plotdap 0.0.9
Vignette changed so it will not fail on CRAN
plotdap 0.0.8
fixed animation bug in ‘add_griddap()’ not finding the correct number of frames
plotdap 0.0.7
plotdap 0.0.6
- fixed problem when no time coordinate in dataset
- ‘add_tabledap()’ overlays on gridded maps now work for ‘ggplot2’
plotdap 0.0.5
- fixed problem with animation in ‘add_griddap()’
- fixed bad URL for sardine example
- changed to use colors in package ‘cmocean’ instead of in ‘rerddap’
plotdap 0.0.4
- fixed changed SODA datasetid in vignette
- fixed Namespace and Import problems
plotdap 0.0.3
- fixed small bug in an example that was causing ‘pgkdown’ to fail
- fixed Namespace and Import problems
plotdap 0.0.2
First CRAN release