
The goal of shinyHugePlot is to efficiently plot the data of which sample size is very large, such as long time-series data. Using this package, small number of samples are obtained from huge-sized data automatically. Moreover, it can interactively change the samples according to the plot range the user defined.

For instance, assume that there is a data of which sample size is 1e8.

Without this package, to plot the overall data takes much time. It is difficult to study the macro and micro structure of the data because of the large sample size and the resolution of the chart. To divide the data into intervals and calculate statistical values such as mean may be a good approach for understanding the macro trend of the data; however, the micro structure will be lost and it is necessary to extract a part of the data and plot it.

Using this package, the automatically obtained samples are plotted quickly, which help understand the macro structure of the data. Moreover, zooming up the data provides new samples and illustrates the micro structure of the data. Both the macro and micro structures of the data can be easily and accurately understood by this package.


You can install shinyHugePlot from CRAN like so:


Or you can install the developing version of the package from gitlab like so:



This package was originally developed for displaying the data using dash app. See plotlyHugeData at if you would like to use dash app.



Before showing the example, the data with large sample size is prepared as follows:


d <- tibble::tibble(
  x = seq(0, 1e6),
  t = nanotime(Sys.time()) + seq(0, 1e6) * 7e4,
  y = (3 + sin(x / 200) + runif(1e6 + 1) / 10) * x / 1000

Easy example

Here is the easiest example.

shiny_hugeplot(d$x, d$y)

Time-series data is also applicable.

shiny_hugeplot(d$t, d$y)

A shiny app will be running in the R-studio viewer. The original data has 1e6 samples while only 1e3 samples (default) are shown to reduce the processing time. Try zooming up the plot and confirm that more samples are shown according to the zoom.

Note that how much the samples are down-sampled are shown in the legends. For example, the legend name of [R] trace 1 ~1.0K means that the name of the displayed series is “trace 1” and that one sample is generated for every 1.0K (= 1000) samples using a particular down-sampling algorithm.

Plotly example

The plot is based on plotly, so creating a plotly object and using it is a good option to use this package:

fig <- plot_ly() %>%
  add_trace(x = d$t, y = d$y, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>% 
  layout(xaxis = list(type = "date"))


The subplot is also supported:

p1 <- plot_ly(
  data = d[1:1e5, ], x = ~x, y = ~y, type = "scatter", mode = "lines"

p2 <- plot_ly(
  data = d[1e3 + 1:1e5, ], x = ~x, y = ~y, type = "scatter", mode = "lines"

ps <- subplot(p1, p2, nrows = 2, shareX = TRUE)

Shiny example

The layout of the plot(s) is controlled by shiny. You can customize the layout using it.

fig <- plot_ly(x = d$x, y = d$y, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") 

shd <- shiny_downsampler$new(figure = fig)

ui <- fluidPage(
  plotlyOutput(outputId = "hp", width = "800px", height = "600px")

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$hp <- renderPlotly(shd$figure)

    updatePlotlyH(session, "hp", plotly::event_data("plotly_relayout"), shd)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example for changing the aggregator

The down-sampling is, by default, done using Largest Triangle Three Buckets (LTTB) algorithm, which decreases the samples based on the visual aspect of the plot. You can select several another down-sample method, such as just showing minimum, mean and max values, as follows.

fig <- plot_ly(x = d$x, y = d$y, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") 
shiny_hugeplot(fig, n_out = 100, aggregator = range_stat_aggregator)


This package is distributed with the MIT license.


This package was developed inspired by the python package of plotly_resampler (