This work is funded by the National Science Foundation grant NSF-IOS 1546858.
Gene Feature Format (GFF) is used to annotate intervals on a genome. Loading
and validating a GFF is a common first step in a bioinformatics analysis.
Mistakes at this step can cause major problems later, so it is important to
validate the GFF and report good diagnostics when problems arise. Here I will
show how such a pipeline can be written using standard methods, and then show
how rmonad
can be used to organize and annotate such a pipeline.
GFF files are TAB-delimited where each row corresponds to a single interval. These intervals, though, may be ontologically related. For example a gene is the parent of an mRNA, which in turn is a parent of a set of exons and a set of coding sequences (CDS). These relations are specified in the attribute column (column 9). Here is an example (with TABs replaced with space) that introduces the main format and the variants we need to support:
# this is a comment, they can appear anywhere in the GFF
# also note, empty lines can appear anywhere in the file
# This is a simple mono-exonic gene
I . gene 11565 11951 . - . ID=gene0
I . mRNA 11565 11951 . - . ID=mrna0;Parent=gene0
I . exon 11565 11951 . - . Parent=mrna0
I . CDS 11565 11951 . - 0 Parent=mrna0
# this is a gene with two splicing variants:
I . gene 61931 83591 . + . ID=gene1
I . mRNA 61931 83591 . + . ID=rna1;Parent=gene1
I . exon 61931 62344 . + . Parent=rna1
I . exon 81616 82209 . + . Parent=rna1
I . exon 82211 83591 . + . Parent=rna1
I . CDS 61931 62344 . + 0 Parent=rna1
I . CDS 81616 82209 . + 0 Parent=rna1
I . CDS 82211 82681 . + 0 Parent=rna1
I . mRNA 61931 83591 . + . ID=rna2;Parent=gene1
I . exon 61931 62344 . + . Parent=rna2
I . exon 81616 82209 . + . Parent=rna2
I . exon 82211 83591 . + . Parent=rna2
I . CDS 61931 62344 . + 0 Parent=rna2
I . CDS 82211 82681 . + 0 Parent=rna2
# Below are a few variants that occur (unforunately) in the wild
# V1: CDS directly descending from a gene.
b . gene 7235 9016 . - . ID=gene2
b . CDS 7235 9016 . - 0 Parent=gene2
# V2: 'Parent=-' when feature has no parent
I . gene 11565 11951 . - . ID=gene3;Parent=-
# V3: Elements with no tags that need to be treated as IDs
I . gene 11565 11951 . - . gene3
I . mRNA 11565 11951 . - . ID=mrna3;Parent=gene3
I . exon 11565 11951 . - . Parent=mrna3
I . CDS 11565 11951 . - 0 Parent=mrna3
Another issues we need to account for is type synonyms. The feature type (column 3) is required to be valid Sequence Ontology (SO) terms. For the purposes of this vignette, I will just handle the following sets of synonyms:
gene := gene
| SO:0000704
mRNA := mRNA
| messenger RNA
| messenger_RNA
| SO:0000234
| transcript
| SO:0000673
| coding_sequence
| coding sequence
| SO:0000316
exon := exon
| SO:0000147
| coding_exon
| coding exon
For mRNA and exon, I am merging to ontology terms (mRNA and transcript; exon and coding exon). Formally, this is incorrect, but practically it is probably the right thing. Since these transformations may be wrong, they need to be noted.
To test our solution, I use the gff
rmonad dataset.
Before using rmonad
, I will use a more conventional approach.
