Publication Record
This vignette contains a list of publications that have cited or used the prioritizr R package. It may be useful if you are looking for case studies or examples of specific functionality. We would love to hear from you if you have used the prioritizr R package in your own work. Please file an issue on GitHub so we can add your work to this list.
Research articles
- Combes M, Vaz S, Grehan A, Morato T, Arnaud-Haond S, Dominguez-Carrió C, Fox A, González-Irusta JM, Johnson D, Callery O, Davies A, Fauconnet L, Kenchington E, Orejas C, Roberts JM, Taranto G, and Menot L (2021) Systematic conservation planning at an ocean basin scale: Identifying a viable network of deep-sea protected areas in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 611358.
- Delso Á, Fajardo J, and Muñoz J (2021) Protected area networks do not represent unseen biodiversity. Scientific Reports, 11: 12275.
- Duchardt CJ, Monroe AP, Heinrichs JA, O’Donnell MS, Edmunds DR, and Aldridge CL (2021) Prioritizing restoration areas to conserve multiple sagebrush-associated wildlife species. Biological Conservation, 260: 109212.
- Carroll KA, Inman RM, Hansen AJ, Lawrence RL, and Barnett K (2021) A framework for collaborative wolverine connectivity conservation. iScience, 24: 102840.
- Ladouceur E, McGowan J, Huber P, Possingham H, Scridel D, van Klink R, Poschlod P, Cornelissen JHC, Bonomi C, and Jiménez-Alfaro B (2021) An objective-based prioritization approach to support trophic complexity through ecological restoration species mixes. Journal of Applied Ecology, In press: DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.13943.
- Magris RA, Costa MD, Ferreira CE, Vilar CC, Joyeux JC, Creed JC, Copertino MS, Horta PA, Sumida PYG, Francini-Filho RB, and Floeter SR (2021). A blueprint for securing Brazil’s marine biodiversity and supporting the achievement of global conservation goals. Diversity and Distributions, 27: 198-215.
- Southee FM, Edwards BA, Chetkiewicz CLB, and O’Connor CM (2021) Freshwater conservation planning in the far north of Ontario, Canada: identifying priority watersheds for the conservation of fish biodiversity in an intact boreal landscape. FACETS, 6: 90–117.
- von Takach B, Penton CE, Murphy BP, Radford IJ, Davies HF, Hill BM, and Banks SC (2021) Population genomics and conservation management of a declining tropical rodent. Heredity, 126: 763–775.
- Xuereb A, D’Aloia CC, Andrello M, Bernatchez L, and Fortin M-J (2021), Incorporating putatively neutral and adaptive genomic data into marine conservation planning. Conservation Biology, 35: 909–920.
- Zheng C, Wen Z, Liu Y, Guo Q, Jiang Y, Ren H, Fan Y, and Yang Y (2021) Integrating habitat suitability and the near-nature restoration priorities into revegetation plans Based on potential vegetation distribution. Forests, 12: 218.
- Bryant BP, Kelsey TR, Vogl AL, Wolny SA, MacEwan DJ, Selmants PC, Biswas T, and Butterfield HS (2020) Shaping land use change and ecosystem restoration in a water-stressed agricultural landscape to achieve multiple benefits. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4: 138.
- Flower J, Ramdeen R, Estep A, Thomas LR, Francis S, Goldberg G, Johnson AE, McClintock W, Mendes SR, Mengerink K, and O’Garro M (2020) Marine spatial planning on the Caribbean island of Montserrat: Lessons for data-limited small islands. Conservation Science and Practice, 2: e158.
- Hanson JO, Marques A, Veríssimo A, Camacho-Sanchez M, Velo-Antón G, Martínez-Solano Í, and Carvalho SB (2020) Conservation planning for adaptive and neutral evolutionary processes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57: 2159–2169.
- Hanson JO, Rhodes JR, Butchart SHM, Buchanan GM, Rondinini C, Ficetola GF, and Fuller RA (2020). Global conservation of species’ niches. Nature, 580: 232–234.
- Lin H-Y, Robinson KF, and Walter L (2020) Trade-offs among road-stream crossing upgrade prioritizations based on connectivity restoration and erosion risk control. River Research and Applications, 36: 371–382.
