Variable importance, interaction measures and partial dependence plots are important summaries in the interpretation of statistical and machine learning models. In this vignette we describe new visualization techniques for exploring these model summaries. We construct heatmap and graph-based displays showing variable importance and interaction jointly, which are carefully designed to highlight important aspects of the fit. We describe a new matrix-type layout showing all single and bivariate partial dependence plots, and an alternative layout based on graph Eulerians focusing on key subsets. Our new visualisations are model-agnostic and are applicable to regression and classification supervised learning settings. They enhance interpretation even in situations where the number of variables is large and the interaction structure complex. Our R package vivid
(variable importance and variable interaction displays) provides an implementation.
Some of the plots used by vivid
are built upon the zenplots
package which requires the graph
package from BioConductor. To install the graph
and zenplots
packages use:
if (!requireNamespace("graph", quietly = TRUE)){
Now we can install vivid
by using:
Alternatively you can install the latest development version of the package in R with the commands:
if(!require(remotes)) install.packages('remotes')
We then load the required packages. vivid
to create the visualizations and some other packages to create various model fits.
library(vivid) # for visualisations
library(randomForest) # for model fit
library(mlr3) # for model fit
library(mlr3learners) # for model fit
library(ranger) # for model fit
The data used in the following examples is simulated from the Friedman benchmark problem 11. This benchmark problem is commonly used for testing purposes. The output is created according to the equation:
For the following examples we set the number of features to equal 9 and the number of samples is set to 350 and fit a randomForest
random forest model with \(y\) as the response. As the features \(x_1\) to \(x_5\) are the only variables in the model, therefore \(x_6\) to \(x_{9}\) are noise variables. As can be seen by the above equation, the only interaction is between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\)
Create the data:
<- function(noFeatures = 10,
genFriedman noSamples = 100,
sigma = 1
) {# Set Values
<- noSamples # no of rows
n <- noFeatures # no of variables
p <- rnorm(n, sd = sigma)
# Create matrix of values
<- matrix(runif(n * p, 0, 1), nrow = n) # Create matrix
xValues colnames(xValues) <- paste0("x", 1:p) # Name columns
<- data.frame(xValues) # Create dataframe
# Equation:
# y = 10sin(πx1x2) + 20(x3−0.5)^2 + 10x4 + 5x5 + ε
<- (10 * sin(pi * df$x1 * df$x2) + 20 * (df$x3 - 0.5)^2 + 10 * df$x4 + 5 * df$x5 + e)
y # Adding y to df
$y <- y
<- genFriedman(noFeatures = 9, noSamples = 350, sigma = 1) myData
Here we create two model fits. We create a random forest fit from the randomForest
<- randomForest(y ~ ., data = myData, importance = TRUE) rf
Note that for a randomForest
model, if importance = TRUE
, then when running the vivi
function below an importance type must also be selected (ie., "%IncMSE"
or "IncNodePurity"
) via the importanceType
To begin, we use the vivi
function to create a symmetrical matrix filled with pair-wise interaction strengths on the off-diagonals and variable importance on the diagonal. The matrix is ordered so that variables with high interaction strength and importance are pushed to the top left. The vivi
uses Friedman’s unnormalized H-Statistic to calculate the pair-wise interaction strength and uses either embedded feature selection methods to determine the variable importance, or if the supplied model does not support an embedded variable importance measure an agnostic permutation approach will be applied automatically to generate the importance values. The unnormalized version of the H-statistic was chosen to have a more direct comparison of interaction effects across pairs of variables and the results of H are on the scale of the response.
This function works with multiple model fits and results in a matrix which can be supplied to the plotting functions. The predict function argument uses condvis2::CVpredict
by default, which works for many fit classes.
Note: For the purposes of speed, the grid size (i.e., gridSize
- the size of the gid on which the evaluations are made) and the number of rows subsetted (nmax
) are small. This achieve more accurate results, incerease both the grid size and the number of rows used.
<- vivi(fit = rf,
rf_fit data = myData,
response = "y",
gridSize = 10,
importanceType = "%IncMSE",
nmax = 100,
reorder = TRUE,
class = 1,
predictFun = NULL)
The first visualization option supplied by vivid
creates a heatmap plot displaying variable importance on the diagonal and variable interaction on the off-diagonal. As mentioned above, the matrix created by vivi
is ordered. using a seriation method This will push variables of interest to the top left of the heatmap plot.
viviHeatmap(mat = rf_fit) + ggtitle("rf heatmap")
An alternative to the heatmap plot, is a network graph. This has the advantage of allowing the user to quickly identify which variables have a strong interaction in a model. The importance of the variable is represented by both the size of the node (with larger nodes meaning they have greater importance) and the colour of the node. Importance is displayed by using a gradient of white to red, representing the low to high values. The two-way interaction strengths between variables are represented by the connecting lines (or edges). Both the size and colour of the edge are used to highlight interaction strength. Thicker lines between variables indicate a greater interaction strength. The interaction strength values are displayed by using a gradient of white to dark blue, representing the low to high values.
