is an R
package that was developed
to make it easy and efficient to estimate and apply Penalized
Regression Calibration, a statistical method proposed in Signorelli et
al. (2021).
Longitudinal and high-dimensional measurements have become increasingly common in biomedical research. However, methods to predict survival outcomes using a large number of longitudinal covariates as predictors are currently missing.
Penalized Regression Calibration (PRC) is a statistical method that has been developed to fill this methodological gap, making it possible to predict survival using as predictors a large (potentially high-dimensional) number of longitudinal covariates.
PRC is described in detail in the following scientific article:
Signorelli, M., Spitali, P., Al-Khalili Sgyziarto, C., The Mark-MD Consortium, Tsonaka, R. (2021). Penalized regression calibration: A method for the prediction of survival outcomes using complex longitudinal and high-dimensional data. Statistics in Medicine, 40 (27), 6178-6196. DOI: 10.1002/sim.9178.
In short, PRC comprises three modelling steps:
in the first step, we model the trajectories described by the longitudinal covariates using mixed effects models;
in the second step, we compute subject-specific summaries of the longitudinal trajectories. In practice, these summaries are the predicted random effects from the mixed models estimated in step 1, and they allow us to summarize the way in which the trajectories evolve over time across subjects;
in the third step, we estimate a penalized Cox model where the summaries computed in step 3 (alongside with any relevant time-independent covariate, such as baseline age, gender, …) are employed as predictors of the survival outcome.
The final output of PRC is a penalized Cox model that allows to compute predicted survival probabilities for each individual.
Additionally, one may want to quantify the predictive performance of
the fitted model. To achieve this aim, in pencal
we have
implemented a Cluster Bootstrap Optimism Correction
Procedure (CBOCP) that can be used to obtain optimism-corrected
estimates of the C index and time-dependent AUC associated to the fitted
model. Depending on the dimensionality of your dataset, computing the
CBOCP might be time consuming; for this reason, we offer the possibility
to parallelize the CBOCP using multiple cores.
Below you can see a graphical representation of the steps involved in the estimation of PRC (see the elements in the lightblue box) and in the computation of the CBOCP (elements in the salmon box).
Even though pencal
is available from CRAN
it includes a Bioconductor
packages among its dependencies
). This can create problems in the installation
phase, since the usual install.packages( )
only fetches
dependencies, and not Bioconductor
Below I explain two alternative ways to successfully install
The R
package pencal
and all of its
dependencies can be installed all in one go using:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
::install('pencal') BiocManager
Alternatively, you may choose to first install survcomp
using BiocManager::install( )
, and then to install
and all of its CRAN dependencies using
install.packages( )
. To do so, you need to use
# step 1: install survcomp
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager# step 2: install pencal and CRAN dependencies
After having installed pencal
, you can load the package
Currently, pencal
contains functions to estimate the
PRC-LMM and PRC-MLPMM models proposed in Signorelli et al. (2021). An
overview of the different functions is presented in the following
Estimation of the PRC-LMM model can be performed by running sequentially the following three functions:
, which implements the first step of the
estimation of the PRC-LMM;summarize_lmms
, which carries out the second step;fit_prclmm
, which performs the third step.As already mentioned, these functions have to be run sequentially,
with the output of fit_lmms
used as input for
, and the output of
as input for fit_prclmm
Similarly, estimation of the PRC-MLPMM model can be performed using:
, which implements the first step of the
estimation of the PRC-MLPMM;summarize_mlpmms
, which carries out the second
, which performs the third step.Computation of the predicted survival probabilities from the PRC-LMM
and PRC-MLPMM models can be done with the functions
and survpred_prcmlpmm
The evaluation of the predicted performance of the estimated PRC-LMM
and PRC-MLPMM can be done using the function
, which returns the naive and
optimism-corrected estimates of the C index and of the time-dependent
AUC. The optimism-corrected estimates are based on the CBOCP proposed in
Signorelli et
al. (2021).
A technical note on how the CBOCP is implemented in
: most of the computations required by the CBOCP are
performed by fit_lmms
, summarize_lmms
for the PRC-LMM, and by fit_mlpmms
and fit_prcmlpmm
for the
PRC-MLPMM. Such computations may be time-consuming, and for this reason
these functions are designed to work with parallel computing (this can
be easily done by setting the argument n.cores
to a value
\(> 1\)). The last step of the CBOCP
is performed by the function performance_prc
, which
aggregates the outputs of the previous functions and computes the naive
and optimism-corrected estimates of the C index and of the
time-dependent AUC.
