Installing sen2r

Instruction are provided separately for each OS:

Alternatively, sen2r can be used in a Docker container.

On Linux systems

Installing dependencies

Before installing sen2r, it is recommended to check R (v. 3.4.4 or higher) and the following libraries to be present:

Some external dependencies are required to run specific sen2r features:

To install both package dependencies and runtime binaries (excepting Sen2Cor, which is installed by sen2r):

Installing sen2r

Before proceeding, it is suggested to update the existing R packages:

update.packages(ask = FALSE)

Doing that, the following warning could appear:

Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl,  :
  'lib = "/usr/lib/R/library"' is not writable
Would you like to use a personal library instead?  (y/n)

If so, press y and continue. Moreover, if no personal libraries already exist, it is asked to create a new one: ask y and continue.

After that, the package can be installed from CRAN:


Alternatively, the development version can be installed from GitHub with the R package remotes. To do it:

  1. install the package remotes, if missing:

  2. load it and install sen2r:


This will install the R package along with its package dependencies, containing all the functions necessary to preprocess data.

Finally, Sen2Cor can be installed from R:


On Windows

R must be installed before proceeding.

In the case it was already installed, it is suggested to update the existing R packages:

update.packages(ask = FALSE)

sen2r can be installed from CRAN:


Alternatively, the development version can be installed from GitHub with the R package remotes. To do it:

  1. install the package remotes, if missing:

  2. load it and install sen2r:


This will install the R package along with its package dependencies, containing all the functions necessary to preprocess data.

On MacOS

R must be installed before proceeding.

In the case it was already installed, it is suggested to update the existing R packages:

update.packages(ask = FALSE)

Packages can be installed using the compiled binaries, except from sp, sf, rgdal and rgeos, which are recommended to be compiled. To do it, use the command

install.packages(c("sp", "sf", "rgdal", "rgeos"), type = "source")

after having installed GDAL as described above.

sen2r can be installed from CRAN:


Alternatively, the development version can be installed from GitHub with the R package remotes. To do it:

  1. install the package remotes, if missing:

  2. load it and install sen2r:


This will install the R package along with its package dependencies, containing all the functions necessary to preprocess data.

Installing Sen2Cor

Sen2Cor is used to perform atmospheric correction of Sentinel-2 Level-1C products, so its installation can be skipped in case this function is not required by the user (using only Level-1C – TOA products or downloading directly Level-2A products).

It can be graphically checked / installed launching the function


This function opens a GUI which help to check if this and other dependencies are satisfied; from this GUI a new Sen2Cor installation can be performed, or an existing environment can be linked to Sen2Cor.

Alternatively, it can be installed from the command line with the following function:


Installing other dependencies (generally unrequired and discouraged)

Other dependencies can be configure to run specific sen2r features; their installation is generally unrequired (they do not add relevant improvements to the package) and discouraged (errors could occur).

These dependences can be graphically checked launching the function


Alternatively, they can be installed individually from the command line with the following functions (see their respective references for further details):


Note on GDAL installation on MacOS

In order to avoid incompatibilities with GDAL, it is strictly mandatory to use a GDAL installation provided with the OSGeo Homebrew repository. To do it:

  1. if Homebrew is missing on your system, install it opening a terminal and typing:

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    (see the Homebrew webpage for details);

  2. install GDAL by typing:

    brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac
    brew install osgeo-gdal-python

    (see the OSGeo Homebrew webpage for details). At this step, an error could be returned in case another GDAL installation was already present; in this case, follow the instruction returned in the terminal to solve it (probably some packages must be unlinked with the instructions brew unlink <package>).