selectr is a package which makes working with HTML and XML documents easier. It does this by performing translation of CSS selectors into XPath expressions so that you can query XML
and xml2
documents easily.
xpath <- css_to_xpath("#selectr")
#> [1] "descendant-or-self::*[@id = 'selectr']"
The key functions in selectr are:
Translate a CSS selector into an XPath expression with css_to_xpath()
Query an XML
or xml2
document with querySelector()
and its variants.
Find the first matching node with querySelector()
Find all matching nodes with querySelectorAll()
Find the first matching node in a namespaced document with querySelectorNS()
Find all matching nodes in a namespaced document with querySelectorAllNS()
Here is a simple example to demonstrate how to query an XML
or xml2
document with querySelector()
xmlText <- '<foo><bar><baz id="first"/></bar><baz id="second"/></foo>'
doc <- xmlParse(xmlText)
querySelector(doc, "baz")
#> <baz id="first"/>
querySelectorAll(doc, "baz")
#> [[1]]
#> <baz id="first"/>
#> [[2]]
#> <baz id="second"/>
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "XMLNodeSet"
doc <- read_xml(xmlText)
querySelector(doc, "baz")
#> {xml_node}
#> <baz id="first">
querySelectorAll(doc, "baz")
#> {xml_nodeset (2)}
#> [1] <baz id="first"/>
#> [2] <baz id="second"/>