Home-to-work commuting flows within the municipalities around Paris



This article illustrates the use of the spflow package for modeling spatial interactions using the example of home-to-work commuting flows. For our example we use information on the 71 municipalities that are located closest to the center of Paris. This data is contained in the package and was originally diffused by the French National Institutes of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), and of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN). (For more information see help(paris_data).)


Data presentation

Each municipality is identified by a unique id. Additionally, we have information on the population, the median income and the number of companies.

drop_area <- names(paris10km_municipalities) != "AREA"

There are three different neighborhood matrices that can be used to describe the connectivity between the municipalities.

old_par <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(0,0,1,0))

mid_points <- suppressWarnings({

paris10km_nb <- list(
  "by_contiguity" = spdep::poly2nb(paris10km_municipalities),
  "by_distance" = spdep::dnearneigh(mid_points,d1 = 0, d2 = 5),
  "by_knn" = spdep::knn2nb(knearneigh(mid_points,3))

plot(paris10km_nb$by_contiguity, mid_points, add = T, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0.5))

plot(paris10km_nb$by_distance,mid_points, add = T, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0.5)) 

plot(paris10km_nb$by_knn, mid_points, add = T, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0.5))
title("3 Nearest Neighbors") 


Finally, there is data on the size of the commuting flows and the distance between all pairs of municipalities.

#> 1    75101   75101     0.0000  3771.235555
#> 2    75101   75102   787.6493   294.768992
#> 3    75101   75103  1734.3136    71.251159
#> 4    75101   75104  1811.4124    99.384682
#> 5    75101   75105  2268.2408    98.889146
#> 6    75101   75106  1513.1158    65.154062
#> 7    75101   75107  1908.6102    96.991438
#> 8    75101   75108  2083.9014   455.666096
#> 9    75101   75109  1610.6894   265.184461
#> 10   75101   75110  2339.9467    74.846270
#> 11   75101   75111  3241.7862    93.954966
#> 12   75101   75112  6939.4271   123.460322
#> 13   75101   75113  4262.6282   130.726524
#> 14   75101   75114  3771.3545    74.777413
#> 15   75101   75115  4061.6599   122.035858
#> 16   75101   75116  5463.6893   126.298089
#> 17   75101   75117  3509.1773    95.305200
#> 18   75101   75118  3437.6852    47.283055
#> 19   75101   75119  4485.0897    46.148335
#> 20   75101   75120  4763.9492    25.819257
#> 21   75101   92004  6908.1954    18.840256
#> 22   75101   92007  7357.6899    12.428163
#> 23   75101   92009  7777.9864    15.764324
#> 24   75101   92012  7708.8244   108.691009
#> 25   75101   92014  9249.7126     8.287077
#> 26   75101   92020  7559.7570    19.252633
#> 27   75101   92024  5113.8197    26.692705
#> 28   75101   92025  9383.4950    19.986097
#> 29   75101   92026  7163.1816   144.794397
#> 30   75101   92032  8880.7653    10.126380
#> 31   75101   92035  8329.2367     5.971389
#> 32   75101   92036  8581.3876    23.492583
#> 33   75101   92040  6856.4454    67.487922
#> 34   75101   92044  5135.8208   105.543217
#> 35   75101   92046  5920.0446    16.164938
#> 36   75101   92049  5443.4834    21.685858
#> 37   75101   92051  5742.1941    98.483601
#> 38   75101   92062  7575.3666   165.913286
#> 39   75101   92073  8595.9356    20.755474
#> 40   75101   92075  5804.3871     5.833138
#> 41   75101   92078  8332.3849     0.000000
#> 42   75101   93001  6617.1492    26.613996
#> 43   75101   93006  6375.8895     7.027788
#> 44   75101   93008  9095.3599    17.442278
#> 45   75101   93013 10545.5676     2.477162
#> 46   75101   93027  9069.7148     3.136324
#> 47   75101   93029 10412.1524     0.000000
#> 48   75101   93039  8352.0973     0.000000
#> 49   75101   93045  6488.0041     4.797271
#> 50   75101   93048  8211.0625    84.570051
#>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 4991 rows ]

Modeling Spatial interactions

The spflow package builds on the idea that flows correspond to pairwise interactions between the nodes of an origin network with the nodes of a destination network.

In our example, the origin and destination networks are the same because every municipality is both an origin and destination of a flow.

To estimate the model efficiently, the spflow package uses moment-based estimation methods, that exploit the relational structure of flow data. This avoids duplication arising from the fact that each municipality is at the origin and destination of many flows.

