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Current Directory: upstream/python
= python =

== Description ==

Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be
used for many kinds of software development. It offers strong support
for integration with other languages and tools, comes with extensive
standard libraries, and can be learned in a few days. Many Python
programmers report substantial productivity gains and feel the
language encourages the development of higher quality, more
maintainable code.

For more details see

== License ==

Python is licensed under the PSF LICENSE. The Python license imposes
very few restrictions on what you can do with Python. Most of the
source code is copyrighted by the Python Software Foundation (PSF). A
few files have a different copyright owner, but the same license
applies to all of them. Python's licensing is GPL compatible.

For more details see

== SPKG Maintainers ==
 * William Stein
 * Mike Hansen
 * Craig Citro
 * Volker Braun

== Upstream Contact ==

There are a large number of community resources. For more details see

== Dependencies ==

 * GNU patch
 * readline
 * libpng
 * SQLite

== Special Update/Build Instructions ==

 * Remove src/Lib/distutils/command/wininst-*.exe when building a
   new spkg. Once we support Windows we will likely need to add them
   back in.
 * We used to block parallel MAKE, but extensive testing [make -j64]
   showed that there is no longer any problem. The problem is with
   parallel 'make install', which remains disabled.
 * Spaces in SAGE_ROOT aren't yet fully supported by this package,
   since we put $SAGE_LOCAL/... into CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS, which
   wouldn't work then.

=== Patches ===

 * sdist.patch: Make sure that sdist copies over the .hg directory.
 * socket.patch: Work around an SSL issue.
 * permissions.patch: Changes the permission of installed libraries
   to 0755 (like any other library) instead of 0555.
 * sys_path_security.patch: ensure that the current working directory
   or the script directory is prepended to sys.path only if there is no
   security risk in doing so.
 * io-issue_14437.patch: Fixes Python issue #14437 (building _io on Cygwin)
 * ncurses-issue_9665.patch: Fixes Python issue #9665 (by patching configure
   and after running autotools).
 * ncurses-issue_14438.patch: Fixes Python issue #14438 (ncurses)
 * disable_print_refs_debug.patch: Remove some unused debug output
   that breaks doctests.
 * no_strict_proto-issue_5755.patch: don't add -Wstrict-prototypes compiler
   flag, which isn't valid for C++ (but Python uses the same compiler flags
   for C and C++). See
 * re_unsigned_ptrdiff-issue_17016.patch: Fixes Python issue #17016.
 * hashlibfallbacks-issue_18000.patch: Fixed Python issue #18000.
 * inc_lib_dirs-issue_17990.patch: Only modify include and library search
   paths when cross-compiling.
 * node-issue_3871.patch: fix _PyNode_Sizeof declaration.
 * tinfo.patch: make sure tinfo is correctly linked in when needed on Cygwin.
 * uuid.patch: patch from Python issue 11063; reduce uuid moudle import side
   effects and fix thread related issues.
python-2.7.9.tar.gztorrent15.89 MB2015-05-18 16:10
MD5: 5eebcaa0030dc4061156d3429657fb83
python-2.7.8.tar.gztorrent14.16 MB2014-07-12 00:20
MD5: d4bca0159acb0b44a781292b5231936f
python-2.7.7.tar.gztorrent14.12 MB2014-06-04 09:48
MD5: cf842800b67841d64e7fb3cd8acb5663
python-2.7.6.tar.bz2torrent11.48 MB2014-04-28 14:43
MD5: d8476ec8e000c399fc4569bc3b96c3a5
python-2.7.5.tar.bz2torrent11.28 MB2013-06-20 00:45
MD5: 30b74f145e3d94923f79fd10a0f64490
python-2.7.4.tar.bz2torrent11.28 MB2013-05-02 22:24
MD5: ba4d7394df6c1e864d80654d29d62076
python-2.7.3.tar.bz2torrent10.98 MB2013-05-02 22:24
MD5: 1a14aea0611bdef19b0753fdc2ff1071