Example: Parkinson’s disease

options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

This vignette describes the analysis of data on the mean off-time reduction in patients given dopamine agonists as adjunct therapy in Parkinson’s disease, in a network of 7 trials of 4 active drugs plus placebo (Dias et al. 2011). The data are available in this package as parkinsons:

#>   studyn trtn     y    se   n  diff se_diff
#> 1      1    1 -1.22 0.504  54    NA   0.504
#> 2      1    3 -1.53 0.439  95 -0.31   0.668
#> 3      2    1 -0.70 0.282 172    NA   0.282
#> 4      2    2 -2.40 0.258 173 -1.70   0.382
#> 5      3    1 -0.30 0.505  76    NA   0.505
#> 6      3    2 -2.60 0.510  71 -2.30   0.718

We consider analysing these data in three separate ways:

  1. Using arm-based data (means y and corresponding standard errors se);
  2. Using contrast-based data (mean differences diff and corresponding standard errors se_diff);
  3. A combination of the two, where some studies contribute arm-based data, and other contribute contrast-based data.

Note: In this case, with Normal likelihoods for both arms and contrasts, we will see that the three analyses give identical results. In general, unless the arm-based likelihood is Normal, results from a model using a contrast-based likelihood will not exactly match those from a model using an arm-based likelihood, since the contrast-based Normal likelihood is only an approximation. Similarity of results depends on the suitability of the Normal approximation, which may not always be appropriate - e.g. with a small number of events or small sample size for a binary outcome. The use of an arm-based likelihood (sometimes called an “exact” likelihood) is therefore preferable where possible in general.

Analysis of arm-based data

We begin with an analysis of the arm-based data - means and standard errors.

Setting up the network

We have arm-level continuous data giving the mean off-time reduction (y) and standard error (se) in each arm. We use the function set_agd_arm() to set up the network.

arm_net <- set_agd_arm(parkinsons, 
                      study = studyn,
                      trt = trtn,
                      y = y, 
                      se = se,
                      sample_size = n)
#> A network with 7 AgD studies (arm-based).
#> ------------------------------------------------------- AgD studies (arm-based) ---- 
#>  Study Treatment arms
#>  1     2: 1 | 3      
#>  2     2: 1 | 2      
#>  3     3: 4 | 1 | 2  
#>  4     2: 4 | 3      
#>  5     2: 4 | 3      
#>  6     2: 4 | 5      
#>  7     2: 4 | 5      
#>  Outcome type: continuous
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Total number of treatments: 5
#> Total number of studies: 7
#> Reference treatment is: 4
#> Network is connected

We let treatment 4 be set by default as the network reference treatment, since this results in considerably improved sampling efficiency over choosing treatment 1 as the network reference. The sample_size argument is optional, but enables the nodes to be weighted by sample size in the network plot.

Plot the network structure.

plot(arm_net, weight_edges = TRUE, weight_nodes = TRUE)

Meta-analysis models

We fit both fixed effect (FE) and random effects (RE) models.

Fixed effect meta-analysis

First, we fit a fixed effect model using the nma() function with trt_effects = "fixed". We use \(\mathrm{N}(0, 100^2)\) prior distributions for the treatment effects \(d_k\) and study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\). We can examine the range of parameter values implied by these prior distributions with the summary() method:

summary(normal(scale = 100))
#> A Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 100.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between -67.45 and 67.45.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between -196 and 196.

The model is fitted using the nma() function.

arm_fit_FE <- nma(arm_net, 
                  trt_effects = "fixed",
                  prior_intercept = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_trt = normal(scale = 10))
#> Note: Setting "4" as the network reference treatment.

Basic parameter summaries are given by the print() method:

#> A fixed effects NMA with a normal likelihood (identity link).
#> Inference for Stan model: normal.
#> 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
#>       mean se_mean   sd   2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> d[1]  0.53    0.01 0.47  -0.43  0.23  0.53  0.85  1.46  1477    1
#> d[2] -1.28    0.01 0.52  -2.31 -1.62 -1.27 -0.93 -0.29  1575    1
#> d[3]  0.04    0.01 0.33  -0.62 -0.19  0.03  0.26  0.71  1745    1
#> d[5] -0.31    0.00 0.20  -0.71 -0.45 -0.31 -0.18  0.10  2338    1
#> lp__ -6.67    0.06 2.34 -12.06 -8.05 -6.38 -4.97 -3.11  1683    1
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Feb 24 09:03:41 2022.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

By default, summaries of the study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\) are hidden, but could be examined by changing the pars argument:

# Not run
print(arm_fit_FE, pars = c("d", "mu"))

The prior and posterior distributions can be compared visually using the plot_prior_posterior() function:


Random effects meta-analysis

We now fit a random effects model using the nma() function with trt_effects = "random". Again, we use \(\mathrm{N}(0, 100^2)\) prior distributions for the treatment effects \(d_k\) and study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\), and we additionally use a \(\textrm{half-N}(5^2)\) prior for the heterogeneity standard deviation \(\tau\). We can examine the range of parameter values implied by these prior distributions with the summary() method:

summary(normal(scale = 100))
#> A Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 100.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between -67.45 and 67.45.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between -196 and 196.
summary(half_normal(scale = 5))
#> A half-Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 5.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between 0 and 3.37.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between 0 and 9.8.

