Minor changes to improve compatibility with dplyr 1.0.0.
Update package’s data and alter format where pollutants are in a “long” format.
Replace deprecated data_frame
with tibble
Replace deprecated funs
with ~
Allow rmw_plot_test_prediction
to not fix axes, useful for facetting after the plot has been generated
Minor logic change to rmw_predict
to handle tibble’s non-dropping behaviour
Example data are now tibbles, not data frames
Add citation file with two publications
Enhance description file to contain new publication
Add tolerance to an R^2 unit test for some flavours of Linux used on the CRAN networks
The enhancement of a number of functions to allow for the estimation of uncertainty/errors of predictions
Convenient plotting functions now have colour arguments
Normalised predictions can now be returned without being aggregated
Add na.rm
argument to data preparing function to avoid imputing of the dependent variable
Add replace
argument to data preparing function so generated variables replace existing variables of the same name if they exist
Add variables_sample
argument to rmw_do_all
to allow for a user to choose which variables to be sampled for the normalisation step
Resubmisison after failure to pass CRAN’s manual checks
Expanded the package’s description and added a reference which uses the method to conduct an example analysis (https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-6223-2018)
Added two new data objects
Replaced with for examples