The network objects

To describe the nodes of a network the package provides sp_network_nodes-class that combines attributes of the nodes with the chosen network structure. For our model we choose the contiguity based neighborhood structure.

paris10km_net <- 
    network_id = "paris",
    node_neighborhood = nb2mat(paris10km_nb$by_contiguity),
    node_data = st_drop_geometry(paris10km_municipalities),
    node_key_column = "ID_MUN")

#> Spatial network nodes with id: paris
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Number of nodes: 71
#> Average number of links per node: 5.239
#> Density of the neighborhood matrix: 7.38% (non-zero connections)
#> Data on nodes:
#> 1   75101      17100   31842.56      14333  182
#> 2   75102      22390   30024.50      14478   99
#> 3   75103      35991   30988.00      10696  117
#> 4   75104      27769   30514.67       7412  160
#> 5   75105      60179   32950.00      10290  252
#> 6   75106      43224   38447.69      10620  215
#> 7   75107      57092   41949.00      12602  412
#> 8   75108      38749   39774.00      52237  386
#> 9   75109      59474   32771.00      23687  218
#> 10  75110      94474   25154.00      23996  288
#> 11  75111     155006   26253.00      27481  366
#> 12  75112     144925   26729.00      19434 1637
#> 13  75113     182386   23538.18      16202  714
#> 14  75114     141102   27233.00      16066  561
#> 15  75115     238190   30227.33      25897  846
#> 16  75116     167613   38299.00      34510 1641
#> 17  75117     170156   29872.00      32182  564
#> 18  75118     201374   20942.00      23839  604
#> 19  75119     186116   19136.96      17481  675
#> 20  75120     197311   20632.00      23780  597
#> 21  92004      83845   23775.00       6562  482
#> 22  92007      38398   18293.38       1831  418
#> 23  92009      28709   28105.00       1820  193
#> 24  92012     117126   31267.78      14965  615
#> 25  92014      19872   31040.43       1337  186
#> 26  92020      34960   27258.00       1867  293
#> 27  92024      59240   18424.44       4977  308
#> 28  92025      85357   21158.00       4952  779
#> 29  92026      86854   28932.00       8065  417
#> 30  92032      22866   25036.00       1086  253
#> 31  92035      28371   29001.67       2179  178
#> 32  92036      42919   16465.76       2570 1164
#> 33  92040      65322   30259.20       5339  425
#> 34  92044      64654   30504.00       7457  242
#> 35  92046      30420   23041.00       2261  207
#> 36  92049      48909   26831.71       3647  207
#> 37  92051      62021   43350.00      10208  372
#> 38  92062      44514   26401.33       5303  318
#> 39  92073      47263   28212.00       3975  380
#> 40  92075      27367   27710.00       1599  156
#>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 31 rows ]

The sp_network_pair-class contains all information on the pairs of nodes belonging to the origin and destination networks.

paris10km_net_pairs <- sp_network_pair(
  orig_net_id = "paris",
  dest_net_id = "paris",
  pair_data = paris10km_commuteflows,
  orig_key_column = "ID_ORIG",
  dest_key_column = "ID_DEST")

#> Spatial network pair with id: paris_paris
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Origin network id: paris (with 71 nodes)
#> Destination network id: paris (with 71 nodes)
#> Number of pairs: 5041
#> Completeness of pairs: 100.00% (5041/5041)
#> Data on node-pairs:
#> 1    75101   75101     0.0000  3771.235555
#> 2    75101   75102   787.6493   294.768992
#> 3    75101   75103  1734.3136    71.251159
#> 4    75101   75104  1811.4124    99.384682
#> 5    75101   75105  2268.2408    98.889146
#> 6    75101   75106  1513.1158    65.154062
#> 7    75101   75107  1908.6102    96.991438
#> 8    75101   75108  2083.9014   455.666096
#> 9    75101   75109  1610.6894   265.184461
#> 10   75101   75110  2339.9467    74.846270
#> 11   75101   75111  3241.7862    93.954966
#> 12   75101   75112  6939.4271   123.460322
#> 13   75101   75113  4262.6282   130.726524
#> 14   75101   75114  3771.3545    74.777413
#> 15   75101   75115  4061.6599   122.035858
#> 16   75101   75116  5463.6893   126.298089
#> 17   75101   75117  3509.1773    95.305200
#> 18   75101   75118  3437.6852    47.283055
#> 19   75101   75119  4485.0897    46.148335
#> 20   75101   75120  4763.9492    25.819257
#> 21   75101   92004  6908.1954    18.840256
#> 22   75101   92007  7357.6899    12.428163
#> 23   75101   92009  7777.9864    15.764324
#> 24   75101   92012  7708.8244   108.691009
#> 25   75101   92014  9249.7126     8.287077
#> 26   75101   92020  7559.7570    19.252633
#> 27   75101   92024  5113.8197    26.692705
#> 28   75101   92025  9383.4950    19.986097
#> 29   75101   92026  7163.1816   144.794397
#> 30   75101   92032  8880.7653    10.126380
#> 31   75101   92035  8329.2367     5.971389
#> 32   75101   92036  8581.3876    23.492583
#> 33   75101   92040  6856.4454    67.487922
#> 34   75101   92044  5135.8208   105.543217
#> 35   75101   92046  5920.0446    16.164938
#> 36   75101   92049  5443.4834    21.685858
#> 37   75101   92051  5742.1941    98.483601
#> 38   75101   92062  7575.3666   165.913286
#> 39   75101   92073  8595.9356    20.755474
#> 40   75101   92075  5804.3871     5.833138
#> 41   75101   92078  8332.3849     0.000000
#> 42   75101   93001  6617.1492    26.613996
#> 43   75101   93006  6375.8895     7.027788
#> 44   75101   93008  9095.3599    17.442278
#> 45   75101   93013 10545.5676     2.477162
#> 46   75101   93027  9069.7148     3.136324
#> 47   75101   93029 10412.1524     0.000000
#> 48   75101   93039  8352.0973     0.000000
#> 49   75101   93045  6488.0041     4.797271
#> 50   75101   93048  8211.0625    84.570051
#>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 4991 rows ]