Fitting the RE model

arm_fit_RE <- nma(arm_net, 
                  seed = 379394727,
                  trt_effects = "random",
                  prior_intercept = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_trt = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_het = half_normal(scale = 5),
                  adapt_delta = 0.99)
#> Note: Setting "4" as the network reference treatment.
#> Warning: There were 7 divergent transitions after warmup. See
#> https://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup
#> to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
#> Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems

We do see a small number of divergent transition errors, which cannot simply be removed by increasing the value of the adapt_delta argument (by default set to 0.95 for RE models). To diagnose, we use the pairs() method to investigate where in the posterior distribution these divergences are happening (indicated by red crosses):

pairs(arm_fit_RE, pars = c("mu[4]", "d[3]", "delta[4: 3]", "tau"))

The divergent transitions occur in the upper tail of the heterogeneity standard deviation. In this case, with only a small number of studies, there is not very much information to estimate the heterogeneity standard deviation and the prior distribution may be too heavy-tailed. We could consider a more informative prior distribution for the heterogeneity variance to aid estimation.

Basic parameter summaries are given by the print() method:

#> A random effects NMA with a normal likelihood (identity link).
#> Inference for Stan model: normal.
#> 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
#>        mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> d[1]   0.54    0.02 0.63  -0.66   0.16   0.54   0.92  1.82  1296 1.00
#> d[2]  -1.31    0.02 0.72  -2.71  -1.72  -1.31  -0.89  0.05  1060 1.00
#> d[3]   0.04    0.01 0.48  -0.88  -0.22   0.04   0.31  0.99  1586 1.00
#> d[5]  -0.29    0.01 0.42  -1.10  -0.50  -0.30  -0.09  0.61  1644 1.00
#> lp__ -12.84    0.10 3.68 -20.97 -15.14 -12.53 -10.31 -6.58  1282 1.00
#> tau    0.40    0.02 0.42   0.01   0.13   0.28   0.51  1.52   454 1.01
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Feb 24 09:04:00 2022.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

By default, summaries of the study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\) and study-specific relative effects \(\delta_{jk}\) are hidden, but could be examined by changing the pars argument:

# Not run
print(arm_fit_RE, pars = c("d", "mu", "delta"))

The prior and posterior distributions can be compared visually using the plot_prior_posterior() function:


Model comparison

Model fit can be checked using the dic() function:

(arm_dic_FE <- dic(arm_fit_FE))
#> Residual deviance: 13.3 (on 15 data points)
#>                pD: 11
#>               DIC: 24.3
(arm_dic_RE <- dic(arm_fit_RE))
#> Residual deviance: 13.6 (on 15 data points)
#>                pD: 12.5
#>               DIC: 26.1

Both models fit the data well, having posterior mean residual deviance close to the number of data points. The DIC is similar between models, so we choose the FE model based on parsimony.

We can also examine the residual deviance contributions with the corresponding plot() method.



Further results

For comparison with Dias et al. (2011), we can produce relative effects against placebo using the relative_effects() function with trt_ref = 1:

(arm_releff_FE <- relative_effects(arm_fit_FE, trt_ref = 1))
#>       mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> d[4] -0.53 0.47 -1.46 -0.85 -0.53 -0.23  0.43     1479     2017    1
#> d[2] -1.81 0.33 -2.48 -2.03 -1.82 -1.59 -1.16     6446     2784    1
#> d[3] -0.49 0.49 -1.44 -0.82 -0.49 -0.17  0.47     2595     2729    1
#> d[5] -0.84 0.52 -1.86 -1.18 -0.84 -0.51  0.17     1688     2499    1
plot(arm_releff_FE, ref_line = 0)

(arm_releff_RE <- relative_effects(arm_fit_RE, trt_ref = 1))
#>       mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> d[4] -0.54 0.63 -1.82 -0.92 -0.54 -0.16  0.66     1430     1453    1
#> d[2] -1.85 0.56 -2.97 -2.14 -1.84 -1.55 -0.84     2736     1775    1
#> d[3] -0.50 0.66 -1.78 -0.88 -0.49 -0.12  0.80     2068     1386    1
#> d[5] -0.83 0.75 -2.33 -1.29 -0.82 -0.39  0.65     1525     1504    1
plot(arm_releff_RE, ref_line = 0)

Following Dias et al. (2011), we produce absolute predictions of the mean off-time reduction on each treatment assuming a Normal distribution for the outcomes on treatment 1 (placebo) with mean \(-0.73\) and precision \(21\). We use the predict() method, where the baseline argument takes a distr() distribution object with which we specify the corresponding Normal distribution, and we specify trt_ref = 1 to indicate that the baseline distribution corresponds to treatment 1. (Strictly speaking, type = "response" is unnecessary here, since the identity link function was used.)

arm_pred_FE <- predict(arm_fit_FE, 
                       baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -0.73, sd = 21^-0.5),
                       type = "response",
                       trt_ref = 1)
#>          mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[4] -1.26 0.52 -2.29 -1.60 -1.27 -0.92 -0.22     1668     2279    1
#> pred[1] -0.73 0.22 -1.16 -0.88 -0.73 -0.58 -0.29     3856     3973    1
#> pred[2] -2.54 0.40 -3.32 -2.81 -2.54 -2.27 -1.74     5022     3305    1
#> pred[3] -1.22 0.54 -2.28 -1.58 -1.23 -0.86 -0.15     2955     2728    1
#> pred[5] -1.57 0.56 -2.68 -1.94 -1.58 -1.20 -0.47     1823     2733    1

arm_pred_RE <- predict(arm_fit_RE, 
                       baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -0.73, sd = 21^-0.5),
                       type = "response",
                       trt_ref = 1)
#>          mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[4] -1.27 0.67 -2.67 -1.67 -1.27 -0.86  0.03     1564     1580    1
#> pred[1] -0.73 0.22 -1.16 -0.87 -0.73 -0.58 -0.30     4018     3891    1
#> pred[2] -2.58 0.61 -3.79 -2.91 -2.56 -2.23 -1.49     3012     1890    1
#> pred[3] -1.23 0.70 -2.61 -1.63 -1.22 -0.81  0.14     2249     1601    1
#> pred[5] -1.56 0.78 -3.13 -2.02 -1.54 -1.09 -0.02     1608     1641    1