viviNetwork(mat = rf_fit)
We can also filter out any interactions below a set value using the intThreshold
argument. This can be useful when the number of variables included in the model is large or just to highlight the strongest interactions. By default, unconnected nodes are displayed, however, they can be removed by setting the argument removeNode = T
viviNetwork(mat = rf_fit, intThreshold = 0.12, removeNode = F)
viviNetwork(mat = rf_fit, intThreshold = 0.12, removeNode = T)
The network plot offers multiple customization possibilities when it comes to displaying the network style plot through use of the layout
argument. The default layout is a circle but the argument accepts any igraph
layout function or a numeric matrix with two columns, one row per node.
viviNetwork(mat = rf_fit,
layout = cbind(c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2), c(1,2,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)))
Finally, for the network plot to highlight any relationships in the model fit, we can cluster variables together using the cluster
argument. This argument can either accept a vector of cluster memberships for nodes or an igraph clustering function.
viviNetwork(mat = rf_fit, cluster = igraph::cluster_fast_greedy)
The clustered plot in Fig 2.5 shows two clustered groups. As mentioned above, to get more sensible clustered groups, both gridSize
and nmax
should be increased.
This function creates a generalized pairs plot style matrix plot of the 2D partial dependence (PD) of each of the variables in the upper diagonal, the individual partial dependence plots (PDP) and ice curves (ICE) on the diagonal and a scatter-plot of the data on the lower diagonal. The PDP shows the marginal effect that one or two features have on the predicted outcome of a machine learning model2. A partial dependence plot is used to show whether the relationship between the response variable and a feature is linear or more complex. As PD is calculated on a grid, this may result in the PDP extrapolating where there is no data. To solve this issue we calculate a convex hull around the data and remove any points that fall outside the convex hull. This is illustrated in the classification example in Section 3.0. In Fig 3.0 below, we display the generalized partial dependence pairs plot (GPDP) for the random forest fit on the Friedman data.
pdpPairs(data = myData, fit = rf, response = "y", nmax = 50, gridSize = 10)
#> Generating ice/pdp fits... waiting...
#> Finished ice/pdp
As calculating the PD can computationally expensive. To speed the process up we sample the data and by default only display 30 ICE curves per variable on the diagonal (although this cab be changed via function arguments). We can also subset the data to only display a particular set of variables, as shown in Fig 3.1 below.
pdpPairs(data = myData, fit = rf, response = "y", nmax = 50, gridSize = 10,
vars = c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"))
#> Generating ice/pdp fits... waiting...
#> Finished ice/pdp
The final installment in vivid
is a partial dependence plot, laid out in a zenplot
style, which we call (ZPDP). The ZPDP is based on graph Eulerians and focuses on key subsets. ‘Zenplots’ create a zigzag expanded navigation plot (‘zenplot’) of the partial dependence values. This results in an alternating sequence of two-dimensional plots laid out in a zigzag structure, as shown in Fig 4.0 below and can be used as a useful space-saving plot that displays the most influential variables.
pdpZen(data = myData, fit = rf, response = "y", nmax = 50, gridSize = 10)
#> Generating ice/pdp fits... waiting...
#> Finished ice/pdp
In Fig 4.0, we can see PDPs laid out in a zigzag structure, with the most influential variable pairs displayed at the top. As we move down the plot, we also move down in influence of the variable pairs.
Using the zpath
argument, we can filter out any interactions below a set value. zpath
takes the vivi matrix as a function argument and then, using cutoff
, we can filter out any interactions below the chosen value. For example:
<- zPath(viv = rf_fit, cutoff = 0.1)
zpath pdpZen(data = myData, fit = rf, response = "y", nmax = 50, gridSize = 10, zpath = zpath)
#> Generating ice/pdp fits... waiting...
#> Finished ice/pdp
In this section, we briefly describe how to apply the above visualisations to a classification example using the iris
data set.
To begin we fit a ranger
random forest model with “Species” as the response and create the vivi matrix setting the category for classification to be “setosa” using class
<- ranger(Species~ ., data = iris, probability = T,
rfClassif importance = "impurity")
<- vivi(fit = rfClassif,
viviClassif data = iris,
response = "Species",
gridSize = 10,
importanceType = NULL,
nmax = 50,
reorder = TRUE,
class = "setosa",
predictFun = NULL)
#> Embedded impurity variable importance method used.
#> Calculating interactions...
Next we plot the heatmap and network plot of the iris data.
viviHeatmap(mat = viviClassif)
viviNetwork(mat = viviClassif)
As mentioned above, as PDPs are evaluated on a grid, they can extrapolate where there is no data. To solve this issue we calculate a convex hull around the data and remove any points that fall outside the convex hull. This can be seen in the GPDP in Fig 3.2 below.
pdpPairs(data = iris, fit = rfClassif, response = "Species", class = "setosa", convexHull = T, gridSize = 10, nmax = 50)
#> Generating ice/pdp fits... waiting...
#> Finished ice/pdp
Finally, a ZPDP for the random forest fit on the iris data with extrapolated data removed:
pdpZen(data = iris, fit = rfClassif, response = "Species", class = "setosa", convexHull = T, gridSize = 10, nmax = 50)
#> Generating ice/pdp fits... waiting...
#> Finished ice/pdp