The sp_multi_network-class combines information on the nodes and the node-pairs and also ensures that both data sources are consistent. For example, if some of the origins in the sp_network_pair-class are not identified with the nodes in the sp_network_nodes-class an error will be raised.

paris10km_multi_net <- sp_multi_network(paris10km_net,paris10km_net_pairs)
#> Collection of spatial network nodes and pairs
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Contains 1 sets of spatial network nodes. 
#>     With ids: paris
#> Contains 1 sets of spatial network pairs 
#>     With ids: paris_paris
#> Availability of origin-destination pair information:
#> 1 paris_paris   5041      100.00%       paris          71       paris
#> 1          71


The core function of the package is spflow(), which provides an interface to four different estimators of the spatial econometric interaction model.

Estimating with default values

Estimation with default settings requires two arguments: an sp_multi_network-class and a flow_formula. The flow_formula specifies the model we want to estimate. In this example, the dependent variable is a transformation of commuting flows and we use the dot shortcut to indicate that all available variables should be included in the model. Using the defaults leads to the most comprehensive spatial interaction model, which includes spatial lags of the dependent variable, the exogenous variables and additional attributes for intra-regional observations.

results_default <- spflow(
  flow_formula = log(1 + COMMUTE_FLOW) ~ . + G_(log( 1 + DISTANCE)),
  sp_multi_network = paris10km_multi_net)

#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Spatial interaction model estimated by: MLE  
#> Autocorrelation structure: model_9 (SDM)  
#> Observations: 5041  
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Coefficients:
#>                          est    sd  t.stat  p.value
#> rho_d                   0.44  0.02   28.06     0.01
#> rho_o                   0.74  0.01   80.74     0.00
#> rho_w                  -0.35  0.02  -16.86     0.02
#> (Intercept)             1.27  0.23    5.50     0.06
#> (Intra)                 3.11  0.47    6.62     0.05
#> DEST_AREA               0.00  0.00    8.04     0.04
#> DEST_MED_INCOME         0.00  0.00   -3.88     0.08
#> DEST_NB_COMPANY         0.00  0.00    3.43     0.09
#> DEST_POPULATION         0.00  0.00    4.67     0.07
#> DEST_AREA.lag1          0.00  0.00   -4.66     0.07
#> DEST_MED_INCOME.lag1    0.00  0.00    7.08     0.04
#> DEST_NB_COMPANY.lag1    0.00  0.00    2.95     0.10
#> DEST_POPULATION.lag1    0.00  0.00   -0.78     0.29
#> ORIG_AREA               0.00  0.00    6.23     0.05
#> ORIG_MED_INCOME         0.00  0.00   -0.24     0.42
#> ORIG_NB_COMPANY         0.00  0.00   -5.27     0.06
#> ORIG_POPULATION         0.00  0.00   22.58     0.01
#> ORIG_AREA.lag1          0.00  0.00   -3.94     0.08
#> ORIG_MED_INCOME.lag1    0.00  0.00    0.08     0.48
#> ORIG_NB_COMPANY.lag1    0.00  0.00    0.39     0.38
#> ORIG_POPULATION.lag1    0.00  0.00   -4.95     0.06
#> INTRA_AREA              0.00  0.00   -2.05     0.14
#> INTRA_MED_INCOME        0.00  0.00    0.68     0.31
#> INTRA_NB_COMPANY        0.00  0.00   -0.31     0.40
#> INTRA_POPULATION        0.00  0.00   -0.98     0.25
#> INTRA_AREA.lag1         0.00  0.00    0.90     0.27
#> INTRA_MED_INCOME.lag1   0.00  0.00   -2.36     0.13
#> INTRA_NB_COMPANY.lag1   0.00  0.00    2.29     0.13
#> INTRA_POPULATION.lag1   0.00  0.00   -1.33     0.21
#> log(1 + DISTANCE)      -0.14  0.02   -6.01     0.05
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> R2_corr: 0.9110023