If the baseline argument is omitted, predictions of mean off-time reduction will be produced for every study in the network based on their estimated baseline response \(\mu_j\):

arm_pred_FE_studies <- predict(arm_fit_FE, type = "response")
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 1 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[1: 4] -1.64 0.46 -2.55 -1.96 -1.64 -1.32 -0.73     1870     2626    1
#> pred[1: 1] -1.11 0.42 -1.94 -1.40 -1.10 -0.83 -0.31     4354     3568    1
#> pred[1: 2] -2.92 0.51 -3.94 -3.26 -2.92 -2.57 -1.96     3960     3322    1
#> pred[1: 3] -1.60 0.39 -2.36 -1.88 -1.61 -1.33 -0.83     3820     3319    1
#> pred[1: 5] -1.95 0.51 -2.93 -2.30 -1.95 -1.60 -0.98     1986     2855    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 2 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[2: 4] -1.17 0.50 -2.14 -1.50 -1.18 -0.84 -0.16     1576     2170    1
#> pred[2: 1] -0.64 0.26 -1.15 -0.81 -0.64 -0.46 -0.12     5358     3495    1
#> pred[2: 2] -2.45 0.25 -2.93 -2.62 -2.46 -2.28 -1.97     4630     3216    1
#> pred[2: 3] -1.13 0.52 -2.13 -1.48 -1.13 -0.78 -0.11     2481     2867    1
#> pred[2: 5] -1.48 0.54 -2.55 -1.84 -1.49 -1.11 -0.41     1745     2142    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 3 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[3: 4] -1.12 0.42 -1.94 -1.40 -1.11 -0.83 -0.31     1835     2394    1
#> pred[3: 1] -0.58 0.36 -1.31 -0.82 -0.59 -0.34  0.12     3894     2832    1
#> pred[3: 2] -2.40 0.38 -3.15 -2.65 -2.40 -2.14 -1.65     4744     3014    1
#> pred[3: 3] -1.08 0.47 -2.01 -1.40 -1.09 -0.77 -0.16     2999     2698    1
#> pred[3: 5] -1.43 0.46 -2.35 -1.74 -1.41 -1.11 -0.54     2203     2251    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 4 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[4: 4] -0.39 0.30 -0.97 -0.59 -0.39 -0.18  0.19     2031     2687    1
#> pred[4: 1]  0.14 0.49 -0.83 -0.19  0.16  0.47  1.11     2347     2418    1
#> pred[4: 2] -1.67 0.54 -2.76 -2.03 -1.67 -1.29 -0.64     2351     2469    1
#> pred[4: 3] -0.35 0.25 -0.83 -0.52 -0.35 -0.17  0.13     4937     3151    1
#> pred[4: 5] -0.70 0.36 -1.41 -0.94 -0.71 -0.45  0.02     2310     3040    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 5 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[5: 4] -0.56 0.34 -1.22 -0.79 -0.55 -0.32  0.10     2590     2916    1
#> pred[5: 1] -0.02 0.53 -1.06 -0.38 -0.01  0.33  1.01     2437     2656    1
#> pred[5: 2] -1.84 0.57 -2.97 -2.22 -1.83 -1.45 -0.74     2409     2731    1
#> pred[5: 3] -0.52 0.30 -1.11 -0.72 -0.52 -0.32  0.05     5880     3418    1
#> pred[5: 5] -0.87 0.40 -1.65 -1.14 -0.86 -0.59 -0.08     2493     2906    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 6 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[6: 4] -2.19 0.17 -2.53 -2.30 -2.19 -2.08 -1.86     2970     2637    1
#> pred[6: 1] -1.66 0.50 -2.65 -1.99 -1.66 -1.32 -0.66     1602     2385    1
#> pred[6: 2] -3.48 0.54 -4.55 -3.84 -3.46 -3.11 -2.44     1768     2686    1
#> pred[6: 3] -2.16 0.37 -2.88 -2.42 -2.15 -1.91 -1.42     2151     2758    1
#> pred[6: 5] -2.50 0.17 -2.83 -2.61 -2.51 -2.39 -2.17     3865     3011    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 7 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[7: 4] -1.79 0.17 -2.13 -1.91 -1.80 -1.68 -1.45     3303     3093    1
#> pred[7: 1] -1.26 0.51 -2.27 -1.59 -1.26 -0.92 -0.27     1677     2204    1
#> pred[7: 2] -3.08 0.55 -4.18 -3.44 -3.06 -2.70 -2.03     1868     2685    1
#> pred[7: 3] -1.76 0.38 -2.48 -2.02 -1.75 -1.50 -1.02     2057     2802    1
#> pred[7: 5] -2.10 0.20 -2.49 -2.24 -2.11 -1.97 -1.71     4567     2997    1

We can also produce treatment rankings, rank probabilities, and cumulative rank probabilities.

