Any graphical or console output as well as file artifacts created by a training run (e.g. saved models or saved model weights) can be viewed from the Output tab of the run view:
You can use the copy_run_files()
function to export file
artifacts from runs into another directory. For example:
copy_run_files("runs/2017-09-24T10-54-00Z", to = "saved-model")
You can also use the copy_run()
function to export a run
directory in it’s entirety. For example, this code exports the specified
run to a “best-run” directory:
copy_run("runs/2017-09-24T10-54-00Z", to = "best-run")
Note that copy_run()
will accept any number of runs. For
example, this code exports all run directories with an evaluation
accuracy greater than 0.98 to a “best-runs” directory:
copy_run(ls_runs(eval_acc >= 0.98), to = "best-runs")
You can use the clean_runs()
function to archive a set
of runs you no longer need the data from. For example, this code
archives all runs with an eval accuracy less than 0.98:
clean_runs(ls_runs(eval_acc < 0.98))
If you don’t specify a set of runs to clean then all runs will be archived:
clean_runs() # archives all runs in the "runs" directory
Note that you’ll always get a confirmation prompt before the runs are actually archived.
When runs are archived they are moved to the “archive” subdirectory
of the “runs” directory. If you want to permanently remove runs from the
archive you call the purge_runs()