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
## extract
good_gfffile <- system.file('extdata', 'gff', '0.gff3', package='rmonad')
read_gff <- function(file){
col_names = c(
na = ".",
comment = "#",
col_types = "ccciidcic"
## # A tibble: 17 x 9
## seqid source type start stop score strand phase attr
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
## 1 a Strex region 1 230218 NA + NA ID=I
## 2 a Strex telomere 1 801 NA - NA ID=id1
## 3 a Strex origin_of_repli… 707 776 NA + NA ID=id2
## 4 a Strex gene 1807 2169 NA - NA ID=gene1
## 5 a Strex mRNA 1807 2169 NA - NA ID=mrna1;Paren…
## 6 a Strex exon 1807 2169 NA - NA Parent=mrna1
## 7 a Strex CDS 1807 2169 NA - 0 Parent=mrna1
## 8 a Strex mRNA 2480 2707 NA + NA ID=mrna2;Paren…
## 9 a Strex exon 2480 2707 NA + NA Parent=mrna2
## 10 a Strex CDS 2480 2707 NA + 0 Parent=mrna2
## 11 b Strex gene 7235 9016 NA - NA ID=gene2
## 12 b Strex CDS 7235 9016 NA - 0 Parent=gene2
## 13 b Strex origin_of_repli… 7997 8547 NA + NA ID=id6
## 14 b Strex gene 11565 11951 NA - NA ID=gene3
## 15 b Strex mRNA 11565 11951 NA - NA ID=mrna3;Paren…
## 16 b Strex exon 11565 11951 NA - NA Parent=mrna3
## 17 b Strex CDS 11565 11951 NA - 0 Parent=mrna3
This is a nice start, also, readr
will pick up on any deviations from the
specified column number and type, warning of problems:
# wrong type
bad0 <- system.file('extdata', 'gff', 'bad-0.gff3', package='rmonad')
bad_result0 <- read_gff(bad0)
## Warning: 1 parsing failure.
## row col expected actual file
## 4 start an integer one thousand eight hundred and seven '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/bad-0.gff3'
## # A tibble: 17 x 9
## seqid source type start stop score strand phase attr
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
## 1 a Strex region 1 230218 NA + NA ID=I
## 2 a Strex telomere 1 801 NA - NA ID=id1
## 3 a Strex origin_of_repli… 707 776 NA + NA ID=id2
## 4 a Strex gene NA 2169 NA - NA ID=gene1
## 5 a Strex mRNA 1807 2169 NA - NA ID=mrna1;Paren…
## 6 a Strex exon 1807 2169 NA - NA Parent=mrna1
## 7 a Strex CDS 1807 2169 NA - 0 Parent=mrna1
## 8 a Strex mRNA 2480 2707 NA + NA ID=mrna2;Paren…
## 9 a Strex exon 2480 2707 NA + NA Parent=mrna2
## 10 a Strex CDS 2480 2707 NA + 0 Parent=mrna2
## 11 b Strex gene 7235 9016 NA - NA ID=gene2
## 12 b Strex CDS 7235 9016 NA - 0 Parent=gene2
## 13 b Strex origin_of_repli… 7997 8547 NA + NA ID=id6
## 14 b Strex gene 11565 11951 NA - NA ID=gene3
## 15 b Strex mRNA 11565 11951 NA - NA ID=mrna3;Paren…
## 16 b Strex exon 11565 11951 NA - NA Parent=mrna3
## 17 b Strex CDS 11565 11951 NA - 0 Parent=mrna3
Notice that the 4th entry has a start value of “NA”. This indicates there was something wrong with the gff file and when we take a look at the original gff, we see that the entry corresponds to the string “one thousand eight hundred and seven” instead of the number. A more likely error would be including a comma in a number (e.g., “1,807”), which R will parse as a string.
# incorrect type
a Strex region 1 230218 . + . ID=I
a Strex telomere 1 801 . - . ID=id1
a Strex origin_of_replication 707 776 . + . ID=id2
a Strex gene "one thousand eight hundred and seven" 2169 . - . ID=gene1
Similarly when we load in a gff missing a column.
# wrong column number
bad1 <- system.file('extdata', 'gff', 'bad-1.gff3', package='rmonad')
bad_result1 <- read_gff(bad1)
## Warning: 51 parsing failures.
## row col expected actual file
## 1 score a double + '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/bad-1.gff3'
## 1 phase an integer ID=I '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/bad-1.gff3'
## 1 NA 9 columns 8 columns '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/bad-1.gff3'
## 2 score a double - '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/bad-1.gff3'
## 2 phase an integer ID=id1 '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/bad-1.gff3'
## ... ..... .......... ......... .....................................................................................................................