(arm_ranks <- posterior_ranks(arm_fit_FE))
#>         mean   sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> rank[4] 3.52 0.69    2   3   3   4     5     1779       NA    1
#> rank[1] 4.66 0.76    2   5   5   5     5     2351       NA    1
#> rank[2] 1.05 0.27    1   1   1   1     2     2409     2415    1
#> rank[3] 3.50 0.92    2   3   4   4     5     2782       NA    1
#> rank[5] 2.27 0.66    1   2   2   2     4     2186     2414    1

(arm_rankprobs <- posterior_rank_probs(arm_fit_FE))
#>      p_rank[1] p_rank[2] p_rank[3] p_rank[4] p_rank[5]
#> d[4]      0.00      0.03      0.49      0.39      0.08
#> d[1]      0.00      0.04      0.06      0.11      0.79
#> d[2]      0.96      0.03      0.01      0.00      0.00
#> d[3]      0.00      0.17      0.27      0.44      0.12
#> d[5]      0.04      0.72      0.17      0.06      0.01

(arm_cumrankprobs <- posterior_rank_probs(arm_fit_FE, cumulative = TRUE))
#>      p_rank[1] p_rank[2] p_rank[3] p_rank[4] p_rank[5]
#> d[4]      0.00      0.03      0.53      0.92         1
#> d[1]      0.00      0.04      0.10      0.21         1
#> d[2]      0.96      0.99      1.00      1.00         1
#> d[3]      0.00      0.17      0.44      0.88         1
#> d[5]      0.04      0.76      0.93      0.99         1

Analysis of contrast-based data

We now perform an analysis using the contrast-based data (mean differences and standard errors).

Setting up the network

With contrast-level data giving the mean difference in off-time reduction (diff) and standard error (se_diff), we use the function set_agd_contrast() to set up the network.

contr_net <- set_agd_contrast(parkinsons, 
                              study = studyn,
                              trt = trtn,
                              y = diff, 
                              se = se_diff,
                              sample_size = n)
#> A network with 7 AgD studies (contrast-based).
#> -------------------------------------------------- AgD studies (contrast-based) ---- 
#>  Study Treatment arms
#>  1     2: 1 | 3      
#>  2     2: 1 | 2      
#>  3     3: 4 | 1 | 2  
#>  4     2: 4 | 3      
#>  5     2: 4 | 3      
#>  6     2: 4 | 5      
#>  7     2: 4 | 5      
#>  Outcome type: continuous
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Total number of treatments: 5
#> Total number of studies: 7
#> Reference treatment is: 4
#> Network is connected

The sample_size argument is optional, but enables the nodes to be weighted by sample size in the network plot.

Plot the network structure.

plot(contr_net, weight_edges = TRUE, weight_nodes = TRUE)

Meta-analysis models

We fit both fixed effect (FE) and random effects (RE) models.

Fixed effect meta-analysis

First, we fit a fixed effect model using the nma() function with trt_effects = "fixed". We use \(\mathrm{N}(0, 100^2)\) prior distributions for the treatment effects \(d_k\). We can examine the range of parameter values implied by these prior distributions with the summary() method:

summary(normal(scale = 100))
#> A Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 100.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between -67.45 and 67.45.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between -196 and 196.

The model is fitted using the nma() function.

contr_fit_FE <- nma(contr_net, 
                    trt_effects = "fixed",
                    prior_trt = normal(scale = 100))
#> Note: Setting "4" as the network reference treatment.

Basic parameter summaries are given by the print() method:

#> A fixed effects NMA with a normal likelihood (identity link).
#> Inference for Stan model: normal.
#> 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
#>       mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> d[1]  0.52    0.01 0.48 -0.40  0.19  0.51  0.84  1.51  2000    1
#> d[2] -1.29    0.01 0.53 -2.32 -1.64 -1.29 -0.93 -0.25  1974    1
#> d[3]  0.05    0.01 0.32 -0.57 -0.16  0.04  0.26  0.68  3086    1
#> d[5] -0.30    0.00 0.21 -0.71 -0.45 -0.30 -0.16  0.13  3346    1
#> lp__ -3.16    0.03 1.45 -6.77 -3.89 -2.84 -2.09 -1.37  1727    1
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Feb 24 09:04:25 2022.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

The prior and posterior distributions can be compared visually using the plot_prior_posterior() function:


Random effects meta-analysis

We now fit a random effects model using the nma() function with trt_effects = "random". Again, we use \(\mathrm{N}(0, 100^2)\) prior distributions for the treatment effects \(d_k\), and we additionally use a \(\textrm{half-N}(5^2)\) prior for the heterogeneity standard deviation \(\tau\). We can examine the range of parameter values implied by these prior distributions with the summary() method:

summary(normal(scale = 100))
#> A Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 100.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between -67.45 and 67.45.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between -196 and 196.
summary(half_normal(scale = 5))
#> A half-Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 5.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between 0 and 3.37.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between 0 and 9.8.

Fitting the RE model

contr_fit_RE <- nma(contr_net, 
                    seed = 1150676438,
                    trt_effects = "random",
                    prior_trt = normal(scale = 100),
                    prior_het = half_normal(scale = 5),
                    adapt_delta = 0.99)
#> Note: Setting "4" as the network reference treatment.
#> Warning: There were 1 divergent transitions after warmup. See
#> https://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup
#> to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
#> Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems

We do see a small number of divergent transition errors, which cannot simply be removed by increasing the value of the adapt_delta argument (by default set to 0.95 for RE models). To diagnose, we use the pairs() method to investigate where in the posterior distribution these divergences are happening (indicated by red crosses):

pairs(contr_fit_RE, pars = c("d[3]", "delta[4: 4 vs. 3]", "tau"))

The divergent transitions occur in the upper tail of the heterogeneity standard deviation. In this case, with only a small number of studies, there is not very much information to estimate the heterogeneity standard deviation and the prior distribution may be too heavy-tailed. We could consider a more informative prior distribution for the heterogeneity variance to aid estimation.

