Functions for the voxelwise analysis of NIfTI data in R.
Change log
v1.3.5 2018.06
- Change compatibility to ggplot2 (>= 2.3.0)
v1.3.4 2018.04
- Change compatibility to lmerTest (>= 3.0-1)
v1.3.3 2018.04
v1.3.2 2017.07
- New function to run fsl randomise on generalized additive models
- Clean documentation hid redundant functions
- The functions have a flag to output residual maps (for cluster correction)
v1.3.1 2017.07
v1.2.2 2017.03
- Minor edits to documentation
- Not released
v1.2.1 2016.08
- First release
- Functions for mass univariate analysis of NIfTI data