Important note: if you just want to estimate the PRC
model, and you do not wish to compute the CBOCP, simply set = 0
as argument of fit_lmms
. If,
instead, you do want to compute the CBOCP, set
equal to the desired number of bootstrap samples (e.g., 100).
In addition to the functions mentioned above, pencal
comprises also 3 functions that can be used to simulate example
to simulate survival data from a
Weibull model;simulate_prclmm_data
to simulate an example dataset for
PRC-LMM that is comprehensive of a number of longitudinal biomarkers, a
survival outcome and a censoring indicator;simulate_prcmlpmm_data
to simulate an example dataset
for PRC-MLPMM;pencox_baseline
to estimate a penalized Cox
model with baseline predictors only (no longitudinal information used
for prediction).To illustrate how pencal
works, let us simulate an
example dataset from the PRC-LMM model. Hereafter we generate a dataset
that comprises \(n = 100\) subjects,
\(p = 10\) longitudinal biomarkers that
are measured at \(t = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5,
2\) years from baseline, and a survival outcome that is
associated with 5 (p.relev
) of the 10 biomarkers:
= 10
p = simulate_prclmm_data(n = 100, p = p, p.relev = 5,
simdata lambda = 0.2, nu = 1.5,
seed = 1234, t.values = c(0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2))
## [1] "censoring.prop" "" ""
Note that in this example we are setting \(n > p\), but pencal
handle both low-dimensional (\(n >
p\)) and high-dimensional (\(n \leq
p\)) datasets.
In order to estimate the PRC-LMM, you need to provide the following two inputs:
, the longitudinal biomarkers (here called
, …, marker10
), and the relevant time
variables (in this example we will use age
as covariate in
the LMMs estimated in step 1, and baseline.age
as covariate
in the penalized Cox model estimated in step 3):# view the dataset in long format
## id base.age t.from.base age marker1 marker2 marker3 marker4
## 1 1 4.269437 0.0 4.269437 1.5417408 4.452282 15.13419 5.809207
## 2 1 4.269437 0.2 4.469437 1.2346437 5.252873 15.98066 5.896591
## 3 1 4.269437 0.5 4.769437 2.0773929 3.714174 18.44501 6.634897
## 4 1 4.269437 1.0 5.269437 0.2137868 4.092887 20.23194 6.179779
## 5 1 4.269437 1.5 5.769437 1.3354611 5.032044 18.99531 5.914160
## 6 1 4.269437 2.0 6.269437 0.7811953 4.946483 22.19621 5.981212
## marker5 marker6 marker7 marker8 marker9 marker10
## 1 13.62807 -7.041495 15.19982 10.12011 2.7166023 15.16749
## 2 15.03320 -5.763194 16.25356 10.20624 1.2764132 13.11855
## 3 14.90197 -6.478355 17.40369 11.74692 1.9369628 13.91899
## 4 16.48330 -8.994558 18.44549 11.91967 1.5949944 15.50285
## 5 16.38560 -9.034169 19.61104 12.59247 1.3730259 15.86172
## 6 17.23651 -10.220797 19.71013 12.79891 -0.2164965 15.89041
# visualize the trajectories for a randomly picked biomarker
::make.spaghetti(x = age, y = marker5,
ptmixedid = id, group = id,
data = simdata$,
margins = c(4, 4, 2, 2),
legend.inset = - 1)
, the time to event
outcome called time
, and the binary event indicator called
(NB: make sure that the variable names associated to
these three variables are indeed id
, time
!)# view the dataset with the survival data
## id baseline.age time event
## 1 1 4.269437 0.8368389 0
## 2 2 4.705434 1.4288656 1
## 3 3 3.220979 1.6382975 1
## 4 4 4.379400 0.5809532 1
## 5 5 4.800329 0.2441706 1
## 6 6 3.394879 0.4901404 1
# what is the proportion of censoring in this dataset?
$censoring.prop simdata
## [1] 0.22
# visualize an estimate of the survival function
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: ggpubr
## Attaching package: 'survminer'
## The following object is masked from 'package:survival':
## myeloma
= survival::Surv(time = simdata$$time,
surv.obj event = simdata$$event)
= survival::survfit(surv.obj ~ 1,
kaplan type="kaplan-meier")
::ggsurvplot(kaplan, data = simdata$ survminer
Before we begin to estimate the PRC-LMM, let’s determine the number of cores that will be used for the computation of the CBOCP. In general you can use as many cores as available to you; to do this, you can set
= parallel::detectCores() n.cores
Since the CRAN Repository Policy allow us to use at most 2 cores when building the vignettes, in this example we will limit the number of cores used to 2:
= 2 n.cores
Be aware, however, that using more than 2 cores will speed
computations up, and it is thus recommended. Several functions
in pencal
will actually return a warning when you perform
computations using less cores than available: the goal of such warnings
is to remind you that you could use more cores to speed computations up;
however, if you are purposedly using a smaller number of cores you can
ignore the warning.