Basic parameter summaries are given by the print() method:

#> A random effects NMA with a normal likelihood (identity link).
#> Inference for Stan model: normal.
#> 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
#>       mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> d[1]  0.52    0.01 0.62  -0.70   0.15  0.52  0.89  1.68  2013 1.00
#> d[2] -1.33    0.02 0.69  -2.67  -1.73 -1.33 -0.91 -0.05  2089 1.00
#> d[3]  0.05    0.01 0.48  -0.81  -0.22  0.04  0.31  0.97  1571 1.00
#> d[5] -0.32    0.01 0.44  -1.24  -0.52 -0.32 -0.11  0.50  1255 1.00
#> lp__ -8.25    0.07 2.82 -14.57 -10.01 -7.96 -6.22 -3.47  1448 1.00
#> tau   0.39    0.02 0.42   0.01   0.12  0.28  0.51  1.45   612 1.01
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Feb 24 09:04:41 2022.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

By default, summaries of the study-specific relative effects \(\delta_{jk}\) are hidden, but could be examined by changing the pars argument:

# Not run
print(contr_fit_RE, pars = c("d", "delta"))

The prior and posterior distributions can be compared visually using the plot_prior_posterior() function:


Model comparison

Model fit can be checked using the dic() function:

(contr_dic_FE <- dic(contr_fit_FE))
#> Residual deviance: 6.3 (on 8 data points)
#>                pD: 4
#>               DIC: 10.4
(contr_dic_RE <- dic(contr_fit_RE))
#> Residual deviance: 6.5 (on 8 data points)
#>                pD: 5.3
#>               DIC: 11.9

Both models fit the data well, having posterior mean residual deviance close to the number of data points. The DIC is similar between models, so we choose the FE model based on parsimony.

We can also examine the residual deviance contributions with the corresponding plot() method.



Further results

For comparison with Dias et al. (2011), we can produce relative effects against placebo using the relative_effects() function with trt_ref = 1:

(contr_releff_FE <- relative_effects(contr_fit_FE, trt_ref = 1))
#>       mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> d[4] -0.52 0.48 -1.51 -0.84 -0.51 -0.19  0.40     2019     2062    1
#> d[2] -1.81 0.33 -2.48 -2.03 -1.81 -1.59 -1.16     4870     3094    1
#> d[3] -0.47 0.49 -1.44 -0.80 -0.47 -0.15  0.48     2970     2794    1
#> d[5] -0.82 0.52 -1.91 -1.17 -0.81 -0.46  0.18     2245     2449    1
plot(contr_releff_FE, ref_line = 0)

(contr_releff_RE <- relative_effects(contr_fit_RE, trt_ref = 1))
#>       mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> d[4] -0.52 0.62 -1.68 -0.89 -0.52 -0.15  0.70     2151     1332    1
#> d[2] -1.85 0.50 -2.86 -2.14 -1.83 -1.56 -0.88     3197     2440    1
#> d[3] -0.46 0.62 -1.61 -0.85 -0.47 -0.08  0.74     3504     2704    1
#> d[5] -0.84 0.76 -2.33 -1.26 -0.82 -0.40  0.53     1902     1223    1
plot(contr_releff_RE, ref_line = 0)

Following Dias et al. (2011), we produce absolute predictions of the mean off-time reduction on each treatment assuming a Normal distribution for the outcomes on treatment 1 (placebo) with mean \(-0.73\) and precision \(21\). We use the predict() method, where the baseline argument takes a distr() distribution object with which we specify the corresponding Normal distribution, and we specify trt_ref = 1 to indicate that the baseline distribution corresponds to treatment 1. (Strictly speaking, type = "response" is unnecessary here, since the identity link function was used.)

contr_pred_FE <- predict(contr_fit_FE, 
                       baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -0.73, sd = 21^-0.5),
                       type = "response",
                       trt_ref = 1)
#>          mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[4] -1.25 0.53 -2.31 -1.61 -1.24 -0.89 -0.25     2213     2703    1
#> pred[1] -0.73 0.22 -1.16 -0.88 -0.73 -0.58 -0.30     3967     3603    1
#> pred[2] -2.54 0.40 -3.34 -2.81 -2.55 -2.27 -1.76     4663     3450    1
#> pred[3] -1.20 0.54 -2.25 -1.56 -1.19 -0.83 -0.18     2995     2847    1
#> pred[5] -1.55 0.57 -2.71 -1.94 -1.54 -1.15 -0.48     2392     2725    1

contr_pred_RE <- predict(contr_fit_RE, 
                       baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -0.73, sd = 21^-0.5),
                       type = "response",
                       trt_ref = 1)
#>          mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[4] -1.25 0.66 -2.50 -1.64 -1.25 -0.85  0.00     2306     1508    1
#> pred[1] -0.73 0.22 -1.16 -0.88 -0.73 -0.59 -0.30     3676     3583    1
#> pred[2] -2.58 0.54 -3.66 -2.90 -2.58 -2.25 -1.53     3317     2464    1
#> pred[3] -1.20 0.66 -2.43 -1.62 -1.20 -0.79  0.08     3507     2857    1
#> pred[5] -1.57 0.79 -3.11 -2.01 -1.54 -1.11 -0.16     1997     1459    1

If the baseline argument is omitted an error will be raised, as there are no study baselines estimated in this network.

# Not run
predict(contr_fit_FE, type = "response")

We can also produce treatment rankings, rank probabilities, and cumulative rank probabilities.