## See problems(...) for more details.
## # A tibble: 17 x 9
## seqid source type start stop score strand phase attr
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
## 1 a region 1 230218 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 2 a telomere 1 801 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 3 a origin_of_replication 707 776 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 4 a gene 1807 2169 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 5 a mRNA 1807 2169 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 6 a exon 1807 2169 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 7 a CDS 1807 2169 NA NA 0 NA <NA>
## 8 a mRNA 2480 2707 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 9 a exon 2480 2707 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 10 a CDS 2480 2707 NA NA 0 NA <NA>
## 11 b gene 7235 9016 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 12 b CDS 7235 9016 NA NA 0 NA <NA>
## 13 b origin_of_replication 7997 8547 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 14 b gene 11565 11951 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 15 b mRNA 11565 11951 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 16 b exon 11565 11951 NA NA <NA> NA <NA>
## 17 b CDS 11565 11951 NA NA 0 NA <NA>
The read_gff can correctly identify that a column is missing from the following raw file.
# missing one column
a region 1 230218 . + . ID=I
a telomere 1 801 . - . ID=id1
a origin_of_replication 707 776 . + . ID=id2
a gene 1807 2169 . - . ID=gene1
R uses NA
to indicate missing values. The R 'numeric' type corresponds to
Haskell [Maybe Num]
, i.e. an array of possibly empty values. In a GFF,
columns 2,6,7,8 and 9 may be missing, the others may not. So we need an
additional assertion that these are complete.
g <- read_gff(good_gfffile)
for(col in c("seqid", "type", "start", "stop")){
stop("GFFError: Column '", col, "' may not have missing values")
Now we can account for type synonyms using the following method
gene_synonyms <- 'SO:0000704'
mRNA_synonyms <- c('messenger_RNA', 'messenger RNA', 'SO:0000234')
CDS_synonyms <- c('coding_sequence', 'coding sequence', 'SO:0000316')
exon_synonyms <- 'SO:0000147'
g$type <- ifelse(g$type %in% gene_synonyms, 'gene', g$type)
g$type <- ifelse(g$type %in% mRNA_synonyms, 'mRNA', g$type)
g$type <- ifelse(g$type %in% CDS_synonyms, 'CDS', g$type)
g$type <- ifelse(g$type %in% exon_synonyms, 'exon', g$type)
mRNA_near_synonyms <- c('transcript', 'SO:0000673')
exon_near_synonyms <- c('SO:0000147', 'coding_exon', 'coding exon', 'SO:0000195')
if(any(g$type %in% mRNA_near_synonyms)){
g$type <- ifelse(g$type %in% mRNA_near_synonyms, 'mRNA', g$type)
warning("Substituting transcript types for mRNA types, this is probably OK")
if(any(g$type %in% exon_near_synonyms)){
g$type <- ifelse(g$type %in% exon_near_synonyms, 'exon', g$type)
warning("Substituting transcript types for exon types, this is probably OK")
Now we need to evaluate the attribute column.
tags <- c("ID", "Parent")
attr = stringr::str_split(g$attr, ";"),
order = 1:nrow(g)
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ntags = sapply(attr, length)) %>%
tidyr::unnest(attr) %>%
dplyr::mutate(attr = ifelse(grepl('=', attr), attr, paste(".U", attr, sep="="))) %>%
col = "attr",
into = c("tag", "value"),
sep = "=",
extra = "merge"
) %>%
dplyr::filter(tag %in% c(tags, ".U")) %>%
if(nrow(.) > 0){
tidyr::spread(., key="tag", value="value")
} else {
.$tag = NULL
.$value = NULL
} %>%
if("Parent" %in% names(.)){
.$Parent <- ifelse(.$Parent == "-", NA, .$Parent)
} %>% {
for(tag in c(tags, ".U")){
if(! tag %in% names(.))
.[[tag]] = NA_character_
} %>%
if("ID" %in% names(.))
