Corrected unit test failures for processRaw() resulting from base R changes to the sample() function.
Added DEoptim::DEoptim() example to hyperparameter estimation vignette.
processRaw() now lists all strata when stratification is used.
Added argument ‘list_ids’ to processRaw().
Added the autoSquash() function to automate data squashing.
Changed exit condition for while loop in hyperEM(). hyperEM() now throws an error if the number of “stuck” or repeated estimates of theta exceeds 20 when using ‘method = “nlminb”’.
Changed upper limit from 1 to 0.999 in hidden functions .updateThetaLL() and .updateThetaLLD(), which are called by hyperEM().
Added confidence intervals to autoHyper() and standard errors to autoHyper() and exploreHypers().
processRaw() now returns Inf instead of 99999 when PRR results in division by zero.
Fixed minor bug in exploreHypers().