(contr_ranks <- posterior_ranks(contr_fit_FE))
#>         mean   sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> rank[4] 3.49 0.72    2   3   3   4     5     2350       NA    1
#> rank[1] 4.65 0.75    2   5   5   5     5     2543       NA    1
#> rank[2] 1.06 0.30    1   1   1   1     2     2273     2301    1
#> rank[3] 3.53 0.91    2   3   4   4     5     3744       NA    1
#> rank[5] 2.26 0.66    1   2   2   2     4     2854     2912    1

(contr_rankprobs <- posterior_rank_probs(contr_fit_FE))
#>      p_rank[1] p_rank[2] p_rank[3] p_rank[4] p_rank[5]
#> d[4]      0.00      0.05      0.49      0.37      0.08
#> d[1]      0.00      0.04      0.06      0.12      0.79
#> d[2]      0.95      0.04      0.01      0.00      0.00
#> d[3]      0.00      0.16      0.26      0.45      0.12
#> d[5]      0.04      0.72      0.18      0.05      0.01

(contr_cumrankprobs <- posterior_rank_probs(contr_fit_FE, cumulative = TRUE))
#>      p_rank[1] p_rank[2] p_rank[3] p_rank[4] p_rank[5]
#> d[4]      0.00      0.05      0.54      0.92         1
#> d[1]      0.00      0.04      0.09      0.21         1
#> d[2]      0.95      0.99      1.00      1.00         1
#> d[3]      0.00      0.16      0.43      0.88         1
#> d[5]      0.04      0.76      0.94      0.99         1

Analysis of mixed arm-based and contrast-based data

We now perform an analysis where some studies contribute arm-based data, and other contribute contrast-based data. Replicating Dias et al. (2011), we consider arm-based data from studies 1-3, and contrast-based data from studies 4-7.

studies <- parkinsons$studyn
(parkinsons_arm <- parkinsons[studies %in% 1:3, ])
#>   studyn trtn     y    se   n  diff se_diff
#> 1      1    1 -1.22 0.504  54    NA   0.504
#> 2      1    3 -1.53 0.439  95 -0.31   0.668
#> 3      2    1 -0.70 0.282 172    NA   0.282
#> 4      2    2 -2.40 0.258 173 -1.70   0.382
#> 5      3    1 -0.30 0.505  76    NA   0.505
#> 6      3    2 -2.60 0.510  71 -2.30   0.718
#> 7      3    4 -1.20 0.478  81 -0.90   0.695
(parkinsons_contr <- parkinsons[studies %in% 4:7, ])
#>    studyn trtn     y    se   n  diff se_diff
#> 8       4    3 -0.24 0.265 128    NA   0.265
#> 9       4    4 -0.59 0.354  72 -0.35   0.442
#> 10      5    3 -0.73 0.335  80    NA   0.335
#> 11      5    4 -0.18 0.442  46  0.55   0.555
#> 12      6    4 -2.20 0.197 137    NA   0.197
#> 13      6    5 -2.50 0.190 131 -0.30   0.274
#> 14      7    4 -1.80 0.200 154    NA   0.200
#> 15      7    5 -2.10 0.250 143 -0.30   0.320

Setting up the network

We use the functions set_agd_arm() and set_agd_contrast() to set up the respective data sources within the network, and then combine together with combine_network().

mix_arm_net <- set_agd_arm(parkinsons_arm, 
                           study = studyn,
                           trt = trtn,
                           y = y, 
                           se = se,
                           sample_size = n)

mix_contr_net <- set_agd_contrast(parkinsons_contr, 
                                  study = studyn,
                                  trt = trtn,
                                  y = diff, 
                                  se = se_diff,
                                  sample_size = n)

mix_net <- combine_network(mix_arm_net, mix_contr_net)
#> A network with 3 AgD studies (arm-based), and 4 AgD studies (contrast-based).
#> ------------------------------------------------------- AgD studies (arm-based) ---- 
#>  Study Treatment arms
#>  1     2: 1 | 3      
#>  2     2: 1 | 2      
#>  3     3: 4 | 1 | 2  
#>  Outcome type: continuous
#> -------------------------------------------------- AgD studies (contrast-based) ---- 
#>  Study Treatment arms
#>  4     2: 4 | 3      
#>  5     2: 4 | 3      
#>  6     2: 4 | 5      
#>  7     2: 4 | 5      
#>  Outcome type: continuous
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Total number of treatments: 5
#> Total number of studies: 7
#> Reference treatment is: 4
#> Network is connected

The sample_size argument is optional, but enables the nodes to be weighted by sample size in the network plot.

Plot the network structure.

plot(mix_net, weight_edges = TRUE, weight_nodes = TRUE)

Meta-analysis models

We fit both fixed effect (FE) and random effects (RE) models.

Fixed effect meta-analysis

First, we fit a fixed effect model using the nma() function with trt_effects = "fixed". We use \(\mathrm{N}(0, 100^2)\) prior distributions for the treatment effects \(d_k\) and study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\). We can examine the range of parameter values implied by these prior distributions with the summary() method:

summary(normal(scale = 100))
#> A Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 100.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between -67.45 and 67.45.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between -196 and 196.

The model is fitted using the nma() function.

mix_fit_FE <- nma(mix_net, 
                  trt_effects = "fixed",
                  prior_intercept = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_trt = normal(scale = 100))
#> Note: Setting "4" as the network reference treatment.