Hereafter we show how to implement the three steps involved in the estimation of the PRC-LMM, alongside with the computation of the CBOCP.
In the first step, for each biomarker we estimate a linear mixed model (LMM) where the longitudinal biomarker levels \(y_{ij}\) depend on two fixed effects (one intercept, \(\beta_0\) and one slope for age, \(\beta_1\)), on a subject-specific random intercept \(u_{0i}\) and on a random slope for age \(u_{1i}\):
\[y_{ij} = \beta_0 + u_{0i} + \beta_1 a_{ij} + u_{1i} a_{ij} + \varepsilon_{ij}.\]
To do this in R
we use the fit_lmms
= paste('marker', 1:p, sep = '')
y.names = fit_lmms(y.names = y.names,
step1 fixefs = ~ age, ranefs = ~ age | id, = simdata$, = simdata$,
t.from.base = t.from.base, = 10, n.cores = n.cores)
## Sorting by subject id
## Sorting by subject id
## Preliminary step: remove measurements taken after event / censoring.
## Removed: 209 measurements. Retained: 391 measurements.
## This computation will be run in parallel
## Estimating the LMMs on the original dataset...
## ...done
## Bootstrap procedure started
## Bootstrap procedure finished
## Computation of step 1: finished :)
The LMM fitted here is just an example of how to model longitudinal biomarker trajectories: depending on the data you are dealing with, you may choose to specify different fixed and random effects formulas, or even to consider the MLPMM instead of the LMM.
Note that here I have set = 10
to reduce
computing time for the CBOCP, given that CRAN only allows me to use two
cores when compiling the vignette. In general, it is recommended to set = 0
if you do not wish to compute the CBOCP, or to
equal to a larger number (e.g., 50, 100 or 200)
if you want to accurately compute the CBOCP. In the latter case,
consider using as many cores as available to you to speed computations
returns as output a list with several elements;
among them is lmm.fits.orig
, which contains the LMMs fitted
to each biomarker:
## [1] "boot.ids" "" "df.sanitized" "lmm.fits.boot"
## [5] "lmm.fits.orig" ""
# estimated LMM for marker1:
$lmm.fits.orig[1] step1
## $marker1
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
## Data: df
## Log-restricted-likelihood: -678.8922
## Fixed: fixef.formula
## (Intercept) age
## 3.491217 -1.025154
## Random effects:
## Formula: ~age | id
## Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
## StdDev Corr
## (Intercept) 1.4809966 (Intr)
## age 0.8241438 0.391
## Residual 0.7262114
## Number of Observations: 391
## Number of Groups: 100
For more details about the arguments of fit_lmms
and its
outputs, see the help page: ?fit_lmms
In the second step we compute the predicted random intercepts and random slopes for the LMMs fitted in step 1:
= summarize_lmms(object = step1, n.cores = n.cores) step2
## Computing the predicted random effects on the original dataset...
## ...done
## Bootstrap procedure started
## This computation will be run in parallel
## Bootstrap procedure finished
## Computation of step 2: finished :)
returns as output a list that contains,
among other elements, a matrix ranef.orig
with the
predicted random effects for the LMMs fitted in step 1:
## [1] "boot.ids" "call" "" "ranef.boot.train"
## [5] "ranef.boot.valid" "ranef.orig"
# view predicted random effects for the first two markers
$ranef.orig[1:5, 1:4] step2
## marker1_b_int marker1_b_age marker2_b_int marker2_b_age
## 1 0.468791151 0.50257974 0.4806176 0.9897538
## 2 -0.651187418 -1.18949489 0.3094290 -1.2798246
## 3 0.541710892 1.35639622 -1.1855801 -0.4835886
## 4 1.065842498 0.82801424 -0.4332657 0.1949000
## 5 0.002714736 -0.09192979 -0.4224219 -1.4788431
For more details about the arguments of summarize_lmms
and its outputs, see the help page: ?summarize_lmms
Lastly, in the third step of PRC-LMM we estimate a penalized Cox model where we employ as predictors baseline age and all the summaries (predicted random effects) computed in step 2:
= fit_prclmm(object = step2, = simdata$,
step3 baseline.covs = ~ baseline.age,
penalty = 'ridge', n.cores = n.cores)
