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The goal of qbr is to make it easy to interact with Quickbase’s JSON API.


You can install the development version of qbr like so:



API page Function Description
Users get_users Returns a tibble with details of each user in an account
User token clone_token Copy a usertoken
User token deactivate_token Deactivate a usertoken
User token delete_token Delete a usertoken
Apps copy_app Copy an app
Apps delete_app Delete an app
Apps get_app_events Returns a tibble of triggerable events
Reports get_report Returns a named list of metadata for the specified report
Reports get_reports Returns a tibble of metadata for each report in a table
Reports run_report Returns a tibble containing all data in the specified report


It is often cumbersome to manually download data from Quickbase to work on it in R. run_report makes it easy to extract report data via the Quickbase JSON API:


# Get data from a Quickbase report as a tibble
run_report(subdomain = "bhi",
       auth = keyring::key_get("qb_example"),
       table_id = "bn9d8iesz",
       report_id = "7")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#>   `Date assessed` Accessible            Intuitive  `Record ID#` `Respondent ty…`
#>   <chr>           <chr>                 <chr>             <int> <chr>           
#> 1 2018-12-19      4 - Somewhat agree    4 - Somew…            2 Data analyst    
#> 2 2018-12-19      4 - Somewhat agree    5 - Stron…            1 Data analyst    
#> 3 2018-12-19      2 - Somewhat disagree 1 - Stron…            3 Evaluator       
#> 4 2018-12-19      4 - Somewhat agree    3 - Neutr…            4 Evaluator       
#> 5 2019-12-04      3 - Neutral           2 - Somew…           20 Data analyst    
#> 6 2021-03-30      4 - Somewhat agree    2 - Somew…           22 Data analyst    
#> 7 2019-11-27      4 - Somewhat agree    2 - Somew…            5 Data analyst

Notice that this function returns a tibble even though the payload from Quickbase is non-tabular JSON. This function extracts data from the Quickbase report (recursively if needed to handle the API’s auto-pagination) and then makes the data tidy using ‘tidyverse’ principles.

If you don’t know the report ID of the report you want to retrieve data from, you can use get_reports to retrieve metadata about all reports in a table:


get_reports(subdomain = "bhi",
            auth = keyring::key_get("qb_example"),
            table_id = "bn9d8iesz")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 13
#>   description id    name  type  usedCount usedLast properties.disp… query.fields
#>   <chr>       <chr> <chr> <chr>     <int> <chr>    <lgl>            <list>      
#> 1 ""          6     Aspi… table        28 2022-06… FALSE            <int [25]>  
#> 2 ""          5     Find… table        60 2021-11… FALSE            <int [4]>   
#> 3 ""          1     List… table       105 2022-06… FALSE            <int [13]>  
#> 4 "Sorted by… 2     List… table         0 <NA>     TRUE             <int [0]>   
#> 5 ""          7     qbr … table        48 2022-06… FALSE            <int [5]>   
#> # … with 5 more variables: query.filter <chr>, query.formulaFields <list>,
#> #   query.groupBy <list>, query.sortBy <list>, query.tableId <chr>

It’s sometimes helpful to manage user tokens programmatically:


# Clone a user token. The 'clone_name' must be unique. 
token <- clone_token(subdomain = "bhi", 
                     auth = keyring::key_get("qb_example"),
                     clone_name = "My new token",
                     clone_desc = "A token cloned by an R script")

# The token passed to 'auth' is deleted. Token supplied must be active.
delete_token(subdomain = "bhi", auth = token)
#> Token deleted

You can manage apps using the app functions:


# Copy an app and print the new app's ID
app <- copy_app(subdomain = "bhi",
                auth = keyring::key_get("qb_example"),
                app_id = "bn9d8f78g",
                app_name = "R Testing copy",
                app_desc = "Used to test copy_app() from qbr package",
                keep_data = TRUE)

#> [1] "bsg7kqjjj"

# Delete the newly created app
delete_app(subdomain = "bhi",
           auth = keyring::key_get("qb_example"),
           app_id = app$id,
           app_name = app$name)
#> $deletedAppId
#> [1] "bsg7kqjjj"

# Get the triggerable events of an app
get_app_events(subdomain = "bhi",
               auth = keyring::key_get("qb_example"),
               app_id = "bn9d8f78g")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 8
#>   isActive name     tableId type  owner.email owner.id owner.name owner.userName
#>   <lgl>    <chr>    <chr>   <chr> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>      <chr>         
#> 1 TRUE     Push on… bp5gg5… webh… john.erdma… 5962446… John Erdm… jerdmann      
#> 2 TRUE     GET Goo… bp84km… webh… john.erdma… 5962446… John Erdm… jerdmann

Complex data types

This packages returns some field types slightly differently to a Quickbase report:

Field type Returned data type
Multi-select text Semicolon-separated text
User User’s email address
List-user Semicolon-separated email addresses


Some extended ASCII characters (codes 128-255) cannot be properly parsed when converting from JSON at present, such as ’ (&#146). Reports containing text and rich-text fields are the most likely to suffer an error resulting from the use of these extended characters.

This package makes no attempt to convert data types. Number fields in Quickbase may well be interpreted in the resulting tibble as characters. The run_report function does provide a type_suffix argument to allow you to discern the intended datatype more easily.