.$ID <- ifelse($ID) & !$.U) & .$ntags == 1, .$.U, .$ID)
} %>%
merge(data_frame(order=1:nrow(g)), all=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::arrange(order) %>%
{ cbind(g, .) } %>%
dplyr::select(-.U, -order, -ntags, -attr) %>%
if(all(c("ID", "Parent") %in% names(.))){
parents <- subset(., type %in% c("CDS", "exon"))$Parent
parent_types <- subset(., ID %in% parents)$type
if(any(parent_types == "gene"))
warning("Found CDS or exon directly inheriting from a gene, this may be fine.")
if(! all(parent_types %in% c("gene", "mRNA")))
stop("Found CDS or exon with illegal parent")
if( any( )
stop("Found CDS or exon with no parent")
if(! any(duplicated(.$ID, incomparables=NA)))
warning("IDs are not unique, this is probably bad")
## Warning: `data_frame()` is deprecated, use `tibble()`.
## This warning is displayed once per session.
## Warning in function_list[[k]](value): Found CDS or exon directly inheriting from
## a gene, this may be fine.
## Warning in function_list[[k]](value): IDs are not unique, this is probably bad
## seqid source type start stop score strand phase ID
## 1 a Strex region 1 230218 NA + NA I
## 2 a Strex telomere 1 801 NA - NA id1
## 3 a Strex origin_of_replication 707 776 NA + NA id2
## 4 a Strex gene 1807 2169 NA - NA gene1
## 5 a Strex mRNA 1807 2169 NA - NA mrna1
## 6 a Strex exon 1807 2169 NA - NA <NA>
## 7 a Strex CDS 1807 2169 NA - 0 <NA>
## 8 a Strex mRNA 2480 2707 NA + NA mrna2
## 9 a Strex exon 2480 2707 NA + NA <NA>
## 10 a Strex CDS 2480 2707 NA + 0 <NA>
## 11 b Strex gene 7235 9016 NA - NA gene2
## 12 b Strex CDS 7235 9016 NA - 0 <NA>
## 13 b Strex origin_of_replication 7997 8547 NA + NA id6
## 14 b Strex gene 11565 11951 NA - NA gene3
## 15 b Strex mRNA 11565 11951 NA - NA mrna3
## 16 b Strex exon 11565 11951 NA - NA <NA>
## 17 b Strex CDS 11565 11951 NA - 0 <NA>
## Parent
## 1 <NA>
## 2 <NA>
## 3 <NA>
## 4 <NA>
## 5 gene1
## 6 mrna1
## 7 mrna1
## 8 gene1
## 9 mrna2
## 10 mrna2
## 11 <NA>
## 12 gene2
## 13 <NA>
## 14 <NA>
## 15 gene3
## 16 mrna3
## 17 mrna3
The beauty of this chain is that it requires few temporary variables (just g
and tags
), it is a pure flow of data. It is an elegant sequence of functions
operating on a single thread of data.
But there are a few problems.
First, it is in dire need of documentation. We could add in comments. But comments cannot be formatted well. A better approach is some form of literate programming, such as rewriting the program in Rmarkdown. But this 1) breaks the pipeline (since we can't pipe between chunks), 2) results in an object we can't compute on, 3) makes debugging even more difficult, because our code is spread out.
approachWith rmonad
we can mingle documentation and code in a computable object.
## Attaching package: 'rmonad'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
## combine
#' @param file The input GFF file
#' @param tags The GFF tags to keep
#' default these are not stored)
read_gff <- function(file, tags){
This function reads a GFF. It builds a data frame from it that with a column
for each value in `tags`.
The `read_gff` function is a nested function, containing an Rmonad pipeline
inside it. This docstring describes the entire wrapped pipeline.
raw_gff <- as_monad(
Rmonad supports docstrings. If a block begins with a string, this
string is extracted and stored. Python has something similar, where the
first string in a function is cast as documentation.
The `as_monad` function takes an expression and wraps its result into a
context. It also handles the extraction of this docstring. The result
here is used at more than one place in the pipeline. Rather than
accessing it later as a global, it will be funneled bach in.
col_names = c(
na = ".",
comment = "#",
col_types = "ccciidcic"
raw_gff %>% tag('raw_gff') %>>% {
The %>>% operator applies the function described in this block to the
input on the left-hand-side. This corresponds to the UNIX '|' or magrittr's
'%>%'. It differs from them in that it is a monadic bind operator, rather
than an application operator. It carries a context along with the
computations. The context can store past values, performance information,
this docstring, and links to the parent chunk. The context is a directed
graph of code chunks and their metadata.