Basic parameter summaries are given by the print() method:

#> A fixed effects NMA with a normal likelihood (identity link).
#> Inference for Stan model: normal.
#> 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
#>       mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> d[1]  0.55    0.01 0.49 -0.43  0.22  0.56  0.88  1.48  1323    1
#> d[2] -1.26    0.01 0.53 -2.35 -1.61 -1.25 -0.90 -0.21  1404    1
#> d[3]  0.06    0.01 0.32 -0.57 -0.15  0.06  0.28  0.69  2800    1
#> d[5] -0.30    0.00 0.21 -0.70 -0.44 -0.30 -0.16  0.12  3363    1
#> lp__ -4.65    0.04 1.85 -9.24 -5.72 -4.31 -3.28 -2.01  1729    1
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Feb 24 09:05:01 2022.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

By default, summaries of the study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\) are hidden, but could be examined by changing the pars argument:

# Not run
print(mix_fit_FE, pars = c("d", "mu"))

The prior and posterior distributions can be compared visually using the plot_prior_posterior() function:


Random effects meta-analysis

We now fit a random effects model using the nma() function with trt_effects = "random". Again, we use \(\mathrm{N}(0, 100^2)\) prior distributions for the treatment effects \(d_k\) and study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\), and we additionally use a \(\textrm{half-N}(5^2)\) prior for the heterogeneity standard deviation \(\tau\). We can examine the range of parameter values implied by these prior distributions with the summary() method:

summary(normal(scale = 100))
#> A Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 100.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between -67.45 and 67.45.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between -196 and 196.
summary(half_normal(scale = 5))
#> A half-Normal prior distribution: location = 0, scale = 5.
#> 50% of the prior density lies between 0 and 3.37.
#> 95% of the prior density lies between 0 and 9.8.

Fitting the RE model

mix_fit_RE <- nma(mix_net, 
                  seed = 437219664,
                  trt_effects = "random",
                  prior_intercept = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_trt = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_het = half_normal(scale = 5),
                  adapt_delta = 0.99)
#> Note: Setting "4" as the network reference treatment.
#> Warning: There were 4 divergent transitions after warmup. See
#> https://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup
#> to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
#> Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems

We do see a small number of divergent transition errors, which cannot simply be removed by increasing the value of the adapt_delta argument (by default set to 0.95 for RE models). To diagnose, we use the pairs() method to investigate where in the posterior distribution these divergences are happening (indicated by red crosses):

pairs(mix_fit_RE, pars = c("d[3]", "delta[4: 4 vs. 3]", "tau"))

The divergent transitions occur in the upper tail of the heterogeneity standard deviation. In this case, with only a small number of studies, there is not very much information to estimate the heterogeneity standard deviation and the prior distribution may be too heavy-tailed. We could consider a more informative prior distribution for the heterogeneity variance to aid estimation.

Basic parameter summaries are given by the print() method:

#> A random effects NMA with a normal likelihood (identity link).
#> Inference for Stan model: normal.
#> 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
#>        mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> d[1]   0.52    0.01 0.60  -0.64   0.16   0.53  0.91  1.65  1811    1
#> d[2]  -1.32    0.02 0.68  -2.65  -1.72  -1.31 -0.90 -0.03  1814    1
#> d[3]   0.04    0.01 0.45  -0.86  -0.23   0.04  0.30  0.97  2400    1
#> d[5]  -0.30    0.01 0.40  -1.10  -0.51  -0.30 -0.09  0.52  2419    1
#> lp__ -10.75    0.09 3.22 -17.80 -12.78 -10.49 -8.52 -5.20  1200    1
#> tau    0.38    0.01 0.36   0.01   0.13   0.28  0.50  1.37   726    1
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Feb 24 09:05:19 2022.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

By default, summaries of the study-specific intercepts \(\mu_j\) and study-specific relative effects \(\delta_{jk}\) are hidden, but could be examined by changing the pars argument:

# Not run
print(mix_fit_RE, pars = c("d", "mu", "delta"))

The prior and posterior distributions can be compared visually using the plot_prior_posterior() function:


Model comparison

Model fit can be checked using the dic() function:

(mix_dic_FE <- dic(mix_fit_FE))
#> Residual deviance: 9.3 (on 11 data points)
#>                pD: 7
#>               DIC: 16.3
(mix_dic_RE <- dic(mix_fit_RE))
#> Residual deviance: 9.7 (on 11 data points)
#>                pD: 8.5
#>               DIC: 18.1

Both models fit the data well, having posterior mean residual deviance close to the number of data points. The DIC is similar between models, so we choose the FE model based on parsimony.

We can also examine the residual deviance contributions with the corresponding plot() method.



Further results

For comparison with Dias et al. (2011), we can produce relative effects against placebo using the relative_effects() function with trt_ref = 1:

(mix_releff_FE <- relative_effects(mix_fit_FE, trt_ref = 1))
#>       mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> d[4] -0.55 0.49 -1.48 -0.88 -0.56 -0.22  0.43     1330     1757    1
#> d[2] -1.81 0.33 -2.46 -2.03 -1.81 -1.59 -1.18     6047     3261    1
#> d[3] -0.49 0.49 -1.42 -0.83 -0.50 -0.16  0.50     1927     2606    1
#> d[5] -0.85 0.53 -1.87 -1.20 -0.85 -0.49  0.20     1448     2051    1
plot(mix_releff_FE, ref_line = 0)

(mix_releff_RE <- relative_effects(mix_fit_RE, trt_ref = 1))
#>       mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> d[4] -0.52 0.60 -1.65 -0.91 -0.53 -0.16  0.64     1975     2138    1
#> d[2] -1.85 0.50 -2.90 -2.13 -1.83 -1.55 -0.91     3954     2494    1
#> d[3] -0.48 0.61 -1.64 -0.88 -0.49 -0.10  0.77     2988     2757    1
#> d[5] -0.82 0.71 -2.20 -1.26 -0.82 -0.38  0.58     2131     2199    1
plot(mix_releff_RE, ref_line = 0)

Following Dias et al. (2011), we produce absolute predictions of the mean off-time reduction on each treatment assuming a Normal distribution for the outcomes on treatment 1 (placebo) with mean \(-0.73\) and precision \(21\). We use the predict() method, where the baseline argument takes a distr() distribution object with which we specify the corresponding Normal distribution, and we specify trt_ref = 1 to indicate that the baseline distribution corresponds to treatment 1. (Strictly speaking, type = "response" is unnecessary here, since the identity link function was used.)

