e1071: Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wien

Functions for latent class analysis, short time Fourier transform, fuzzy clustering, support vector machines, shortest path computation, bagged clustering, naive Bayes classifier, generalized k-nearest neighbour ...

Version: 1.7-11
Imports: graphics, grDevices, class, stats, methods, utils, proxy
Suggests: cluster, mlbench, nnet, randomForest, rpart, SparseM, xtable, Matrix, MASS, slam
Published: 2022-06-07
Author: David Meyer [aut, cre], Evgenia Dimitriadou [aut, cph], Kurt Hornik [aut], Andreas Weingessel [aut], Friedrich Leisch [aut], Chih-Chung Chang [ctb, cph] (libsvm C++-code), Chih-Chen Lin [ctb, cph] (libsvm C++-code)
Maintainer: David Meyer <David.Meyer at R-project.org>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: NEWS
In views: Cluster, Distributions, Environmetrics, MachineLearning, Psychometrics
CRAN checks: e1071 results


Reference manual: e1071.pdf
Vignettes: Support Vector Machines—the Interface to libsvm in package e1071
svm() internals


Package source: e1071_1.7-11.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: e1071_1.7-11.zip, r-release: e1071_1.7-11.zip, r-oldrel: e1071_1.7-11.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): e1071_1.7-11.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): e1071_1.7-11.tgz, r-release (x86_64): e1071_1.7-11.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): e1071_1.7-11.tgz
Old sources: e1071 archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: AIMS, BayesLCA, bios2mds, ClueR, cpfa, EMDSVRhybrid, GameTheoryAllocation, Inventorymodel, LedPred, malani, manymodelr, maPredictDSC, MARSSVRhybrid, Mfuzz, MTPS, NeuCA, penalizedSVM, RMediation, SigCheck, smacof, SwathXtend, TNBC.CMS, VHDClassification
Reverse imports: ADAPTS, AdaSampling, aRtsy, ASpediaFI, assignPOP, autoBagging, autoMrP, aweSOM, bayesrules, bindata, Biocomb, BioMM, biosigner, BLRShiny, BLRShiny2, bnviewer, BoutrosLab.plotting.general, BPRMeth, BSDA, BubbleTree, BWGS, caret, cati, causalweight, cellity, chemmodlab, chemometrics, classInt, classmap, cleanUpdTSeq, clusterSim, CMShiny, CORREP, coseq, CRImage, CTShiny, CTShiny2, dad, DaMiRseq, DanielBiostatistics10th, deconvR, Deducer, DemographicTable, diproperm, dPCP, DPpack, DrugClust, DSWE, DTWBI, DTWUMI, DWLS, ebmc, ECoL, EcotoneFinder, Ecume, EEMDSVR, EnMCB, EnsembleBase, EpiDISH, epiNEM, EpiSemble, EZtune, fairness, fasstr, fdm2id, feamiR, FeatureTerminatoR, FFTrees, fgga, fitur, flip, flowCut, fmf, fMRIscrub, FSinR, fsr, ftsa, FuzzyClass, FWRGB, geNetClassifier, genphen, geodiv, GHap, gld, GMDH2, granulator, GSA.UN, hda, healthcareai, hybridEnsemble, hydroTSM, hyperoverlap, hypervolume, IGST, imageHTS, Irescale, KCSNBShiny, kebabs, KNNShiny, KnowSeq, lfl, LilRhino, live, LncFinder, LOST, m2b, MAI, MAIT, MaOEA, mAPKL, maskRangeR, mcca, MEB, MEclustnet, MetabolomicsBasics, metaEnsembleR, MetaLandSim, mfe, MIAmaxent, mikropml, mildsvm, MiPP, mispr, mistral, mixAR, MixGHD, mlearning, mlmts, mlr3shiny, MMD, mnem, MNLR, Modeler, ModTools, MSclassifR, MSiP, mt, multiclassPairs, mxnorm, NanoMethViz, NBShiny, NBShiny2, NBShiny3, nempi, NicheBarcoding, nlcv, nlnet, nonet, NonProbEst, npcs, nproc, OddsPlotty, oncrawlR, optBiomarker, ORION, osmplotr, PAA, pacviz, PASWR, PASWR2, pguIMP, PhosR, POMA, PosteriorBootstrap, preciseTAD, PredCRG, predkmeans, PredPsych, pRoloc, rADA, radiant.model, RAMClustR, RandPro, rasclass, RaSEn, RclusTool, RcmdrMisc, RecordLinkage, regfilter, regressoR, Rmagpie, rminer, robCompositions, RSDA, RTextTools, RTIGER, sambia, sampleClassifier, SC3, scAnnotatR, scmap, scorecardModelUtils, scReClassify, sdcMicro, SeqSQC, sharpshootR, shattering, shinyr, sigFeature, simPop, SixSigma, SLEMI, SMDIC, soilassessment, spdep, spm2, SPUTNIK, SSDM, ssr, sssc, stablelearner, StarBioTrek, STFTS, stylo, SubCellBarCode, SwarmSVM, symbolicDA, tableone, TCseq, traineR, transcriptR, TSGS, TSPred, TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis, vanquish, VFS, VIM, viper, visaOTR, visualpred, VMDML, WaveletSVR, WeibullFit, xLLiM, ZetaSuite
Reverse suggests: A3, ampir, aVirtualTwins, batchtools, BiodiversityR, breakDown, broom, butcher, c2c, caretEnsemble, catdata, CBDA, ceterisParibus, classifly, ClassifyR, clue, ClustAssess, CMA, CNPS, coin, cola, condvis2, ConfusionTableR, crtests, cvms, diceR, easyalluvial, ensembleR, EventDetectR, ExplainPrediction, ezplot, familiar, FastImputation, FinTS, flacco, frbs, FRESA.CAD, fromo, fscaret, GAparsimony, GenericML, GROAN, HPiP, iBreakDown, iml, infinityFlow, IRon, klaR, languageR, MachineShop, maigesPack, microbiomeMarker, mistat, MLInterfaces, MLmetrics, mlr, mlr3cluster, mlr3learners, mlr3tuningspaces, mlrCPO, MLSeq, mmb, modelplotr, moreparty, mpath, NeuralSens, NHSRdatasets, opalr, partools, pathwayTMB, pdp, performanceEstimation, PheCAP, PhysicalActivity, Platypus, PMCMRplus, pmml, posterior, purgeR, pvar, r2pmml, rattle, Rcmdr, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU, RforProteomics, rScudo, RStoolbox, Rtropical, RWeka, scGPS, sense, sentometrics, sesame, shipunov, simglm, sits, ssc, SSLR, strip, strucchange, strucchangeRcpp, structToolbox, subsemble, SuperLearner, superMICE, superml, swag, TBSignatureProfiler, tidybulk, TunePareto, UBL, utiml, vivid, WeightSVM
Reverse enhances: prediction, RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat, sfsmisc


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