditional adjacency matrix has been exported.
The internal function ISO() that calculates the ISO statistic has been changed and exported.
A new function MAX() that calculates the MAX statistic as described by Post(1992) is now available in the new version of the package.
A new function diagnostics() has been added that calculates diagnostics for the MUDFOLD scale assumptions.
A warning has been added into the documentation of the function pick() (see ?pick) to alert the user about the practice of dichotomization.