Tools to create and modify network objects. The network class can represent a range of relational data types, and supports arbitrary vertex/edge/graph attributes.
Reverse depends: |
collpcm, dnr, EloRating, ergm, ergm.count, ergm.ego, ergm.rank, GGPA, hergm, ITNr, latentnet, lvm4net, mlergm, ndtv, networkDynamic, networkDynamicData, RHMS, sna, statnetWeb, tergm, tsna, VBLPCM, xergm.common |
Reverse imports: |
BasketballAnalyzeR, Bergm, BGGM, bingat, bootcluster, btergm, CEMiTool, CeTF, CINNA, CluMSID, conserveR, degreenet, discourseGT, EGAnet, EpiModel, epinet, ergMargins, ergmito, fcoex, fergm, fglsnet, genBaRcode, GGMncv, GGMnonreg, ggnetwork, GOxploreR, haplotypes, InflectSSP, intergraph, jlsm, Linkage, lolog, migraph, motifr, MRPC, netdiffuseR, nethet, netmap, netmediate, netplot, networkABC, NetworkChange, NetworkDistance, NetworkExtinction, PAFit, PDN, PhosR, pkggraph, PubScore, quanteda.textplots, RDS, SBICgraph, sidier, SparseTSCGM, statnet, tergmLite, WRSS |
Reverse linking to: |
networkDynamic |
Reverse suggests: |
amen, broom, edgebundle, egor, fssemR, GGally, GGMselect, ggraph, GRENITS, interplex, leiden, MBCbook, NetMix, pulsar, QuantNorm, rgraph6, RSiena, sand, sparsebnUtils, tidygraph, VineCopula, vivid, wildlifeDI |