A collection of fast (utility) functions for data analysis. Column- and row- wise means, medians, variances, minimums, maximums, many t, F and G-square tests, many regressions (normal, logistic, Poisson), are some of the many fast functions. References: a) Tsagris M., Papadakis M. (2018). Taking R to its limits: 70+ tips. PeerJ Preprints 6:e26605v1 <doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.26605v1>. b) Tsagris M. and Papadakis M. (2018). Forward regression in R: from the extreme slow to the extreme fast. Journal of Data Science, 16(4): 771–780. <doi:10.6339/JDS.201810_16(4).00006>.
Version: | 2.0.6 |
Depends: | R (≥ 3.5.0), Rcpp (≥ 0.12.3), RcppZiggurat |
LinkingTo: | Rcpp (≥ 0.12.3), RcppArmadillo |
Published: | 2022-02-16 |
Author: | Manos Papadakis, Michail Tsagris, Marios Dimitriadis, Stefanos Fafalios, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Matteo Fasiolo, Giorgos Borboudakis, John Burkardt, Changliang Zou, Kleanthi Lakiotaki and Christina Chatzipantsiou. |
Maintainer: | Manos Papadakis <rfastofficial at gmail.com> |
BugReports: | https://github.com/RfastOfficial/Rfast/issues |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2.0)] |
URL: | https://github.com/RfastOfficial/Rfast |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
SystemRequirements: | C++17 |
Materials: | README NEWS |
CRAN checks: | Rfast results |
Reference manual: | Rfast.pdf |
Package source: | Rfast_2.0.6.tar.gz |
Windows binaries: | r-devel: Rfast_2.0.6.zip, r-release: Rfast_2.0.6.zip, r-oldrel: Rfast_2.0.6.zip |
macOS binaries: | r-release (arm64): Rfast_2.0.6.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): Rfast_2.0.6.tgz, r-release (x86_64): Rfast_2.0.6.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): Rfast_2.0.6.tgz |
Old sources: | Rfast archive |
Reverse depends: | success |
Reverse imports: | ALDEx2, aRchi, autoMFA, bltm, Compositional, COTAN, CPC, cpss, dCovTS, deepMOU, Directional, distinct, diyar, DrDimont, dyads, frscore, fsn, glmtoolbox, gMOIP, IMIFA, jenga, LACE, mbr, metaplus, methylscaper, MetSizeR, mfpp, micd, mixgb, mixpoissonreg, mlmts, molnet, MXM, naive, nebula, nestedcv, NetFACS, NetSci, NGBVS, NNS, obfuscatoR, optimalFlow, ORdensity, pchc, PNAR, ppsbm, PRSPGx, psichomics, QUALYPSO, RAINBOWR, randomLCA, RankAggSIgFUR, Rfast2, Rogue, Rtropical, segen, SelectBoost, sensobol, smartsnp, SmoothWin, spaceNet, speaq, Spectrum, SteppedPower, tetragon, truh, twl, VERSO, volcano3D, VoxR, WRI, wTO |
Reverse linking to: | distinct, sensobol |
Reverse suggests: | fastverse, FRESA.CAD, mlrCPO, MVNBayesian, ProFound, sgsR, susieR |
Please use the canonical form https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Rfast to link to this page.