Here I assert that no data is missing in the columns where it is required.
for(col in c("seqid", "type", "start", "stop")){
stop("GFFError: Column '", col, "' may not have missing values")
} %>>% {
According the GFF specification, the value in the type column should be
from the Sequence Ontology (SO). Here I collapse the synonymous terms
for the main features usually present in GFF file (gene, mRNA, CDS, and
exon). In production code, I would probably do something a bit more formal.
gene_synonyms <- 'SO:0000704'
mRNA_synonyms <- c('messenger_RNA', 'messenger RNA', 'SO:0000234')
CDS_synonyms <- c('coding_sequence', 'coding sequence', 'SO:0000316')
exon_synonyms <- 'SO:0000147'
.$type <- ifelse(.$type %in% gene_synonyms, 'gene', .$type)
.$type <- ifelse(.$type %in% mRNA_synonyms, 'mRNA', .$type)
.$type <- ifelse(.$type %in% CDS_synonyms, 'CDS', .$type)
.$type <- ifelse(.$type %in% exon_synonyms, 'exon', .$type)
} %>_% {
The %>_% operator lets this chunk of code be run for its effects, which are
raising warnings if we replace the type with a questionable synonym. We
could alternatively just use %>>% and add a terminal '.' to this chunk.
However, the `%>_%` operator guarantees the input is passed without being
changed, which is safer and also clarifies our intention.
mRNA_near_synonyms <- c('transcript', 'SO:0000673')
exon_near_synonyms <- c('SO:0000147', 'coding_exon', 'coding exon', 'SO:0000195')
if(any(.$type %in% mRNA_near_synonyms)){
.$type <- ifelse(.$type %in% mRNA_near_synonyms, 'mRNA', .$type)
warning("Substituting transcript types for mRNA types, this is probably OK")
if(any(.$type %in% exon_near_synonyms)){
.$type <- ifelse(.$type %in% exon_near_synonyms, 'exon', .$type)
warning("Substituting transcript types for exon types, this is probably OK")
} %>>% {
Notice below that I use the magrittr operator '%>%' inside the rmonad
pipeline. When to pipe with rmonad and when to pipe with magrittr is a
matter of granularity. This chunk of code perhaps should form one
documentation unit. And perhaps I don't expect it to fail. If I break this
chunk into several, the failures are more localized, and I can access
intermediate values for debugging. On the other hand, putting every little
operation in a new chunk will clutter the graph and reports derived from
attr = stringr::str_split(.$attr, ";"),
order = 1:nrow(.)
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ntags = sapply(attr, length)) %>%
tidyr::unnest(attr) %>%
dplyr::mutate(attr = ifelse(grepl('=', attr), attr, paste(".U", attr, sep="="))) %>%
col = "attr",
into = c("tag", "value"),
sep = "=",
extra = "merge"
} %>% funnel(raw_gff=raw_gff, tags=tags) %*>% {
The %v>% operator stores the input value in memory. We could replace every
%>>% operator with %v>%. This would let us inspect every step of an
analysis at the cost of high memory usage. For brevity, I won't break this
following block down any further.
The `funnel` function packages a list in a monad, merging their histories
and propagating error. That is, if `gff` or `tags` failed upstream, this
function will not be run. `%*>%` takes a list on the left and feeds it into
the function on the right as an argument list. Here `funnel` and `%*>%` are
used together to merge a pipeline (gff) and inject a parameter (tags).
We could not have written
%v>% function(gff=gff, tags=tags)
because this would have brought the monad wrapped gff into scope, not the
value itself.
dplyr::filter(., tag %in% c(tags, ".U")) %>%
if(nrow(.) > 0){
tidyr::spread(., key="tag", value="value")
} else {
.$tag = NULL
.$value = NULL
} %>%
if("Parent" %in% names(.)){
.$Parent <- ifelse(.$Parent == "-", NA, .$Parent)
} %>% {
for(tag in c(tags, ".U")){
if(! tag %in% names(.))