- Lin H-Y, Schuster R, Wilson S, Cooke SJ, Rodewald AD, and Bennett JR (2020) Integrating season-specific needs of migratory and resident birds in conservation planning. Biological Conservation, 252, 108826.
- Pinsky ML, Rogers LA, Morley JW, and Frölicher TL (2020) Ocean planning for species on the move provides substantial benefits and requires few trade-offs. Science Advances, 6: eabb8428..
- Schuster R, Hanson JO, Strimas-Mackey M, and Bennett JR (2020) Exact integer linear programming solvers outperform simulated annealing for solving conservation planning problems. PeerJ, 8: e9258.
- Scriven SA, Williams SH, Ghani MA, Agama AL, Benedick S, Brodie JF, Hamer KC, McClean CJ, Reynolds G, and Hill JK (2020) Assessing the effectiveness of protected areas for conserving range-restricted rain forest butterflies in Sabah, Borneo. Biotropica, 52: 380–391.
- Visalli ME, Best BD, Cabral RB, Cheung WWL, Clark NA, Garilao C, Kaschner K, Kesner-Reyes K, Lam VWY, Maxwell SM, Mayorga J, Moeller HV, Morgan L, Crespo GO, Pinsky ML, White TD, and McCauley DJ (2020) Data-driven approach for highlighting priority areas for protection in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction. Marine Policy, 122: 103927.
- Williams SH, Scriven SA, Burslem DF, Hill JK, Reynolds G, Agama AL, Kugan F, Maycock CR, Khoo E, Hastie AY, Sugau JB (2020) Incorporating connectivity into conservation planning for optimal representation of multiple species and ecosystem services. Conservation Biology, 34: 934–942.
- Bombi P, Gnetti V, D’Andrea E, De Cinti B, Taglianti AV, Bologna MA, and Matteucci G (2019) Identifying priority sites for insect conservation in forest ecosystems at high resolution: the potential of LiDAR data. Journal of Insect Conservation, 23: 689–698.
- Domisch S, Friedrichs M, Hein T, Borgwardt F, Wetzig A, Jähnig SC, and Langhans SD (2019) Spatially explicit species distribution models: A missed opportunity in conservation planning? Diversity and Distributions, 25: 758–769.
- Hanson JO, Fuller RA, and Rhodes JR (2019) Conventional methods for enhancing connectivity in conservation planning do not always maintain gene flow. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 913–922.
- Rodewald AD, Strimas-Mackey M, Schuster R, and Arcese P (2019) Beyond canaries in coal mines: Co-occurrence of Andean mining concessions and migratory birds. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 17: 151–156.
- Rodewald AD, Strimas-Mackey M, Schuster R, and Arcese P (2019) Tradeoffs in the value of biodiversity feature and cost data in conservation prioritization. Scientific Reports 9: 15921.
- Schuster R, Wilson S, Rodewald A, Arcese P, Fink D, Auer T, and Bennett J (2019) Optimizing the conservation of migratory species over their full annual cycle. Nature Communications, 10: 1754.
- Tack JD, Jakes AF, Jones PF, Smith JT, Newton RE, Martin BH, Hebblewhite M, and Naugle DE (2019) Beyond protected areas: Private lands and public policy anchor intact pathways for multi-species wildlife migration. Biological Conservation, 234: 18–27.
Review articles
- Queffelec B, Bonnin M, Ferreira B, Bertrand S, Teles Da Silva S, Diouf F, Trouillet B, Cudennec A, Brunel A, Billant O, and Toonen H (2021) Marine spatial planning and the risk of ocean grabbing in the tropical Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, In press: DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsab006.
- Pollock LJ, O’Connor LM, Mokany K, Rosauer DF, Talluto MV, and Thuiller W (2020) Protecting Biodiversity (in all its complexity): New models and methods. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 35: 1119–1128.
- Velazco SJE, Ribeiro BR, Laureto LMO, and Júnior PDM (2020) Overprediction of species distribution models in conservation planning: A still neglected issue with strong effects. Biological Conservation, 252, 108822.