To cite ptmixed in publications use:

Signorelli M, Spitali P, Szigyarto CA, Consortium TM, Tsonaka R (2021). “Penalized regression calibration: A method for the prediction of survival outcomes using complex longitudinal and high-dimensional data.” Statistics in Medicine, 40(27), 6178–6196.

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {Penalized regression calibration: A method for the
      prediction of survival outcomes using complex longitudinal and
      high-dimensional data},
    author = {M. Signorelli and P. Spitali and C. Al-Khalili Szigyarto
      and The MARK-MD Consortium and R. Tsonaka},
    journal = {Statistics in Medicine},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {40},
    number = {27},
    pages = {6178--6196},
    url = {},