.[[tag]] = NA_character_
} %>%
if("ID" %in% names(.))
.$ID <- ifelse($ID) & !$.U) & .$ntags == 1, .$.U, .$ID)
} %>%
merge(data_frame(order=1:nrow(raw_gff)), all=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::arrange(order) %>%
{ cbind(raw_gff, .) } %>%
dplyr::select(-.U, -order, -ntags, -attr)
} %>_% {
And make the last few assertions.
if(all(c("ID", "Parent") %in% names(.))){
parents <- subset(., type %in% c("CDS", "exon"))$Parent
parent_types <- subset(., ID %in% parents)$type
if(any(parent_types == "gene"))
warning("Found CDS or exon directly inheriting from a gene, this may be fine.")
if(! all(parent_types %in% c("gene", "mRNA")))
stop("Found CDS or exon with illegal parent")
if(any( )
stop("Found CDS or exon with no parent")
if(any(duplicated(.$ID, incomparables=NA)))
warning("IDs are not unique, this is probably bad")
} %>_% {
I could post some closing comments here. The %>_% operator can be chained
and the output does not affect the output of the main chain. The NULL is
required to distinguish this block from an anonymous function that returns
a string.
# End Rmonad chain
gff_as_graph <- function(file){
read_gff(file, tags=c("ID", "Parent")) %>>%
dplyr::filter(! %>>%
"Make a unique label for each CDS and exon interval"
dplyr::group_by(., Parent) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ID = ifelse(type %in% c("CDS", "exon"),
paste(type, start, sep='-'),
ID)) %>%
} %>>% {
"Make a graph of gene models"
dplyr::select(., ID, Parent) %>%
as.matrix %>%
That is the whole GFF program in an rmonad framework
result <-
system.file('extdata', 'gff', '0.gff3', package='rmonad') %v>% gff_as_graph
result %>% plot
will extract the final result, and raise all errors, warnings and
messages that where extracted
## Warning: in 'function (.)
## {
## if (all(c("ID", "Parent") %in% names(.))) {
## parents <- subset(., type %in% c("CDS", "exon"))$Parent
## parent_types <- subset(., ID %in% parents)$type
## if (any(parent_types == "gene"))
## warning("Found CDS or exon directly inheriting from a gene, this may be fine.")
## if (!all(parent_types %in% c("gene", "mRNA")))
## stop("Found CDS or exon with illegal parent")
## if (any(
## stop("Found CDS or exon with no parent")
## if (any(duplicated(.$ID, incomparables = NA)))
## warning("IDs are not unique, this is probably bad")
## }
## }': Found CDS or exon directly inheriting from a gene, this may be fine.
## IGRAPH b22bda2 DN-- 13 10 --
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from b22bda2 (vertex names):
