with hourly values of wind speed, wind direction, temperature, global radiation, total cloud cover and stability class.NEWS
(tile = TRUE) intervals are closed on the left and open on the right. In previous versions it was the opposite. In this way an interval 0 - 1
does include values equal to 0 and does not include values equals to 1.magick
package is now suggested (not required). If it is not installed, it will not be possible to read (and plot) background basemaps in contourPlot2
do not add Inf as upper limit in levels in the case of delta maps, when the first level is negative. Note that this will probably change the output of some scripts.contourPlot2
which occasionally were not properly formatted.tile
to plot tiles instead of contours.importRaster()
has now a unique parameter for scaling vector length;vectorField()
has been removed in exchange for a sensible default;NEW FEATURES
New contourPlot2()
Based on ggplot2 v3.3.0 and geom_contour_filled
Colour bands are not overlapped any more therefore the maps are more accurate;
Legend labels are more informative and smarter (you can also use +/- Inf for upper and lower bound);
Legend type for contour lines (no filling) is now a line;
Added possibility to specify column names to the data;
Axis labels are rounded to 0 decimals (they are in metres);
Background image can be any format (jpeg, png, etc…);
Almost entirely a substitute of contourPlot()
New downloadBasemap()
function to download basemap from the Italian National Geoportal.
has better defaults for vector lengths.plotAvgRad()
to plot meteorological vector field.importADSOBIN
is now compatible with arinfopy
version 2.3.2.contourPlot
accepts a size parameter for contour line thickness.contourPlot
accepts a cover boolean parameter to specify if contours should be colour covered or not.plotAvgRad
accepts a bare boolean parameter to remove any graphical element of the plot (axis, titles, legend, …).contourPlot
accepts a smoothness parameter to improve the horizontal resolution of the dataset (smaller cells) by the given (integer) factor. The new raster object to be plotted is obtained by bilinear interpolation.importADSOBIN
function to read ADSO/BIN files.plotStabilityClass
uses seasons instead of quarters.plotAvgTemp
correctly manages timezones.verbose of
importRasterset to
FALSEby default (it was
of importRaster
renamed to file
and set to file.chooser
by default.plotStabilityClass
parameter to contourPlot
for user defined color palette.geom_hollow_polygon
and stat_hollow_contour
to correctly plot hollows in filled contour plots.importRaster
in importRaster
to multiply z
is able to correctly plot negative values. Improved management of borders. Bugfixes.plotAvgTemp
function to plot contour levels diagrams of pollutant concentration.importRaster
added the possibility to shift X and/or Y coordinates by dX/dY.createBaseMap
function to create base maps for contour plots. It currently works only with png files.plotAvgTemp
, plots table of plotted values below the graph.plotAvgRad
has three methods to compute stability class: impact, as in ARIA Impact, pasquill (standard classification) and custom.plotStabClass()
function has been renamed to plotStabilityClass()