Adjusting the formula

We can adjust how the exogenous variables are to be used by wrapping them into the D_(), O_(), I_() and G_() functions. The variables in G_() are used as OD pair features and those in D_(), O_() and I_() are used as destination, origin and intra-regional features. We can take advantage of the formula interface to specify transformations and expand factor variables to dummies.

clog <- function(x) {
  log_x <- log(x)
  log_x - mean(log_x)

flow_formula  <- 
  log(COMMUTE_FLOW + 1) ~
  D_(log(NB_COMPANY) + clog(MED_INCOME)) +
  O_(log(POPULATION) + clog(MED_INCOME)) +
  I_(log(POPULATION)) +
  G_(log(DISTANCE + 1))

results_mle  <- spflow(
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Spatial interaction model estimated by: MLE  
#> Autocorrelation structure: model_9 (SDM)  
#> Observations: 5041  
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Coefficients:
#>                               est    sd  t.stat  p.value
#> rho_d                        0.21  0.02   10.98     0.03
#> rho_o                        0.67  0.01   60.66     0.01
#> rho_w                       -0.02  0.02   -0.85     0.28
#> (Intercept)                 -0.80  0.29   -2.73     0.11
#> (Intra)                      3.36  1.79    1.88     0.16
#> DEST_clog(MED_INCOME)       -0.42  0.05   -8.16     0.04
#> DEST_log(NB_COMPANY)         0.35  0.01   23.45     0.01
#> DEST_clog(MED_INCOME).lag1   0.66  0.07    9.07     0.03
#> DEST_log(NB_COMPANY).lag1   -0.24  0.02  -11.44     0.03
#> ORIG_clog(MED_INCOME)       -0.09  0.05   -1.80     0.16
#> ORIG_log(POPULATION)         0.76  0.02   35.79     0.01
#> ORIG_clog(MED_INCOME).lag1  -0.03  0.07   -0.47     0.36
#> ORIG_log(POPULATION).lag1   -0.60  0.03  -19.24     0.02
#> INTRA_log(POPULATION)       -0.50  0.09   -5.83     0.05
#> INTRA_log(POPULATION).lag1   0.34  0.16    2.08     0.14
#> log(DISTANCE + 1)           -0.14  0.02   -6.80     0.05
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> R2_corr: 0.9192029

Adjustment through spflow_control

More fine-grained adjustments are possible via the spflow_control argument. Here we change the estimation method and the way we want to model the spatial autoregression in the flows. To use spatial lags only for certain variables, we need to specify them as a second formula.

sdm_formula <- ~
  O_(log(POPULATION) + clog(MED_INCOME)) +
  D_(log(NB_COMPANY) + clog(MED_INCOME))

cntrl <- spflow_control(
  estimation_method = "mcmc",
  sdm_variables = sdm_formula,
  model = "model_7") # restricts \rho_w = 0

results_mcmc  <- spflow(
  flow_control = cntrl)

#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Spatial interaction model estimated by: MCMC  
#> Autocorrelation structure: model_7 (SDM)  
#> Observations: 5041  
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Coefficients:
#>                               est  quant_025  quant_975    sd  t.stat  p.value
#> rho_d                        0.20       0.17       0.23  0.01   13.38     0.02
#> rho_o                        0.66       0.64       0.68  0.02   44.17     0.01
#> (Intercept)                 -0.83      -1.40      -0.27  0.29   -2.92     0.10
#> (Intra)                      6.61       4.82       8.31  0.90    7.33     0.04
#> DEST_clog(MED_INCOME)       -0.43      -0.53      -0.32  0.05   -7.96     0.04
#> DEST_log(NB_COMPANY)         0.35       0.32       0.38  0.02   18.67     0.02
#> DEST_clog(MED_INCOME).lag1   0.66       0.51       0.80  0.08    8.50     0.04
#> DEST_log(NB_COMPANY).lag1   -0.24      -0.28      -0.21  0.02  -12.12     0.03
#> ORIG_clog(MED_INCOME)       -0.09      -0.19       0.01  0.05   -1.82     0.16
#> ORIG_log(POPULATION)         0.78       0.74       0.81  0.02   38.05     0.01
#> ORIG_clog(MED_INCOME).lag1  -0.03      -0.16       0.10  0.07   -0.43     0.37
#> ORIG_log(POPULATION).lag1   -0.61      -0.66      -0.56  0.03  -23.02     0.01
#> INTRA_log(POPULATION)       -0.45      -0.61      -0.29  0.08   -5.52     0.06
#> log(DISTANCE + 1)           -0.14      -0.18      -0.10  0.02   -6.19     0.05
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> R2_corr: 0.9189524