## [1] mrna1 ->gene1 exon-1807 ->mrna1 CDS-1807 ->mrna1 mrna2 ->gene1
## [5] exon-2480 ->mrna2 CDS-2480 ->mrna2 CDS-7235 ->gene2 mrna3 ->gene3
## [9] exon-11565->mrna3 CDS-11565 ->mrna3
Now we see why we might want a little more granularity in our pipeline. To
summarize the results we can use the mtabulate
## id OK cached time space is_nested ndependents nnotes nwarnings error doc
## 1 1 TRUE TRUE 0.001 232 0 1 0 0 0 0
## 2 2 TRUE FALSE 0.001 176 0 1 0 0 0 0
## 3 3 TRUE TRUE 0.001 10288 0 2 0 0 0 1
## 4 4 TRUE FALSE 0.001 10288 0 1 0 0 0 1
## 5 5 TRUE FALSE 0.001 10288 0 1 0 0 0 1
## 6 6 TRUE FALSE 0.001 10288 0 1 0 0 0 1
## 7 7 TRUE FALSE 0.001 2472 0 1 0 0 0 1
## 8 8 TRUE FALSE 0.001 13376 0 1 0 0 0 0
## 9 9 TRUE FALSE 0.001 4840 0 1 0 0 0 1
## 10 10 TRUE FALSE 0.001 4840 0 1 0 1 0 1
## 11 11 TRUE FALSE 0.001 4840 0 1 0 0 0 1
## 12 12 TRUE FALSE 0.001 3896 0 1 0 0 0 0
## 13 13 TRUE FALSE 0.001 4480 0 1 0 0 0 1
## 14 14 TRUE FALSE 0.001 3280 0 0 0 0 0 1
## 15 15 TRUE TRUE 0.001 3280 1 0 0 0 0 0
We can also get a summary of issues
## id type
## 1 10 warning
## issue
## 1 Found CDS or exon directly inheriting from a gene, this may be fine.
The id
column corresponds to a row number in the mtabulate
To extract particular values, we can use the get_*
family of vectorized
# get a list of every stored value, report uncached values as NULL
get_value(result, warn=FALSE)
# get a list of every docstring
A plot of the connections between functions in the pipeline. The node labels
are the rmonad
ids. The red arrow indicates a 'nest' relationship. Green nodes
are OK, orange nodes raised a warning, red nodes (none appear in this graph)
represent errors.
If the pipeline fails, the last valid result is saved, for example
m <-
system.file('extdata', 'gff', '15.gff3', package='rmonad') %v>%
To diagnose the problem, we might first read the error messages:
## [[1]]
## character(0)
## [[2]]
## character(0)
## [[3]]
## character(0)
## [[4]]
## [1] "GFFError: Column 'type' may not have missing values"
## [[5]]
## character(0)
## [[6]]
## character(0)
Here we see the 4th node raised an error: we having missing values in the 'type' column.
To get a big picture of the pipeline:
## id OK cached time space is_nested ndependents nnotes nwarnings error doc
## 1 1 TRUE TRUE 0.001 232 0 1 0 0 0 0
## 2 2 TRUE FALSE 0.001 176 0 1 0 0 0 0
## 3 3 TRUE TRUE 0.001 17080 0 2 0 1 0 1
## 4 4 FALSE TRUE 0.001 17080 0 1 0 0 1 1
## 5 5 FALSE TRUE 0.001 17696 0 0 0 0 0 1
## 6 6 FALSE TRUE 0.001 232 1 0 0 0 0 0
The the last three nodes are in the failing state (see column 'OK'). We can see all issues:
## id type
## 1 4 error
## 2 3 warning
## issue
## 1 GFFError: Column 'type' may not have missing values
## 2 41 parsing failures.\nrow col expected actual file\n 13 -- 9 columns 1 columns '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/15.gff3'\n 14 -- 9 columns 1 columns '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/15.gff3'\n 15 -- 9 columns 1 columns '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/15.gff3'\n 16 -- 9 columns 1 columns '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/15.gff3'\n 17 -- 9 columns 1 columns '/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/15.gff3'\n... ... ......... ......... ..................................................................................................................\nSee problems(...) for more details.\n
We see two warnings in node 3. To see what code is wrapped in node 3:
get_code(m, 3)
## [[1]]
## [1] "{"
## [2] " readr::read_tsv(file, col_names = c(\"seqid\", \"source\", \"type\", "
## [3] " \"start\", \"stop\", \"score\", \"strand\", \"phase\", \"attr\"), "
## [4] " na = \".\", comment = \"#\", col_types = \"ccciidcic\")"
## [5] "}"
So there were issues in reading the file. We can get the value of this node's parent:
get_value(m, get_parents(m, 3)[[1]])[[1]]
## [1] "/private/var/folders/8r/pdjrmsg532gd75r14n7cs5p5f8zrk2/T/Rtmp1d0m5B/Rinstf29f6f119619/rmonad/extdata/gff/15.gff3"
If we wanted to explore the raw data, we could jump into a Bash shell, navigate to the file above, and take it apart with UNIX tools (the lines of raw data were not stored in the Rmonad object).