## Estimating penalized Cox model on the original dataset...
## ...done
## Bootstrap procedure started
## This computation will be run in parallel
## Bootstrap procedure finished
## Computation of step 3: finished :)
In this example I have set penalty = 'ridge'
, but you
may also use elasticnet or lasso as alternatives. Moreover, by default
the predicted random effects are standardized when included in the
penalized Cox model (if you don’t want to perform such standardization,
set standardize = F
returns as output a list that contains, among
other elements, the fitted penalized Cox model pcox.orig
which is a glmnet
## [1] "boot.ids" "call" "" "pcox.boot" "pcox.orig" ""
## [1] "cv.glmnet"
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loaded glmnet 4.1-3
## baseline.age marker1_b_int marker1_b_age marker2_b_int marker2_b_age
## 1 0.0002069679 -0.01936322 -0.005857139 0.0521544 0.1417221
## marker3_b_int marker3_b_age marker4_b_int marker4_b_age marker5_b_int
## 1 0.0963002 0.06267031 -0.009400321 -0.0004335054 -0.335134
## marker5_b_age marker6_b_int marker6_b_age marker7_b_int marker7_b_age
## 1 -0.07024612 2.046491 0.02062026 0.0327195 0.00941284
## marker8_b_int marker8_b_age marker9_b_int marker9_b_age marker10_b_int
## 1 -0.2809197 0.02165647 -0.1450682 -0.02856796 0.02703979
## marker10_b_age
## 1 0.001592781
For more details about the arguments of fit_prclmm
its outputs, see the help page: ?fit_prclmm
Estimation of the PRC-MLPMM(U) and PRC-MLPMM(U+B) models proceeds in
a similar fashion. For details and examples about this multivariate
approach, see: ?fit_mlpmms
(step 1),
(step 2), and ?fit_prcmlpmm
(step 3).
After fitting the model, you will probably want to obtain
predicted survival probabilities for each individual at
several time points. This can be done through the function
, which takes as inputs the outputs of
step1, step 2 and step 3, alongside with the time points at which to
compute the survival probabilities:
= survpred_prclmm(step1, step2, step3, times = c(1, 2, 3))
preds ls(preds)
## [1] "call" "predicted_survival"
## id S(1) S(2) S(3)
## 1 1 0.4382309 0.1323092 0.05643784
## 2 2 0.7864960 0.5549923 0.43308277
## 3 3 0.7225628 0.4508331 0.32231027
## 4 4 0.4900753 0.1740366 0.08332387
## 5 5 0.6430632 0.3387738 0.21472859
## 6 6 0.5597631 0.2411021 0.13242212
To accurately quantify the predicted performance of the fitted PRC model, we need to recur to some form of internal validation strategy (e.g., bootstrap, cross-validation, etc…).
In pencal
the internal validation is performed through a
Cluster Bootstrap Optimism Correction Procedure (CBOCP) that allows to
compute optimism-corrected estimates of the concordance (C)
index and of the time-dependent AUC.
Most of the steps that the CBOCP requires are directly computed by
the functions fit_lmms
, summarize_lmms
whenever the argument
is set equal to an integer > 0 (in other words:
most of the computations needed for the CBOCP have already been
performed in the code chunks executed above, so we are almost
To gather the results of the CBOCP we can use the function
= performance_prc(step2, step3, times = c(1, 2, 3),
cbocp n.cores = n.cores)
## This computation will be run in parallel
## Computation of optimism correction started
## Computation of the optimism correction: finished :)
# C index estimates:
$concordance cbocp
## C.naive cb.opt.corr C.adjusted
## 1 10 0.7848 -0.0373 0.7475
# time-dependent AUC estimates:
$tdAUC cbocp
## pred.time tdAUC.naive cb.opt.corr tdAUC.adjusted
## 1 1 0.8908 -0.0337 0.8571
## 2 2 0.8380 -0.0545 0.7835
## 3 3 0.8340 -0.0658 0.7682
From the results above we can see that:
The aim of this vignette is to provide a quick-start introduction to
the R
package pencal
. Here I have focused my
attention on the fundamental aspects that one needs to know to be able
use the package. More details, functions and examples can be found in the manual
of the package. The methodology that pencal
relies on
is described in Signorelli et
al. (2021).