mix_pred_FE <- predict(mix_fit_FE, 
                       baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -0.73, sd = 21^-0.5),
                       type = "response",
                       trt_ref = 1)
#>          mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[4] -1.27 0.54 -2.30 -1.63 -1.28 -0.90 -0.21     1480     2095    1
#> pred[1] -0.72 0.22 -1.14 -0.87 -0.72 -0.58 -0.30     3607     3552    1
#> pred[2] -2.53 0.40 -3.32 -2.80 -2.54 -2.25 -1.77     5241     3645    1
#> pred[3] -1.21 0.54 -2.22 -1.58 -1.23 -0.85 -0.11     2114     2686    1
#> pred[5] -1.57 0.57 -2.67 -1.95 -1.58 -1.19 -0.44     1579     2131    1

mix_pred_RE <- predict(mix_fit_RE, 
                       baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -0.73, sd = 21^-0.5),
                       type = "response",
                       trt_ref = 1)
#>          mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[4] -1.25 0.64 -2.47 -1.66 -1.26 -0.86  0.00     2083     2105    1
#> pred[1] -0.73 0.22 -1.17 -0.88 -0.73 -0.58 -0.31     3923     3771    1
#> pred[2] -2.57 0.55 -3.68 -2.90 -2.56 -2.23 -1.51     3957     2682    1
#> pred[3] -1.21 0.65 -2.47 -1.64 -1.23 -0.80  0.07     3036     2852    1
#> pred[5] -1.55 0.74 -2.99 -2.00 -1.56 -1.09 -0.09     2225     2308    1

If the baseline argument is omitted, predictions of mean off-time reduction will be produced for every arm-based study in the network based on their estimated baseline response \(\mu_j\):

mix_pred_FE_studies <- predict(mix_fit_FE, type = "response")
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 1 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[1: 4] -1.67 0.46 -2.55 -1.98 -1.67 -1.36 -0.76     1974     2508    1
#> pred[1: 1] -1.12 0.44 -1.96 -1.42 -1.13 -0.83 -0.27     3172     2930    1
#> pred[1: 2] -2.93 0.52 -3.93 -3.30 -2.92 -2.57 -1.93     3386     3056    1
#> pred[1: 3] -1.61 0.39 -2.37 -1.88 -1.61 -1.34 -0.82     3087     3093    1
#> pred[1: 5] -1.97 0.50 -2.94 -2.31 -1.96 -1.63 -0.97     2123     2785    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 2 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[2: 4] -1.19 0.53 -2.23 -1.53 -1.20 -0.85 -0.10     1293     1660    1
#> pred[2: 1] -0.64 0.26 -1.15 -0.81 -0.64 -0.46 -0.13     5058     3712    1
#> pred[2: 2] -2.45 0.24 -2.94 -2.61 -2.45 -2.28 -1.97     4582     3189    1
#> pred[2: 3] -1.13 0.53 -2.17 -1.47 -1.14 -0.77 -0.05     1832     2263    1
#> pred[2: 5] -1.48 0.56 -2.58 -1.86 -1.49 -1.12 -0.37     1385     1786    1
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: 3 ---- 
#>             mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> pred[3: 4] -1.12 0.43 -1.95 -1.42 -1.13 -0.84 -0.27     1653     2305    1
#> pred[3: 1] -0.58 0.36 -1.28 -0.82 -0.57 -0.32  0.13     3972     3130    1
#> pred[3: 2] -2.39 0.37 -3.13 -2.63 -2.39 -2.13 -1.66     3584     3164    1
#> pred[3: 3] -1.06 0.47 -1.98 -1.38 -1.07 -0.75 -0.11     2628     2966    1
#> pred[3: 5] -1.42 0.47 -2.33 -1.74 -1.43 -1.10 -0.52     1817     2406    1

We can also produce treatment rankings, rank probabilities, and cumulative rank probabilities.

(mix_ranks <- posterior_ranks(mix_fit_FE))
#>         mean   sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS Rhat
#> rank[4] 3.48 0.71    2   3   3   4     5     2247       NA    1
#> rank[1] 4.65 0.76    2   5   5   5     5     1785       NA    1
#> rank[2] 1.06 0.29    1   1   1   1     2     2193     2226    1
#> rank[3] 3.55 0.90    2   3   4   4     5     3618       NA    1
#> rank[5] 2.26 0.65    1   2   2   2     4     2233     2716    1

(mix_rankprobs <- posterior_rank_probs(mix_fit_FE))
#>      p_rank[1] p_rank[2] p_rank[3] p_rank[4] p_rank[5]
#> d[4]      0.00      0.05      0.50      0.37      0.08
#> d[1]      0.00      0.04      0.06      0.11      0.79
#> d[2]      0.95      0.04      0.01      0.00      0.00
#> d[3]      0.00      0.15      0.26      0.47      0.12
#> d[5]      0.04      0.73      0.17      0.05      0.01

(mix_cumrankprobs <- posterior_rank_probs(mix_fit_FE, cumulative = TRUE))
#>      p_rank[1] p_rank[2] p_rank[3] p_rank[4] p_rank[5]
#> d[4]      0.00      0.05      0.55      0.92         1
#> d[1]      0.00      0.04      0.10      0.21         1
#> d[2]      0.95      0.99      1.00      1.00         1
#> d[3]      0.00      0.15      0.41      0.88         1
#> d[5]      0.04      0.77      0.94      0.99         1


Dias, S., N. J. Welton, A. J. Sutton, and A. E. Ades. 2011. NICE DSU Technical Support Document 2: A Generalised Linear Modelling Framework for Pair-Wise and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials.” National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. https://nicedsu.sites.sheffield.ac.uk.