We might next check out the failing columns:
get_code(m, 4:6)
## [[1]]
## [1] "function (.) "
## [2] "{"
## [3] " for (col in c(\"seqid\", \"type\", \"start\", \"stop\")) {"
## [4] " if (any([[col]]))) {"
## [5] " stop(\"GFFError: Column '\", col, \"' may not have missing values\")"
## [6] " }"
## [7] " }"
## [8] " ."
## [9] "}"
## [[2]]
## [1] "funnel(., raw_gff = raw_gff, tags = tags)"
## [[3]]
## [1] "gff_as_graph"
Now that we know exactly where the problem is, we can start working through the data that triggered the problem:
get_value(m, get_parents(m, 5)[[1]])
## Warning in v@get(warn): Attempting to access data that has been deleted,
## returning 'NULL'
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## # A tibble: 53 x 9
## seqid source type start stop score strand phase attr
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
## 1 ctg123 <NA> gene 100 900 NA + NA ID=gene00001;Name…
## 2 ctg123 <NA> TF_bindi… 110 121 NA + NA ID=tfbs00001;Pare…
## 3 ctg123 <NA> mRNA 205 900 NA + NA ID=mRNA00001;Pare…
## 4 ctg123 <NA> five_pri… 205 220 NA + NA Parent=mRNA00001
## 5 ctg123 <NA> CDS 221 350 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 6 ctg123 <NA> CDS 400 444 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 7 ctg123 <NA> CDS 500 550 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 8 ctg123 <NA> CDS 700 760 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 9 ctg123 <NA> three_pr… 761 900 NA + NA Parent=mRNA00001
## 10 ctg123 <NA> cDNA_mat… 105 150 5.80e-42 + NA ID=match00001;Tar…
## # … with 43 more rows
## [[3]]
## # A tibble: 53 x 9
## seqid source type start stop score strand phase attr
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
## 1 ctg123 <NA> gene 100 900 NA + NA ID=gene00001;Name…
## 2 ctg123 <NA> TF_bindi… 110 121 NA + NA ID=tfbs00001;Pare…
## 3 ctg123 <NA> mRNA 205 900 NA + NA ID=mRNA00001;Pare…
## 4 ctg123 <NA> five_pri… 205 220 NA + NA Parent=mRNA00001
## 5 ctg123 <NA> CDS 221 350 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 6 ctg123 <NA> CDS 400 444 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 7 ctg123 <NA> CDS 500 550 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 8 ctg123 <NA> CDS 700 760 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 9 ctg123 <NA> three_pr… 761 900 NA + NA Parent=mRNA00001
## 10 ctg123 <NA> cDNA_mat… 105 150 5.80e-42 + NA ID=match00001;Tar…
## # … with 43 more rows
get_value(m, 5)[[1]]
## [[1]]
## $raw_gff
## # A tibble: 53 x 9
## seqid source type start stop score strand phase attr
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
## 1 ctg123 <NA> gene 100 900 NA + NA ID=gene00001;Name…
## 2 ctg123 <NA> TF_bindi… 110 121 NA + NA ID=tfbs00001;Pare…
## 3 ctg123 <NA> mRNA 205 900 NA + NA ID=mRNA00001;Pare…
## 4 ctg123 <NA> five_pri… 205 220 NA + NA Parent=mRNA00001
## 5 ctg123 <NA> CDS 221 350 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 6 ctg123 <NA> CDS 400 444 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 7 ctg123 <NA> CDS 500 550 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 8 ctg123 <NA> CDS 700 760 NA + 0 ID=cds00001;Paren…
## 9 ctg123 <NA> three_pr… 761 900 NA + NA Parent=mRNA00001
## 10 ctg123 <NA> cDNA_mat… 105 150 5.80e-42 + NA ID=match00001;Tar…
## # … with 43 more rows
## $tags
## [1] "ID" "Parent"
From this it looks like there is raw sequence data contained in the GFF file. According to the GFF specification, it is legal to have the full sequence data appended to the tabular GFF data. So we probably should either add a test that will raise an appropriate error message or extend our function to handle this case.
saved the input to the failing function. This makes debugging much
simpler. We did not have to disassemble our pipeline and rerun it step-by-step.
Overall, in rmonad
, the output of a pipeline is not just the effluent of the
last node, but the collection of all the nodes along the way. The pipeline
itself becomes data that can be computed upon.